
# Process Category
1 AP Table apPaymentData
Accounts payable payment details by payment made to supplier.
2 AR Table arPaymentData
Accounts receivable payment details by customer payment received by customer.
3 GL Table bankAccountMasterData
Bank account master data by bank account.
4 GL Table businessUnit
Business unit master data by business unit.
5 GL Table chartOfAccounts
Chart of accounts information by general ledger account.
6 AR Table customerMasterData
Customer master data by customer record per accounts receivable subsystem.
7 HR Table employeeMasterData
Employee master data by employee record.
8 FA Table fixedAssetAdditions
Fixed asset additions schedule for each fixed asset addition by fixed asset identifier per fixed asset master data.
9 FA Table fixedAssetDepreciation
Fixed asset depreciation schedule by fixed asset identifier per fixed asset master data.
10 FA Table fixedAssetMasterData
Fixed asset master data by fixed asset record.
11 FA Table fixedAssetRemovals
Fixed asset removals schedule for each fixed asset removal by fixed asset identifier per fixed asset master data.
12 FA Table fixedAssetValuation
Fixed asset valuation
13 GL Table glDetail
General ledger detail transactions by journal entry for each general journal entry.
14 AP Table goodsReceivedData
Goods received from supplier information per accounts payable subsystem.
15 AR Table goodsShippedData
Goods shipped to customer information per accounts receivable subsystem.
16 IV Table inventoryList
Physical inventory list.
17 IV Table inventoryTransactions
Inventory transactions
18 IV Table materialCost
Material cost
19 AP Table purchaseInvoiceData
Purchase invoice information from supplier purchase per accounts payable subsystem.
20 AP Table purchaseOrderData
Purchase order information for purchase from supplier per accounts payable subsystem.
21 AR Table salesInvoiceData
Sales invoice information to customer from accounts receivable subsystem.
22 AR Table salesOrderData
Sales order information for customer sale per accounts receivable subsystem.
23 GL Table segmentListing
Segment listing
24 GL Table sourceListing
Transaction source listing master data for each accounting subsystem.
25 AP Table supplierMasterData
Supplier or vendor master data by supplier record per accounts payable subsystem.
26 GL Table taxTable
Tax table master data by tax table identifier.
27 GL Table trialBalance
Trial balance information per general ledger subsystem.
28 GL Table userListing
User master data by system user.

Last updated: 11/20/2020 12:26:32 PM