Ref | Item | Description |
A. | Number | 1 |
B. | Title | Reference Implementation, SEC XBRL filing using 2011 US GAAP Taxonomy (Permitted) |
C. | Description | An SEC XBRL filing "permitted" by the SEC. XBRL instance financial integrety is properly articulated, XBRL features such as "hypercube jumping" are leveraged, concepts are not duplicated, etc. This is not perfect from an accounting perspective yet, still working on that. |
D. | Industry | Commercial and Industrial Companies |
E. | HTML Filing | HTML |
F. | XBRL Instance (See how to view this using the XBRL viewer add on for Firefox) | XBRL | Human Readable Fact Table Infoset (HTML) | Computer Readable Fact Table Infoset (BRLM XML Infoset) | Computer Readable Fact Table Infoset (SEC XML Infoset) |
G. | XBRL Taxonomy | XSD | Human Readable (HTML) | Computer Readable Infoset (BRLM XML Infoset) | Computer Readable Infoset (SEC XML Infoset) |
H. a. | Business Rules (XBRL Calculations) | XML (Linkbase) | Calculation Consistency Check Results |
H. b. | Business Rules (Computations, mostly [Roll Forward]s and dimensional aggregations) | XML (Linkbase) | Rendering of Computation Rules | XBRL Formula Validation Results |
H. c | Business Rules (Core Financial Integrity) | XML (Linkbase) | Rendering of Core Financial Integrity Rules | Core Financial Integrity Validation Results |
H. d | Business Rules (Consistency Checks) | XML (Linkbase) | Consistency Checks Rendering | XBRL Formula Validation Results |
I. | Test Submission Files (works with SEC Previewer) | ZIP |
J. | Download ALL Files (helps you reverse engineer XBRL instance and XBRL taxonomy) | ZIP |
K. | EFM (Edgar Filer Manual) Validation Results (Thank you to XBRL Cloud) | HTML |
L. | Fact Tables Analysis | Excel (.xls) |
M. | Documentation | |
N. | Examination/Inspection Report (prototype) | This prototype tool or viewer allows you to examine an SEC XBRL financial filing. |