
11/20/2020 12:35:13 PM

Line Field Name Data Type Description
1 str:customerMasterData Table Customer master data by customer record per accounts receivable subsystem.
2 term:addressAddressType Term (Text/String) Field to differentiate between multiple addresses. To indicate the type of address. Choose from the predefined enumeration. (examples: StreetAddress PostalAddress, BillingAddress)
3 term:addressBuilding Term (Text/String) The physical street address line 2 of the supplier.
4 term:addressCity Term (Text/String) The physical city where the customer is located.
5 term:addressCountry Term (Text/String) The country code where the supplier is physically located. Recommend ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 or ISO 3166-1 Alpha 3 format (XX or XXX).
6 term:addressNumber Term (Text/String) The physical street address line 1 of the supplier.
7 term:addressPostalCode Term (Text/String) The zip code of the city where the customer is physically located.
8 term:addressRegion Term (Text/String) The physical state or province where the customer is located. Recommend ISO 3166-2.
9 term:addressStreetName Term (Text/String) The physical Street where the customer is located.
10 term:bankAccountId Term (Text/String) Unambiguous identification of the account to which credit and debit entries are made.
11 term:bankAccountName Term (Text/String) The name of the individual or company holding the bank account.
12 term:bankAccountNumber Term (Text/String) The number allocated to the account by the individuals or companys own bank.
13 term:companyType Term (Text/String)
14 term:customerAccountId Term (Text/String) Identifier of the customer from whom payment is expected or to whom unused credits have been applied.
15 term:customerCreditLimit Term (Text/String) The credit limit for this customer, a total outstanding balance.
16 term:customerGroup Term (Text/String) The physical street address line 1 of the customer.
17 term:customerId Term (Text/String) Unique code for the customer
18 term:customerType Term (Text/String) The type of customer
19 term:effectiveDate Term (Date) Date the customer declared active.
20 term:email Term (Text/String) Email address of the primary contact.
21 term:expirationDate Term (Date) Date the customer was declared inactive.
22 term:fax Term (Text/String)
23 term:firstName Term (Text/String) The first (given) name of the person.
24 term:IBANNumber Term (Text/String) International Bank Account Number, ISO 13616
25 term:lastName Term (Text/String) The last (family) name of the person.
26 term:legalEntityIdentifier Term (Text/String)
27 term:name Term (Text/String) The name of the supplier.
28 term:paymentDiscountDays Term (Text/String) The number of days from the invoice date the supplier allows to take advantage of discounted terms. Terms are represented as digits with no decimal places (for example, nnn).
29 term:paymentDiscountPercentage Term (Decimal) The discount percentage the supplier may provide if an invoice is paid before a certain number of days. In the flat file, terms are represented as digits to one decimal place (for example, 10% would be represented as 10.0). In extensible business reporting language global ledger taxonomy framework (XBRL GL), the three fields Terms_Discount_Percentage, Terms_Discount_Days and Terms_Due_Days would be entered in the form xx.x% dd Net dd, such as 2% 10 Net 30 for 2% discount if paid within 10 days, with the net due in 30 days.
30 term:paymentDueDays Term (Text/String) The number of days allowed to meet the obligation before an invoice becomes overdue.
31 term:registrationNumber Term (Text/String) Unique number to identify the company in the accounting records, issued by a government authority or created by the company for internal purposes to identify different entities within their corporate group.
32 term:selfBillingIndicator Term (Text/String) Indicator showing if a self-billing agreement exists between the customer and the supplier
33 term:sortCode Term (Text/String) Identifier for the bank branch at which the account is held. May be needed to uniquely identify the account.
34 term:systemApprovedDateTime Term (Date) The date and time the entry was approved.
35 term:systemApprovedUser Term (Text/String) User ID (from User_Listing file) for person who approved the entry.
36 term:systemEntryDateTime Term (Date) The date the transaction was entered into the system. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date. This should be a system-generated date (rather than user-entered date), when possible. This date does not necessarily correspond with the date of the transaction itself.
37 term:systemEntryUser Term (Text/String) User_ID (from User_Listing file) for person who created the record.
38 term:systemModifiedDateTime Term (Date) The date and time the entry was last modified.
39 term:systemModifiedUser Term (Text/String) User_ID (from User_Listing file) for the last person modifying this entry.
40 term:taxAuthority Term (Text/String) Identification of the Revenue Body to which this TaxType refers.
41 term:taxNumber Term (Text/String) The suppliers tax identification number.
42 term:taxRegistrationNumber Term (Text/String) Unique number issued by a Revenue Body for use by the company.
43 term:taxType Term (Text/String) Tax type for look-up in tables
44 term:taxVerificationDate Term (Date) The date that the tax registration details referred to above were last checked.
45 term:telephone Term (Text/String) Phone number of the primary contact at the supplier.
46 term:title Term (Text/String) The title of the person (for example, accounting manager).
47 term:transactionCreditLimit Term (Text/String) The per invoice credit limit established with this supplier.
48 term:website Term (Text/String)