Disclosures (Working Prototype)

# Disclosure Label Disclosure Name
1 Balance Sheet BalanceSheet
2 Basis of Reporting Note [Note Level] BasisOfReporting
3 Cash Flow Statement [Roll Forward] CashFlowStatement
4 Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities [Roll Up] DeferredTaxAssetsAndLiabilities
5 Document and Entity Information [Hierarchy] DocumentAndEntityInformation
6 Document Information [Hierarchy] DocumentInformation
7 Earnings Per Share, Basic and Diluted [Roll Up] EarningsPerShareBasicAndDilutedRollUp
8 Effective Income Tax Rate, Continuing Operations, Tax Rate Reconciliation [Roll Up] EffectiveIncomeTaxRateContinuingOperationsTaxRateReconciliationRollUp
9 Entity Information, by Legal Entity [Hierarchy] EntityInformation
10 Future Minimum Payments Due under Operating Leases of Lessee [Roll Up] OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueRollUp
11 Future Minimum Payments Receivable of Capital Leases, Lessor [Roll Up] CapitalLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsReceivableRollUp
12 Future Minimum Payments Receivable of Operating Leases of Lessor [Roll Up] OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsReceivableRollUp
13 Future Minimum Payments, Present Value of Net Minimum Payments, Noncancelable Capital Leases, Lessor [Roll Up] CapitalLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsPresentValueOfNetMinimumPaymentsRollUp
14 Geographic Areas, Long-Lived Assets in Individual Foreign Countries, by Country [Roll Up] GeographicAreasLongLivedAssetsInIndividualForeignCountriesByCountryDisclosure
15 Geographic Areas, Revenue from External Customers Attributed to Foreign Countries, by Geographic Area [Table Text Block] RevenuefromExternalCustomersAttributedToForeignCountriesByGeographicArea
16 Goodwill [Roll Forward] GoodwillRollForward
17 Income Statement, by Legal Entity [Roll Up] IncomeStatement
18 Intangible Assets, Finite-lived, Future Amortization Expense [Roll Up] FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsFutureAmortizationExpenseRollUp
19 Intangible Assets, Finite-lived, Net, by Major Class [Roll Up] FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsNetRollUp
20 Intangible Assets, Indefinite-lived, by Major Class [Roll Up] IndefinitelivedIntangibleAssets
21 Inventory, Net (Current) [Roll Up] InventoryNetRollUp
22 Long-term Debt Instruments, by Instrument [Hierarchy] LongTermDebtInstruments
23 Long-term Debt Maturities [Hierarchy] LongTermDebtMaturities2
24 Long-term Debt Maturities [Roll Up] LongTermDebtMaturities
25 Nature of Operations Note [Note Level] NatureOfOperations
26 Product Warranty Liability [Roll Forward] ProductWarrantyLiability
27 Property, Plant and Equipment, Net, by Type [Roll Up] PropertyPlantAndEquipmentNetByTypeRollUp
28 Property, Plant and Equipment, Net, by Type [Roll Up] (Axis/Member style) PropertyPlantAndEquipmentNetByType2
29 Restructuring Reserve, by Type of Cost [Table Text Block] RestructuringReserveByTypeOfCost
30 Revenue Recognition Policy [Policy Text Block] RevenueRecognitionPolicy
31 Share-based Compensation Arrangements, by Award [Abstract] SharebasedCompensationArrangementsBySharebasedPaymentAward
32 Share-based Payment Award, Stock Options, Valuation Assumptions [Hierarchy] SharebasedPaymentAwardStockOptionsValuationAssumptions
33 Significant Accounting Policies Note [Note Level] SignificantAccountingPolicies
34 Statement of Changes in Equity [Roll Forward] StatementOfChangesInEquity
35 Statement of Comprehensive Income StatementOfComprehensiveIncome


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