Terms (atributes) are used to represent what amounts to the fields of a database table.

Information about defined terms: (Human Readable List of Terms) | (Machine Readable List of Terms)

# Category Term Data Type MS Data Type Description
1 Attribute accountId TEXT string General Ledger Account code for this supplier. Can be including sub-account id. It can contain many different levels to identify the Account. It could include cost centres such as company, division, region, group and branch/department.
2 Attribute accountSubtype TEXT string Grouping for lower-level categories on the financial statements. Examples include reserve account, suspense account, intercompany account, and so on.
3 Attribute accountType TEXT string Grouping for high-level category on the financial statements. Values should be assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, expenses, and so on.
4 Attribute acquirerId TEXT string
5 Attribute acquisitionDetails TEXT string
6 Attribute additionalAddressDetail TEXT string
7 Attribute additionType TEXT string
8 Attribute addressAddressType TEXT string Field to differentiate between multiple addresses. To indicate the type of address. Choose from the predefined enumeration. (examples: StreetAddress PostalAddress, BillingAddress)
9 Attribute addressBuilding TEXT string The physical street address line 2 of the supplier.
10 Attribute addressCity TEXT string The physical city where the customer is located.
11 Attribute addressCountry TEXT string The country code where the supplier is physically located. Recommend ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 or ISO 3166-1 Alpha 3 format (XX or XXX).
12 Attribute addressNumber TEXT string The physical street address line 1 of the supplier.
13 Attribute addressPostalCode TEXT string The zip code of the city where the customer is physically located.
14 Attribute addressRegion TEXT string The physical state or province where the customer is located. Recommend ISO 3166-2.
15 Attribute addressStreetName TEXT string The physical Street where the customer is located.
16 Attribute adjustmentAmount NUMERIC decimal Reference number on shipping document (company reference or logistics company identifier).
17 Attribute adjustmentDescription TEXT string If an adjustment to the receipt, a description of the reason for the adjustment.
18 Attribute adjustmentIndicator TEXT string 0 if the transaction is the original shipment transaction, 1 if the transaction is a shipment adjustment.
19 Attribute amount NUMERIC decimal Transaction monetary amount recorded in the functional or group currency for the entity under audit. No multicurrency translation should need to be performed on this amount because all transactions are recorded in a single currency.
20 Attribute amountBeginning NUMERIC decimal Period beginning balance amount (that is, the ending balance from the prior period) recorded in the functional or group currency. No multicurrency translation should need to be performed on this amount because all are recorded in a single currency.
21 Attribute amountBeginningLocal NUMERIC decimal Period beginning balance amount in the local country currency for multicurrency tracking.
22 Attribute amountBeginningReporting NUMERIC decimal Period beginning balance amount in reporting currency used for statutory reporting.
23 Attribute amountCreditDebitIndicator TEXT string Indicates whether the amount is a credit or debit. “C”=credit; “D”=debit.
24 Attribute amountCurrency TEXT string The functional or group currency related to the balance. See ISO 4217 coding.
25 Attribute amountEnding NUMERIC decimal Period ending balance amount recorded in the functional or group currency. No multicurrency translation should need to be performed on this amount because all are recorded in a single currency.
26 Attribute amountEndingLocal NUMERIC decimal Period ending balance amount in the local country currency for multicurrency tracking.
27 Attribute amountEndingReporting NUMERIC decimal Period ending balance amount in reporting currency used for statutory reporting.
28 Attribute amountLocalCurrency TEXT string The currency used for local country reporting requirements. See ISO 4217 coding.
29 Attribute amountReportingCurrency TEXT string The currency used for nonconsolidated reporting as opposed to functional or consolidated reporting or local or actual amounts. See ISO 4217 coding.
30 Attribute approvedBy TEXT string User ID (from User_Listing file) for person who approved the entry.
31 Attribute approvedByDate DATE date Date the entry was approved.
32 Attribute approvedByDateTime DATE date The DateTime the entry was approved.
33 Attribute approvedDate DATE date Date the entry was approved.
34 Attribute approvedDateTime DATE date The DateTime the entry was approved.
35 Attribute averageCost NUMERIC decimal
36 Attribute balanceAsOfDate DATE date Date of the provided balance, not when the Trial_Balance file was created (for example, 20141231 if year-end balance, even if the report was run on 20150122).
37 Attribute bankAccountId TEXT string Unambiguous identification of the account to which credit and debit entries are made.
38 Attribute bankAccountName TEXT string The name of the individual or company holding the bank account.
39 Attribute bankAccountNumber TEXT string The number allocated to the account by the individual’s or company’s own bank.
40 Attribute bankAccountSubType TEXT string Specifies the sub type of account (product family group).
41 Attribute bankAccountType TEXT string Specifies the type of account (personal or business).
42 Attribute bankSortCode TEXT string The bank sort code
43 Attribute batchId TEXT string Systems generated ID for batch
44 Attribute billingAddressAdditionalAddressDetail TEXT string
45 Attribute billingAddressAddressType TEXT string Field to differentiate between multiple addresses. To indicate the type of address. Choose from the predefined enumeration. (examples: StreetAddress PostalAddress, BillingAddress)
46 Attribute billingAddressBuilding TEXT string
47 Attribute billingAddressCity TEXT string
48 Attribute billingAddressCountry TEXT string Two-letter country code according to ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 standard. Example NL for the Netherlands.
49 Attribute billingAddressNumber TEXT string
50 Attribute billingAddressPostalCode TEXT string
51 Attribute billingAddressRegion TEXT string Country specific code to indicate regions / provinces within the tax authority. Preferably described according to ISO 3166-2. Example: GB-KEN for Kent county in the United Kingdom.
52 Attribute billingAddressStreetName TEXT string
53 Attribute binId TEXT string
54 Attribute binLocation TEXT string
55 Attribute bookValue NUMERIC decimal
56 Attribute branchStoreNumber TEXT string Branch or Storenumber, additional segregation of customer/supplier, used if not included as part of the customer/supplier id
57 Attribute businessProcessMajor TEXT string The major class of transaction associated with a business process (for example, sales).
58 Attribute businessProcessMinor TEXT string A subprocess of the major business process (for example—orders, returns, discounts, and so on).
59 Attribute businessUnitCode TEXT string Used to identify the business unit, region, branch, and so on at the level that financial statements are being audited and for which the trial balance is generated. For example, you may use a code aligned with the concept of a reportable segment as defined in FASB Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) 280, Segment Reporting.
60 Attribute businessUnitDescription TEXT string Business unit (plain English) description to indicate the name or other identifying characteristics of the business unit.
61 Attribute businessUnitHierarchy1 TEXT string If a hierarchy exists in the business unit structure, use the field to capture the highest level of the hierarchy (for example, global area with values such as North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Far East, and so on).
62 Attribute businessUnitHierarchy2 TEXT string If a hierarchy exists in the business unit structure, use the field to capture the next lower level of the hierarchy (for example, regions with values such as East Coast, West Coast, Central-Western Europe, and so on).
63 Attribute businessUnitHierarchy3 TEXT string If a hierarchy exists in the business unit structure, use the field to capture the next lower level of the hierarchy (for example, cities with values such as Los Angeles, Boston, Frankfurt, and so on).
64 Attribute businessUnitHierarchy4 TEXT string If a hierarchy exists in the business unit structure, use the field to capture the next lower level of the hierarchy.
65 Attribute businessUnitHierarchy5 TEXT string If a hierarchy exists in the business unit structure, use the field to capture the next lower level of the hierarchy.
66 Attribute closingStockQuantity NUMERIC decimal
67 Attribute closingStockValue NUMERIC decimal
68 Attribute companyType TEXT string
69 Attribute costingType TEXT string
70 Attribute countedBy TEXT string
71 Attribute currencyId TEXT string
72 Attribute currentValuation NUMERIC decimal
73 Attribute customerAccountId TEXT string Identifier of the customer from whom payment is expected or to whom unused credits have been applied.
74 Attribute customerCreditLimit TEXT string The credit limit for this customer, a total outstanding balance.
75 Attribute customerGroup TEXT string The physical street address line 1 of the customer.
76 Attribute customerId TEXT string Unique code for the customer
77 Attribute customerInfoCustomerId TEXT string Identifier of the customer from whom payment is expected or to whom unused credits have been applied. Must match a Customer_Account_ID in the Customer_Master_Listing_YYYYMMDD file.
78 Attribute customerInfoName TEXT string Name of the customer
79 Attribute customerType TEXT string The type of customer
80 Attribute defaultInventoryMethod TEXT string
81 Attribute defaultStockingUnitOfMeasure NUMERIC decimal
82 Attribute department TEXT string The department the person is part of (for example, accounting).
83 Attribute departmentCode TEXT string Code for department rosters. EXAMPLE the department name is IT department, the code is 0018
84 Attribute depreciationEffectiveDate DATE date
85 Attribute depreciationForPeriod TEXT string
86 Attribute depreciationRate NUMERIC decimal
87 Attribute description TEXT string Description of the payment.
88 Attribute effectiveDate DATE date Date the customer declared active.
89 Attribute email TEXT string Email address of the primary contact.
90 Attribute employeeDateOfBirth DATE date Date of Birth of the employee
91 Attribute employeeFirstName TEXT string Name of the employee
92 Attribute employeeId TEXT string Unique identifier for an employee. Typically auto-generated by the system
93 Attribute employeeJobTitle TEXT string Job title of a person in an accounting unit. EXAMPLE Accounting manger
94 Attribute employeeLastName TEXT string
95 Attribute employeeMiddleName TEXT string
96 Attribute employeeRefCode TEXT string Code for employee. Each employee has only one code. If someone has part-time jobs in multiple departments, there will be more than one record with different Employee_ID in this table. The part-time status will be reflected in EmployeeTypeCode
97 Attribute employmentStartDate DATE date Employment start date of the employee
98 Attribute employmentTerminationDate DATE date Termination date of the employee from when the labour contract was no longer valid, or from when the employee no longer works in this department
99 Attribute employmentTypeCode TEXT string Code for the employee type. EXAMPLE 004 is an on-the-job employee, 005 is a retired employee 006 is a deceased employee.
100 Attribute employmentTypeName TEXT string Name of the employee type. Example Employed, retired, probation, part time.
101 Attribute enteredBy TEXT string User_ID (from User_Listing file) for person who created the record.
102 Attribute enteredDate DATE date Date the order was entered into the system. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date. This should be a system-generated date (rather than user-entered date), when possible. This date does not necessarily correspond with the date of the transaction itself.
103 Attribute enteredDateTime DATE date The date the transaction was entered into the system. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date. This should be a system-generated date (rather than user-entered date), when possible. This date does not necessarily correspond with the date of the transaction itself.
104 Attribute erpSubledgerModule TEXT string Description of the subledger or ERP module the journal entry originated from. Should tie back to a system or significant accounting process. In some instances, may be represented by source.
105 Attribute expirationDate DATE date Date the customer was declared inactive.
106 Attribute fax TEXT string
107 Attribute firstName TEXT string The first (given) name of the person.
108 Attribute fiscalYear TEXT string Fiscal year in which Effective_Date occurs—YYYY for delimited, CCYY-MM-DD fiscal year end (ISO 8601) for Extensible Business Reporting Language Global Ledger taxonomy framework (XBRL GL).
109 Attribute fixedAssetAccumulatedDepreciation NUMERIC decimal
110 Attribute fixedAssetAccumulatedDepreciationAccount TEXT string
111 Attribute fixedAssetAcquisitionDate DATE date
112 Attribute fixedAssetAdditionDate DATE date
113 Attribute fixedAssetAdditionId TEXT string
114 Attribute fixedAssetAssetAccount TEXT string
115 Attribute fixedAssetAvailableforSaleDate DATE date
116 Attribute fixedAssetBarCode TEXT string
117 Attribute fixedAssetCIPAccount TEXT string
118 Attribute fixedAssetCIPFlag TEXT string
119 Attribute fixedAssetClass TEXT string
120 Attribute fixedAssetCode TEXT string
121 Attribute fixedAssetCost NUMERIC decimal
122 Attribute fixedAssetDepreciableBasis TEXT string
123 Attribute fixedAssetDepreciationAccount TEXT string
124 Attribute fixedAssetDepreciationAmount NUMERIC decimal
125 Attribute fixedAssetDepreciationId TEXT string
126 Attribute fixedAssetDepreciationMethod TEXT string
127 Attribute fixedAssetDescription TEXT string
128 Attribute fixedAssetDisposalDate DATE date
129 Attribute fixedAssetFairValue NUMERIC decimal
130 Attribute fixedAssetGroup01 TEXT string
131 Attribute fixedAssetGroup02 TEXT string
132 Attribute fixedAssetId TEXT string
133 Attribute fixedAssetInactiveFlag TEXT string
134 Attribute fixedAssetInServiceDate DATE date
135 Attribute fixedAssetNetBookValue NUMERIC decimal
136 Attribute fixedAssetOriginalCost NUMERIC decimal
137 Attribute fixedAssetQuantityOnHand TEXT string
138 Attribute fixedAssetRealisedGainLossAccount TEXT string
139 Attribute fixedAssetRealizedGainLossAccount TEXT string
140 Attribute fixedAssetRealizedGainLossAmount NUMERIC decimal
141 Attribute fixedAssetRemovalCashProceedsAmount NUMERIC decimal
142 Attribute fixedAssetRemovalDate DATE date
143 Attribute fixedAssetRemovalNonCashProceedsAmount NUMERIC decimal
144 Attribute fixedAssetRemovalsId TEXT string
145 Attribute fixedAssetReplacementCost NUMERIC decimal
146 Attribute fixedAssetRetirementDate DATE date
147 Attribute fixedAssetSalvageValue NUMERIC decimal
148 Attribute fixedAssetToBeAbandonedOrDisposedOfOtherThanByForSaleDate DATE date
149 Attribute fixedAssetType TEXT string
150 Attribute fixedAssetUniqueId TEXT string
151 Attribute fixedAssetUnrealizedGainLossAccount TEXT string
152 Attribute fixedAssetUnrealizedGainLossAmount NUMERIC decimal
153 Attribute fixedAssetUsefulLife TEXT string
154 Attribute fixedAssetUsefulLifeRemaining TEXT string
155 Attribute fsCaption TEXT string Financial statement caption. Grouping for the caption the GL account rolls up to on the financial statements (for example, cash and cash equivalents, accounts payable, cost of sales, and so on). Sometimes may prefer to be at the trial balance level.
156 Attribute glAccount TEXT string
157 Attribute glAccountDescription TEXT string Label or description associated with GL_Account_Number.
158 Attribute glAccountName TEXT string Name for the GL account.
159 Attribute glAccountNumber TEXT string Identifier for the GL financial quarterly periods. GL_Account_Number in this file must match the GL_Account_Number used in the Trial_Balance and Chart_Of_Accounts files.
160 Attribute glAssetAccount TEXT string
161 Attribute glCostAccount TEXT string
162 Attribute glCreditAccountNumber TEXT string GL account number on which the credit side of the transaction has been posted.
163 Attribute glDebitAccountNumber TEXT string GL account number on which the debit side of the transaction has been posted.
164 Attribute glLineCreditAccountNumber TEXT string GL account number on which the credit side of the transaction has been posted.
165 Attribute glLineDebitAccountNumber TEXT string GL account number on which the debit side of the transaction has been posted.
166 Attribute glPostingDate DATE date Date posting to GL
167 Attribute glTax1CreditAccountNumber TEXT string GL account number on which the credit side of the Tax1 transaction has been posted.
168 Attribute glTax1DebitAccountNumber TEXT string GL account number on which the debit side of the Tax1 transaction has been posted.
169 Attribute glTax2CreditAccountNumber TEXT string GL account number on which the credit side of the Tax2 transaction has been posted.
170 Attribute glTax2DebitAccountNumber TEXT string GL account number on which the debit side of the Tax2 transaction has been posted.
171 Attribute glTax3CreditAccountNumber TEXT string GL account number on which the credit side of the Tax3 transaction has been posted.
172 Attribute glTax3DebitAccountNumber TEXT string GL account number on which the debit side of the Tax3 transaction has been posted.
173 Attribute glTransactionId TEXT string
174 Attribute goodsReceiptUniqueId TEXT string
175 Attribute goodsReceivedAmount NUMERIC decimal Customer purchasing the product. Must match a Customer_Account_ID in the Customer_Master_Listing_YYYYMMDD file.
176 Attribute goodsReceivedCurrencyAmount NUMERIC decimal
177 Attribute goodsReceivedCurrencyCode TEXT string
178 Attribute goodsReceivedExchangeRate NUMERIC decimal The exchange rate used. CurrencyAmount x ExchangeRate = Amount
179 Attribute goodsShippedId TEXT string
180 Attribute groupingCode TEXT string Grouping mechanism for related items in a batch or grouping of invoices, such as the invoice grouping found in certain ERP systems
181 Attribute IBAN TEXT string The International Bank Account Number
182 Attribute IBANNumber TEXT string International Bank Account Number, ISO 13616
183 Attribute inventoryABCCode TEXT string
184 Attribute inventoryBarCode TEXT string
185 Attribute inventoryClass TEXT string
186 Attribute inventoryCost NUMERIC decimal
187 Attribute inventoryCostMethod TEXT string
188 Attribute inventoryDescription TEXT string
189 Attribute inventoryFromLocation TEXT string
190 Attribute inventoryglLineCreditAccountNumber TEXT string
191 Attribute inventoryglLineDebitAccountNumber TEXT string
192 Attribute inventoryHeldForCustomers TEXT string
193 Attribute inventoryHeldForOthers TEXT string
194 Attribute inventoryHeldForSuppliers TEXT string
195 Attribute inventoryId TEXT string
196 Attribute inventoryItemCode TEXT string
197 Attribute inventoryListPrice NUMERIC decimal
198 Attribute inventoryProductId TEXT string
199 Attribute inventoryProductType TEXT string
200 Attribute inventoryPurchaseYearToDate DATE date
201 Attribute inventoryPurchasingUOM TEXT string
202 Attribute inventorySellingUOM TEXT string
203 Attribute inventorySoldYearToDate DATE date
204 Attribute inventoryStockingUOM TEXT string
205 Attribute inventorySystemOrExternalSource TEXT string
206 Attribute inventoryToLocation TEXT string
207 Attribute inventoryTransactionApprovedBy TEXT string
208 Attribute inventoryTransactionApprovedByDate DATE date
209 Attribute inventoryTransactionEnteredBy TEXT string
210 Attribute inventoryTransactionEnteredDate DATE date
211 Attribute inventoryTransactionId TEXT string
212 Attribute inventoryTransactionLastModifiedBy TEXT string
213 Attribute inventoryTransactionLastModifiedDate DATE date
214 Attribute invoiceAmount NUMERIC decimal Transaction monetary amount recorded in the functional or group currency. No multicurrency translation should need to be performed on this amount because all transactions should be recorded in a single currency.
215 Attribute invoiceAmountCurrency NUMERIC decimal The functional or group currency related to the invoice amount. See ISO 4217 coding.
216 Attribute invoiceAmountLocal NUMERIC decimal Transaction monetary amount in local currency. Usually the amount seen on the original invoice document.
217 Attribute invoiceAmountReporting NUMERIC decimal Transaction monetary amount recorded in the reporting currency.
218 Attribute invoiceDate DATE date The date of the invoice, regardless of the date the invoice is entered. This is the date from which the due date is calculated based on the invoice terms.
219 Attribute invoiceDocumentReference TEXT string
220 Attribute invoiceDueDate DATE date The date payment is due from the customer. Aging of a receivable is usually calculated based on this date.
221 Attribute invoiceId TEXT string Unique identifier for each invoice. This ID may need to be created by concatenating fields (for example, document number, document type, and year) to uniquely identify each transaction. The same ID must be used for all tables with invoice data (Invoices_Received_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMM DD, Open_Accounts_Payables_YYYYMMDD, AP_Cash_Application_YYYYMMDD_YYYYM MDD, and AP_Adjustments_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD).
222 Attribute invoiceLineAmount NUMERIC decimal Transaction monetary amount recorded in the functional or group currency. No multicurrency translation should need to be performed on this amount because all transactions should be recorded in a single currency.
223 Attribute invoiceLineAmountCurrencyAmount NUMERIC decimal Transaction monetary amount in local currency.
224 Attribute invoiceLineAmountCurrencyCode NUMERIC decimal The functional or group currency related to the invoice amount. See ISO 4217 coding.
225 Attribute invoiceLineAmountExchangeRate NUMERIC decimal The exchange rate used. CurrencyAmount x ExchangeRate = Amount
226 Attribute invoiceLineAmountReporting NUMERIC decimal Transaction monetary amount recorded in the reporting currency.
227 Attribute invoiceLineLocalCurrency TEXT string The currency for local reporting requirements. See ISO 4217 coding.
228 Attribute invoiceLineReportingCurrency TEXT string The reporting currency related to the invoice reporting amount for non consolidated reporting. See ISO4217 coding.
229 Attribute invoiceLocalCurrency TEXT string The currency for local reporting requirements. See ISO 4217 coding.
230 Attribute invoiceNo TEXT string Identification number for an externally generated invoice.
231 Attribute invoiceReportingCurrency TEXT string The reporting currency related to the invoice reporting amount for nonconsolidated reporting. See ISO 4217 coding.
232 Attribute invoiceType TEXT string Type of invoice: Debit invoice, Credit invoice, Cash, Ticket, etc
233 Attribute isActiveFlag TEXT string Indicates whether one employee is active or inactive. An employee can become inactive due to various reasons (i.e sabbatical leave)
234 Attribute jeHeaderDescription TEXT string Description of the entire journal entry as described by the journal entry header.
235 Attribute jeLineDescription TEXT string Description of the individual line within the journal entry.
236 Attribute journalEntryType TEXT string
237 Attribute journalId TEXT string Identifier that is unique for each journal entry. May require concatenation of multiple fields.
238 Attribute journalIdLineNumber TEXT string Identifier that is unique for each line within a journal entry.
239 Attribute lastCountDate DATE date
240 Attribute lastDespatchedDate DATE date
241 Attribute lastModifiedBy TEXT string User_ID (from User_Listing file) for the last person modifying this entry.
242 Attribute lastModifiedByDate DATE date
243 Attribute lastModifiedDate DATE date The date the entry was last modified before posting.
244 Attribute lastModifiedDateTime DATE date The date and time the entry was last modified before posting.
245 Attribute lastName TEXT string The last (family) name of the person.
246 Attribute lastReceivedDate DATE date
247 Attribute legalEntityIdentifier TEXT string
248 Attribute lineAccountId TEXT string General Ledger Account code of the GL-revenue-account. Can be including sub-account id. It can contain many different levels to identify the Account. It could include cost centres such as company, division, region, group and branch/department.
249 Attribute lineAdjustmentAmount NUMERIC decimal
250 Attribute lineAdjustmentDescription TEXT string
251 Attribute lineAmount NUMERIC decimal In the header's default currency.
252 Attribute lineAnalysisAmount NUMERIC decimal Transaction monetary amount recorded in the functional or group currency. No multicurrency translation should need to be performed on this amount because all transactions should be recorded in a single currency.
253 Attribute lineAnalysisAmountCurrencyAmount NUMERIC decimal Transaction monetary amount in local currency.
254 Attribute lineAnalysisAmountCurrencyCode TEXT string The functional or group currency related to the invoice amount. See ISO 4217 coding.
255 Attribute lineAnalysisAmountExchangeRate NUMERIC decimal The exchange rate used. CurrencyAmount x ExchangeRate = Amount
256 Attribute lineAnalysisAnalysisAmount NUMERIC decimal The functional or group currency related to the receipt amount. See ISO 4217 coding.
257 Attribute lineAnalysisAnalysisAmountCurrencyCode TEXT string Transaction monetary amount recorded in the reporting currency.
258 Attribute lineAnalysisAnalysisAmountExchangeRate NUMERIC decimal The exchange rate used. CurrencyAmount x ExchangeRate = Amount
259 Attribute lineAnalysisAnalysisAmountLocalCurrency NUMERIC decimal The currency for local reporting requirements. See ISO 4217 coding.
260 Attribute lineAnalysisAnalysisId TEXT string Analysis ID: e.g. 1200-HDOF-TR (for cost center treasury in the headoffice), P-4800-123 (for project 123 in branch 4800)
261 Attribute lineAnalysisAnalysisIdDescription TEXT string Description of the AnalysisID: e.g. Headoffice-Treasury.
262 Attribute lineAnalysisAnalysisType TEXT string Analysis type identifier: e.g. CC (for Cost Center), DEP (for department), etc
263 Attribute lineAnalysisAnalysisTypeDescription TEXT string Description of the AnalysisType, e.g. Cost Center
264 Attribute lineAnalysisId TEXT string Value of the analysisID: f.i. which cost center applies
265 Attribute lineAnalysisType TEXT string Analysis code identifier: cost center, cost unit, cost type, project, etc. Refers to the MasterFile AnalysisTypeTable
266 Attribute lineAnlaysisTypeDescription TEXT string Description of the AnalysisType, e.g. Cost Center
267 Attribute lineApprovedBy TEXT string User ID (from User_Listing file) for person who approved the entry.
268 Attribute lineApprovedDateTime DATE date The date and time the entry was approved.
269 Attribute lineBusinessUnitCode TEXT string Used to identify the business unit, region, branch, and so on at the level that financial statements are being audited. Must match the Business_Unit_Code in the Business_Unit_Listing file.
270 Attribute lineCreditNoteReason TEXT string Credit note reason or rationale
271 Attribute lineCreditNoteReference TEXT string Credit note reference (where applicable) to original invoice
272 Attribute lineCurrencyAmount NUMERIC decimal Monetary amount for the line item in the receipt document related to the purchase order in local currency.
273 Attribute lineCurrencyCode TEXT string The currency for local reporting requirements. See ISO 4217 coding.
274 Attribute lineCustomerId TEXT string Unique code for the customer
275 Attribute lineDebitCreditIndicator TEXT string Indicates whether the amounts on line-level are debit or credit amounts. Entry must correspond to entry reflected in General Ledger Entry. Signing of line amounts is relative to this indicator. E.g. a return can lead to a negative amount
276 Attribute lineDeliveryDate DATE date The date of the delivery
277 Attribute lineDescription TEXT string Description of Invoice Line.
278 Attribute lineExchangeRate NUMERIC decimal The exchange rate used. CurrencyAmount x ExchangeRate = Amount
279 Attribute lineFromDate DATE date Startdate of the deliveries
280 Attribute lineGoodsServicesId TEXT string Indicator showing if goods or service
281 Attribute lineGroupingCode TEXT string Grouping mechanism for related items in a batch or grouping of invoices, such as the invoice grouping found in certain ERP systems
282 Attribute lineInvoiceDueDate DATE date The date payment is due to the supplier. Not all transactions will have a due date (for example, credit memos). Aging of a payable is usually calculated based on this date.
283 Attribute lineInvoiceLineAmount NUMERIC decimal In the header's default currency.
284 Attribute lineInvoiceLineAmountCurrencyAmount NUMERIC decimal Amount in foreign currency
285 Attribute lineInvoiceLineAmountCurrencyCode TEXT string Three-letter currency code according to ISO 4217 standard. Example: EUR for the Euros or USD for American Dollars.
286 Attribute lineInvoiceLineAmountExchangeRate NUMERIC decimal The exchange rate used. CurrencyAmount x ExchangeRate = Amount
287 Attribute lineInvoiceLocalCurrency TEXT string The currency for local reporting requirements. See ISO 4217 coding.
288 Attribute lineInvoiceProductGroup01 TEXT string Product descriptor #1, for example, tires or accessories.
289 Attribute lineInvoiceProductGroup02 TEXT string Product descriptor #1, for example, tires or accessories.
290 Attribute lineInvoiceUOM NUMERIC decimal Quantity unit of measure e.g. pack of 12
291 Attribute lineLastModifiedBy TEXT string User_ID (from User_Listing file) for the last person modifying this entry.
292 Attribute lineLastModifiedDate TEXT string The date the entry was last modified.
293 Attribute lineLastModifiedDateTime DATE date The date and time the entry was last modified.
294 Attribute lineLineNumber TEXT string Line item number of the invoice.
295 Attribute lineModifiedBy TEXT string User_ID (from User_Listing file) for the last person modifying this entry.
296 Attribute lineMovementReference TEXT string Unique reference to the movement.
297 Attribute lineOrderDate DATE date Date of order
298 Attribute lineOrderLineAmount NUMERIC decimal
299 Attribute lineOrderLineAmountCurrencyAmount NUMERIC decimal Transaction monetary amount in local currency.
300 Attribute lineOrderLineAmountCurrencyCode TEXT string The currency for local reporting requirements. See ISO 4217 coding.
301 Attribute lineOrderLineAmountExchangeRate NUMERIC decimal
302 Attribute lineOrderUOM TEXT string Purchase order line base unit of measure.
303 Attribute lineOriginatingON TEXT string Origination Order Number
304 Attribute linePaymentAmountLocalCurrencyCode TEXT string The currency for local reporting requirements. See ISO 4217 coding.
305 Attribute linePaymentAmountReporting NUMERIC decimal Transaction monetary amount recorded in the reporting currency.
306 Attribute linePaymentAmountReportingCurrency NUMERIC decimal The reporting currency related to the payment amount for nonconsolidated reporting. See ISO 4217 coding.
307 Attribute linePaymentLineAmount NUMERIC decimal Transaction monetary amount recorded in the functional or group currency. No multicurrency translation should need to be performed on this amount because all transactions should be recorded in a single currency.
308 Attribute linePaymentLineAmountCurrencyAmount NUMERIC decimal Transaction monetary amount in local currency.
309 Attribute linePaymentLineAmountCurrencyCode TEXT string Three-letter currency code according to ISO 4217 standard. Example: EUR for the Euros or USD for American Dollars.
310 Attribute linePaymentLineAmountExchangeRate NUMERIC decimal The exchange rate used. CurrencyAmount x ExchangeRate = Amount
311 Attribute linePiDate DATE date
312 Attribute lineProductCode TEXT string Unique identifier for each purchased product. This ID may need to be created by concatenating fields (for example, business unit, product number, year, and so on) to uniquely identify each product.
313 Attribute lineProductDescription TEXT string Product (plain English) description to indicate the name or other identifying characteristics of the product.
314 Attribute lineProductGroup01 TEXT string Product descriptor #1, for example, tires or accessories.
315 Attribute lineProductGroup02 TEXT string Product descriptor #2, for example, brand.
316 Attribute lineProductId TEXT string Unique identifier for each sales product. This ID may need to be created by concatenating fields (for example, business unit, product number, year, and so on) to uniquely identify each product.
317 Attribute linePurchaseOrderAmount NUMERIC decimal
318 Attribute linePurchaseOrderCurrencyAmount NUMERIC decimal Monetary amount for the line item in the purchase order related to the receipt shipping document in local currency. If no purchase order, leave blank.
319 Attribute linePurchaseOrderCurrencyCode TEXT string The currency for local reporting requirements. See ISO 4217 coding. If no purchase order, leave blank.
320 Attribute linePurchaseOrderExchangeRate NUMERIC decimal
321 Attribute linePurchaseOrderId TEXT string Date of order
322 Attribute linePurchaseOrderLineId TEXT string Identifier for purchase order line number. Must match Purchase_Order_Line_ID used in Purchase_Orders_Lines_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD file. If no purchase order, leave blank.
323 Attribute linePurchaseOrderProductGroup01 TEXT string Product descriptor #1, for example, tires or accessories.
324 Attribute linePurchaseOrderProductGroup02 TEXT string Product descriptor #2, for example, brand.
325 Attribute linePurchaseOrderQuantity TEXT string Purchase order line quantity. If no purchase order, leave blank.
326 Attribute linePurchaseOrderUnitofMeasure TEXT string Purchase order line base unit of measure. If no purchase order, leave blank.
327 Attribute linePurchaseOrderUnitPrice TEXT string Purchase order line price per unit. If no purchase order, leave blank.
328 Attribute lineQuantity TEXT string Quantity of goods and services supplied.
329 Attribute lineReceiptDocumentLineId TEXT string Reference line number on receipt document.
330 Attribute lineReceiptId TEXT string Unique identifier for each shipment received. This ID may need to be created by concatenating fields (for example, document number, document type, and year) to uniquely identify each shipment.
331 Attribute lineReceiptProductBarCode TEXT string UPC or other general identifier.
332 Attribute lineReceiptProductDescription TEXT string Product description (plain English) to indicate the name or other identifying characteristics of the product.
333 Attribute lineReceiptProductGroup01 TEXT string Product descriptor #1, for example, tires or accessories.
334 Attribute lineReceiptProductGroup02 TEXT string Product descriptor #2, for example, brand.
335 Attribute lineReceiptProductId TEXT string Identifier that is unique for each product.
336 Attribute lineReceiptQuantity TEXT string Item quantity received.
337 Attribute lineReceiptUnitOfMeasure TEXT string Base unit of measure.
338 Attribute lineReceiptUnitPrice TEXT string Price per unit for item received.
339 Attribute lineReportingCurrency TEXT string The reporting currency related to the invoice reporting amount for nonconsolidated reporting. See ISO 4217 coding.
340 Attribute lineSalesOrderAmount NUMERIC decimal In the header's default currency.
341 Attribute lineSalesOrderExchangeRate NUMERIC decimal The exchange rate used. CurrencyAmount x ExchangeRate = Amount
342 Attribute lineSalesOrderId TEXT string Sales order ID for invoiced items. Must match Sales_Order_ID in the Sales_Orders_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMM DD file. If no sales order, leave blank.
343 Attribute lineSalesOrderLineAmountLocal TEXT string Monetary amount for the line item in the sales order related to the shipping document line item. Recorded in the local currency. If no sales order, leave blank.
344 Attribute lineSalesOrderLineId TEXT string Identifier for sales order line number. Must match Sales_Order_Line_ID used in Sales_Orders_Lines_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD file. If no sales order, leave blank.
345 Attribute lineSalesOrderLocalCurrency TEXT string The currency for local reporting requirements. See ISO 4217 coding. If no sales order, leave blank.
346 Attribute lineSalesOrderQuantity TEXT string Sales order line original quantity. If no sales order, leave blank.
347 Attribute lineSalesOrderUnitOfMeasure NUMERIC decimal Sales order line base unit of measure. If no sales order, leave blank.
348 Attribute lineSalesOrderUnitPrice NUMERIC decimal Sales order line price per unit. If no sales order, leave blank.
349 Attribute lineSettlementCurrencyAmount NUMERIC decimal Amount in foreign currency
350 Attribute lineSettlementCurrencyCode TEXT string Three-letter currency code according to ISO 4217 standard. Example: EUR for the Euros or USD for American Dollars.
351 Attribute lineSettlementPaymentMechanism TEXT string Payment mechanism
352 Attribute lineSettlementSettlementAmount NUMERIC decimal In the header's default currency.
353 Attribute lineSettlementSettlementAmountExchangeRate NUMERIC decimal The exchange rate used. CurrencyAmount x ExchangeRate = Amount
354 Attribute lineSettlementSettlementDate DATE date Date settled
355 Attribute lineSettlementSettlementDiscount NUMERIC decimal Description Settlement / Other Discount
356 Attribute lineShipFromAdditionalAddressDetail TEXT string
357 Attribute lineShipFromAddress TEXT string
358 Attribute lineShipFromAddressType TEXT string Field to differentiate between multiple addresses. To indicate the type of address. Choose from the predefined enumeration. (examples: StreetAddress PostalAddress, BillingAddress)
359 Attribute lineShipFromBuilding TEXT string
360 Attribute lineShipFromCity TEXT string
361 Attribute lineShipFromCountry TEXT string Two-letter country code according to ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 standard. Example NL for the Netherlands.
362 Attribute lineShipFromDeliveryDate DATE date Date goods are delivered
363 Attribute lineShipFromDeliveryId TEXT string Identification of the delivery
364 Attribute lineShipFromLocationId TEXT string Warehouse where goods held - also to identify work-in-progress, or stock-in-transit
365 Attribute lineShipFromNumber TEXT string
366 Attribute lineShipFromPostalCode TEXT string
367 Attribute lineShipFromRegion TEXT string Country specific code to indicate regions / provinces within the tax authority. Preferably described according to ISO 3166-2. Example: GB-KEN for Kent county in the United Kingdom.
368 Attribute lineShipFromStreetName TEXT string Unique consignment reference number
369 Attribute lineShipFromUCR TEXT string Location of goods in warehouse
370 Attribute lineShipFromWarehouseId TEXT string Warehouse where goods held - also to identify work-in-progress, or stock-in-transit
371 Attribute lineShipmentId TEXT string Unique identifier for each shipment. This ID may need to be created by concatenating fields (for example, document number, document type, and year) to uniquely identify each shipment. Must match the Shipment_ID field in the file Shipments_Made_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD.
372 Attribute lineShippingCostsAmount NUMERIC decimal In the header's default currency.
373 Attribute lineShippingCostsAmountCurrencyAmount NUMERIC decimal Amount in foreign currency
374 Attribute lineShippingCostsAmountCurrencyCode TEXT string Three-letter currency code according to ISO 4217 standard. Example: EUR for the Euros or USD for American Dollars.
375 Attribute lineShippingCostsAmountExchangeRate NUMERIC decimal The exchange rate used. CurrencyAmount x ExchangeRate = Amount
376 Attribute lineShippingDocumentLineId TEXT string Reference line number on shipping document.
377 Attribute lineShippingLineAmountLocal NUMERIC decimal Monetary amount for the line item in the shipping document related to the sales order. Recorded in the local currency.
378 Attribute lineShippingLineAmountLocalCurrency TEXT string The currency for local reporting requirements. See ISO 4217 coding.
379 Attribute lineShippingProductBarCode TEXT string UPC or other general identifier.
380 Attribute lineShippingProductCode TEXT string Product code appearing on the trade document
381 Attribute lineShippingProductDescription TEXT string Product description (plain English) to indicate the name or other identifying characteristics of the product.
382 Attribute lineShippingProductGroup01 TEXT string Product descriptor #1, for example, tires or accessories.
383 Attribute lineShippingProductGroup02 TEXT string Product descriptor #2, for example, brand.
384 Attribute lineShippingProductId TEXT string Identifier that is unique for each product.
385 Attribute lineShippingQuantity TEXT string Item quantity sent.
386 Attribute lineShippingUnitOfMeasure NUMERIC decimal Base unit of measure.
387 Attribute lineShippingUnitPrice NUMERIC decimal Price per unit for item sent.
388 Attribute lineShipToAdditionalAddressDetail TEXT string
389 Attribute lineShipToAddress TEXT string
390 Attribute lineShipToAddressType TEXT string Field to differentiate between multiple addresses. To indicate the type of address. Choose from the predefined enumeration. (examples: StreetAddress PostalAddress, BillingAddress)
391 Attribute lineShipToBuilding TEXT string
392 Attribute lineShipToCity TEXT string
393 Attribute lineShipToCountry TEXT string Two-letter country code according to ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 standard. Example NL for the Netherlands.
394 Attribute lineShipToDeliveryDate DATE date Date goods are delivered
395 Attribute lineShipToDeliveryId TEXT string Identification of the delivery
396 Attribute lineShipToLocationId TEXT string Location of goods in warehouse
397 Attribute lineShipToNumber TEXT string
398 Attribute lineShipToPostalCode TEXT string
399 Attribute lineShipToRegion TEXT string Country specific code to indicate regions / provinces within the tax authority. Preferably described according to ISO 3166-2. Example: GB-KEN for Kent county in the United Kingdom.
400 Attribute lineShipToStreetName TEXT string
401 Attribute lineShipToUCR TEXT string Unique consignment reference number
402 Attribute lineShipToWarehouseId TEXT string Warehouse where goods held - also to identify work-in-progress, or stock-in-transit
403 Attribute lineSourceDocumentId TEXT string The source document to which the line relates
404 Attribute lineSubsequentPi TEXT string
405 Attribute lineSupplierId TEXT string Identifier of the supplier to whom payment is due or from whom unused credits have been applied. Must match the Supplier_Account_ID in the Supplier_Listing_YYYYMMDD file.
406 Attribute lineSystemEntryDateTime DATE date The date the transaction was entered into the system. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date. This should be a system-generated date (rather than user-entered date), when possible. This date does not necessarily correspond with the date of the transaction itself.
407 Attribute lineSystemEntryUser TEXT string User_ID (from User_Listing file) for person who created the record.
408 Attribute lineSystemModifiedDateTime DATE date The date and time the entry was last modified.
409 Attribute lineSystemModifiedUser TEXT string User_ID (from User_Listing file) for the last person modifying this entry.
410 Attribute lineTaxInformationTaxAmount NUMERIC decimal In the header's default currency.
411 Attribute lineTaxInformationTaxAmountCurrencyAmount NUMERIC decimal Amount in foreign currency
412 Attribute lineTaxInformationTaxAmountCurrencyCode TEXT string Three-letter currency code according to ISO 4217 standard. Example: EUR for the Euros or USD for American Dollars.
413 Attribute lineTaxInformationTaxAmountExchangeRate NUMERIC decimal The exchange rate used. CurrencyAmount x ExchangeRate = Amount
414 Attribute lineTaxInformationTaxBase TEXT string The base on which the tax is calculated. This can be an amount, or a quantity, eg. Litres.
415 Attribute lineTaxInformationTaxBaseDescription TEXT string Description of the value in the TaxBase. Eg. Litres for excises on alcoholic bevarages.
416 Attribute lineTaxInformationTaxCode TEXT string Tax Code for lookup in tables
417 Attribute lineTaxInformationTaxDeclarationPeriod TEXT string The identification of the declaration/return in which the taxamount is reported to the Revenue body
418 Attribute lineTaxInformationTaxExemptionReason TEXT string Tax exemption or reduction reason or rationale
419 Attribute lineTaxInformationTaxPercentage NUMERIC decimal Tax percentage.
420 Attribute lineTaxInformationTaxType TEXT string Tax type for look-up in tables
421 Attribute lineTaxPointDate DATE date Tax Point date where recorded or if not recorded then the Invoice date
422 Attribute lineToDate DATE date Enddate of the deliveries
423 Attribute lineUnitPrice NUMERIC decimal Unit price for the unit/group of units per UOM in the header's default currency
424 Attribute lineUOMToUOMBaseConversionFactor NUMERIC decimal Conversion factor of the InvoiceUOM to UOM Base. Only needed when InvoiceUOM is reported and is different from the UOM Base.
425 Attribute localAmount NUMERIC decimal Amount in the local country currency where the transaction originated.
426 Attribute localAmountCurrency TEXT string The currency used for local country reporting requirements (for example, USD, EUR; see ISO 4217 coding).
427 Attribute locationActiveFlag TEXT string
428 Attribute locationCity TEXT string
429 Attribute locationCode TEXT string
430 Attribute locationCountry TEXT string
431 Attribute locationCurrency TEXT string
432 Attribute locationDescription TEXT string
433 Attribute locationId TEXT string
434 Attribute locationLatitude TEXT string
435 Attribute locationLongitude TEXT string
436 Attribute locationParent TEXT string
437 Attribute locationStateProvince TEXT string
438 Attribute locationStreet TEXT string
439 Attribute locationType TEXT string
440 Attribute locationZipPostalCode TEXT string
441 Attribute lotNumber TEXT string
442 Attribute manufacturerId TEXT string
443 Attribute materialId TEXT string
444 Attribute movementDocumentType TEXT string
445 Attribute movementLineNumber TEXT string
446 Attribute movementReference TEXT string
447 Attribute movementTaxPointDate DATE date
448 Attribute name TEXT string The name of the supplier.
449 Attribute obsoleteorDamagedInventory TEXT string
450 Attribute openingStockQuantity NUMERIC decimal
451 Attribute openingStockValue NUMERIC decimal
452 Attribute orderDate DATE date The date of the purchase order, regardless of the date the order is entered.
453 Attribute orderDocumentReference TEXT string Identification number or code on the purchase order. The date of the purchase order, regardless of the date the order is entered.
454 Attribute orderNo TEXT string Unique identifier for each purchase order. This ID may need to be created by concatenating fields (for example, document number, document type, and year) to uniquely identify each purchase order.
455 Attribute orderType TEXT string
456 Attribute otherCost1 TEXT string
457 Attribute otherCost2 TEXT string
458 Attribute otherCost3 TEXT string
459 Attribute otherCost4 TEXT string
460 Attribute otherCost5 TEXT string
461 Attribute ownerId TEXT string
462 Attribute parentglAccountNumber TEXT string A reference to the GL_Account_Number that is the parent in an account hierarchy. Provided to allow more than the predefined levels of hierarchy in the chart of accounts table.
463 Attribute paymentDiscountDays TEXT string The number of days from the invoice date the supplier allows to take advantage of discounted terms. Terms are represented as digits with no decimal places (for example, nnn).
464 Attribute paymentDiscountPercentage NUMERIC decimal The discount percentage the supplier may provide if an invoice is paid before a certain number of days. In the flat file, terms are represented as digits to one decimal place (for example, 10% would be represented as 10.0). In extensible business reporting language global ledger taxonomy framework (XBRL GL), the three fields Terms_Discount_Percentage, Terms_Discount_Days and Terms_Due_Days would be entered in the form xx.x% dd Net dd, such as 2% 10 Net 30 for 2% discount if paid within 10 days, with the net due in 30 days.
465 Attribute paymentDueDays TEXT string The number of days allowed to meet the obligation before an invoice becomes overdue.
466 Attribute paymentId TEXT string Unique identifier for each payment received. This ID may need to be created by concatenating fields (for example, customer and payment number) to uniquely identify each transaction.
467 Attribute paymentMethod TEXT string The code value or indicator of the method by which the transaction debit or credit amount was extinguished or apportioned to the debt by the supplier (for example, check, wire transfer, cash, and so on). Must match the Payment_Type in the Payment_Type_Listing_YYYYMMDD file.
468 Attribute paymentRefDate DATE date Date on an externally generated transaction (for example, check date or wire transfer date).
469 Attribute paymentRefNo TEXT string Unique identifier for each payment made. This ID may need to be created by concatenating fields (for example, supplier and payment number) to uniquely identify each transaction.
470 Attribute paymentTerms TEXT string Payments terms for this invoice
471 Attribute period TEXT string Fiscal period in which the Effective_Date occurs.Examples include W1‚W53 for weekly periods, M1‚M12 for monthly periods, and Q1‚Q4 for quarterly periods.
472 Attribute periodYear TEXT string Fiscal year in which the Purchase_Order_Date occured YYYY for delimited, CCYY-MM-DD fiscal year end(ISO 8601) for extensible business reporting language global ledger taxonomy framework (XBRL GL).
473 Attribute placedInService TEXT string
474 Attribute postingStatus TEXT string Status of the transaction's posting to the GL (for example, Posted, Not Posted).
475 Attribute preferredSupplier TEXT string
476 Attribute primaryManufacturer TEXT string
477 Attribute primaryManufacturerProductCode TEXT string
478 Attribute primarySupplier TEXT string
479 Attribute primarySupplierProductCode TEXT string
480 Attribute productGroup01 TEXT string
481 Attribute productGroup02 TEXT string
482 Attribute projectId TEXT string
483 Attribute purchaseInvoiceLineNumber TEXT string
484 Attribute purchaseInvoiceNumber TEXT string
485 Attribute purchaseInvoiceUniqueId TEXT string
486 Attribute purchaseOrderAmount NUMERIC decimal
487 Attribute purchaseOrderAmountLocal NUMERIC decimal Transaction monetary amount in local currency.
488 Attribute purchaseOrderCurrencyAmount NUMERIC decimal Transaction monetary amount in local currency. If no purchase order, leave blank.
489 Attribute purchaseOrderCurrencyCode TEXT string The currency for local reporting requirements. See ISO 4217 coding. If no purchase order, leave blank.
490 Attribute purchaseOrderDate DATE date The date of the purchase order, regardless of the date the order is entered. If no purchase order leave blank.
491 Attribute purchaseOrderExchangeRate NUMERIC decimal
492 Attribute purchaseOrderId TEXT string Unique identifier for each purchase order. Must match Purchase_Order_ID in the Purchase_Orders_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD file. If no purchase order, leave blank.
493 Attribute purchaseOrderLocalCurrency TEXT string The currency for local reporting requirements. See ISO 4217 coding.
494 Attribute purchaseOrderRaisedDate DATE date
495 Attribute purchaseOrderRequisitionId TEXT string Identifier that is unique for each purchase order requisition. May require concatenation of multiple fields.
496 Attribute purchaseOrderUniqueId TEXT string
497 Attribute quantity TEXT string
498 Attribute quantityOnHandPhysicalCount TEXT string
499 Attribute quantityOnHandSystem TEXT string
500 Attribute receiptAmountReporting NUMERIC decimal Transaction monetary amount recorded in the reporting currency.
501 Attribute receiptAmountReportingCurrency NUMERIC decimal The reporting currency related to the receipt amount for nonconsolidated reporting. See ISO 4217 coding.
502 Attribute receiptDate DATE date Date of receipt (date received)
503 Attribute receiptDocumentId TEXT string Reference number on receipt shipping document (company reference or logistics company identifier).
504 Attribute receiptFiscalYear TEXT string Fiscal year in which the Receipt_Date occurs”YYYY for delimited, CCYY-MM-DD fiscal year end (ISO 8601) for extensible business reporting language global ledger taxonomy framework (XBRL GL).
505 Attribute receiptId TEXT string Unique identifier for each payment received. This ID may need to be created by concatenating fields (for example, customer and payment number) to uniquely identify each transaction.
506 Attribute receiptNumbers TEXT string The number(s) of the receipt(s) on this consolidated invoicerecord. Can be a single number, a range or a list.
507 Attribute receiptPeriod TEXT string Fiscal period in which the Receipt_Date occurs. Examples include W1,W53 for weekly periods, M1,M12 for monthly periods, and Q1,Q4 for quarterly periods.
508 Attribute referenceDate DATE date Date on an externally generated transaction (for example, check date or wire transfer date).
509 Attribute referenceNumber TEXT string Identification number for an internally or externally generated transaction (for example, check number, wire transfer number, or original document ID).
510 Attribute registrationNumber TEXT string Unique number to identify the company in the accounting records, issued by a government authority or created by the company for internal purposes to identify different entities within their corporate group.
511 Attribute regulatorActiveFlag TEXT string True (Active) or False (Inactive)
512 Attribute regulatorCode TEXT string A code used to refer to this regulator or jurisdiction; used as key or cross-reference in files.
513 Attribute regulatorCountry TEXT string Recommend ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 or Alpha 3 format
514 Attribute regulatorDefaultAccrualglAccountNumber TEXT string GL account used to reflect accruals due to regulator
515 Attribute regulatorDefaultExpenseglAccountNumber TEXT string GL account used to reflect accruals due to regulator
516 Attribute regulatorDefaultPayableglAccountNumber TEXT string GL account used to reflect accruals due to regulator
517 Attribute regulatorIdentifier TEXT string Tax or other code assigned by Regulator for reporting organization to Regulator
518 Attribute regulatorName TEXT string Name of regulator for whom tax is withheld or accrued
519 Attribute regulatorRegion TEXT string Sub-region within country; in the U.S., this would be state; in Canada it would be province.
520 Attribute regulatorReportingOrganization TEXT string Cross-reference to Organization_Location_File_YYYYMMDD
521 Attribute regulatorRole TEXT string From: Federal, Regional, Local
522 Attribute removalType TEXT string
523 Attribute reportingAmount NUMERIC decimal The amount recorded in the currency in which a reporting entity prepares its financial statements.
524 Attribute reportingAmountCurrency TEXT string The currency which a reporting entity prepares its financial statements (for example, USD, EUR; see ISO 4217 coding).
525 Attribute revaluationAmount NUMERIC decimal
526 Attribute revaluationDate DATE date
527 Attribute revaluationDescription TEXT string
528 Attribute reversalIndicator TEXT string Indicates whether this entry is a reversal or to be reversed. “1”=entry is a reversal, “2”=entry is to be reversed, and empty (“”)=none of the above or system generated indicators. For XBRL GL, this is a Boolean, in which “true” indicates it is to be reversed; “false” with provision of a reversingDate indicates the entry is a reversal.
529 Attribute reversalJournalId TEXT string When the Reversal_Indicator=1, this identifies the Journal_ID of the entry being reversed.
530 Attribute roleResponsibility TEXT string The person’s functional role or primary responsibility (for example, accounts payable).
531 Attribute salesOrderAmount NUMERIC decimal In the header's default currency.
532 Attribute salesOrderAmountLocal NUMERIC decimal Sales monetary amount recorded in the local currency.
533 Attribute salesOrderDate DATE date Date of sales order for items shipped. If no sales order, leave blank.
534 Attribute salesOrderExchangeRate NUMERIC decimal The exchange rate used. CurrencyAmount x ExchangeRate = Amount
535 Attribute salesOrderId TEXT string Sales order ID for invoiced items. Must match Sales_Order_ID in the Sales_Orders_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD file. If no sales order, leave blank.
536 Attribute salesOrderLocalCurrency TEXT string The currency for local reporting requirements. See ISO 4217 coding.
537 Attribute segment01 TEXT string Reserved segment field that can be used for profit center, division, fund, program, branch, project, and so on.
538 Attribute segment02 TEXT string Reserved segment field that can be used for profit center, division, fund, program, branch, project, and so on.
539 Attribute segment03 TEXT string Reserved segment field that can be used for profit center, division, fund, program, branch, project, and so on.
540 Attribute segment04 TEXT string Reserved segment field that can be used for profit center, division, fund, program, branch, project, and so on.
541 Attribute segment05 TEXT string Reserved segment field that can be used for profit center, division, fund, program, branch, project, and so on.
542 Attribute segment0XDescription TEXT string Segment description to indicate the name or
543 Attribute segment0XValue TEXT string Value of Segment0X (X may equal 1 to 5).
544 Attribute selfBillingIndicator TEXT string Indicator showing if a self-billing agreement exists between the customer and the supplier
545 Attribute serialNumber TEXT string
546 Attribute settlementAmount NUMERIC decimal In the header's default currency.
547 Attribute settlementCurrencyAmount NUMERIC decimal Amount in foreign currency
548 Attribute settlementCurrencyCode TEXT string Three-letter currency code according to ISO 4217 standard. Example: EUR for the Euros or USD for American Dollars.
549 Attribute settlementExchangeRate NUMERIC decimal The exchange rate used. CurrencyAmount x ExchangeRate = Amount
550 Attribute settlementPaymentMechanism TEXT string Payment mechanism
551 Attribute settlementSettlementDate DATE date Date settled
552 Attribute settlementSettlementDiscount NUMERIC decimal Description Settlement / Other Discount
553 Attribute shipFromAdditionalAddressDetail TEXT string
554 Attribute shipFromAddressType TEXT string Field to differentiate between multiple addresses. To indicate the type of address. Choose from the predefined enumeration. (examples: StreetAddress PostalAddress, BillingAddress)
555 Attribute shipFromBuilding TEXT string
556 Attribute shipFromCity TEXT string
557 Attribute shipFromCountry TEXT string Two-letter country code according to ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 standard. Example NL for the Netherlands.
558 Attribute shipFromDeliveryDate DATE date Date goods are delivered
559 Attribute shipFromDeliveryId TEXT string Identification of the delivery
560 Attribute shipFromLocationId TEXT string Location of goods in warehouse
561 Attribute shipFromNumber TEXT string
562 Attribute shipFromPostalCode TEXT string
563 Attribute shipFromRegion TEXT string Country specific code to indicate regions / provinces within the tax authority. Preferably described according to ISO 3166-2. Example: GB-KEN for Kent county in the United Kingdom.
564 Attribute shipFromStreetName TEXT string
565 Attribute shipFromUCR TEXT string Unique consignment reference number
566 Attribute shipFromWarehouseId TEXT string Warehouse where goods held - also to identify work-in-progress, or stock-in-transit
567 Attribute shipmentDate DATE date Date of shipment (date shipped)
568 Attribute shipmentFiscalYear TEXT string Fiscal year in which the Shipment_Date occurs—YYYY for delimited, CCYY-MM-DD fiscal year end (ISO 8601) for extensible business reporting language global ledger taxonomy framework (XBRL GL).
569 Attribute shipmentId TEXT string Unique identifier for each shipment. This ID may need to be created by concatenating fields (for example, document number, document type, and year) to uniquely identify each shipment.
570 Attribute shipmentPeriod TEXT string Fiscal period in which the Shapment_Date occurs. Examples include W1‚W53 for weekly periods, M1‚M12 for monthly periods, and Q1‚Q4 for quarterly periods.
571 Attribute shippingAmountLocal NUMERIC decimal Monetary amount for the items in the shipping document related to the sales order. Recorded in the local currency.
572 Attribute shippingAmountLocalCurrency TEXT string The currency for local reporting requirements. See ISO 4217 coding.
573 Attribute shippingDocumentId TEXT string Reference number on shipping document (company reference or logistics company identifier).
574 Attribute shipToAdditionalAddressDetail TEXT string
575 Attribute shipToAddressType TEXT string Field to differentiate between multiple addresses. To indicate the type of address. Choose from the predefined enumeration. (examples: StreetAddress PostalAddress, BillingAddress)
576 Attribute shipToBuilding TEXT string
577 Attribute shipToCity TEXT string
578 Attribute shipToCountry TEXT string Two-letter country code according to ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 standard. Example NL for the Netherlands.
579 Attribute shipToDeliveryDate DATE date Date goods are delivered
580 Attribute shipToDeliveryId TEXT string Identification of the delivery
581 Attribute shipToLocationId TEXT string Location of goods in warehouse
582 Attribute shipToNumber TEXT string
583 Attribute shipToPostalCode TEXT string
584 Attribute shipToRegion TEXT string Country specific code to indicate regions / provinces within the tax authority. Preferably described according to ISO 3166-2. Example: GB-KEN for Kent county in the United Kingdom.
585 Attribute shipToStreetName TEXT string
586 Attribute shipToUCR TEXT string Unique consignment reference number
587 Attribute shipToWarehouseId TEXT string Warehouse where goods held - also to identify work-in-progress, or stock-in-transit
588 Attribute sortCode TEXT string Identifier for the bank branch at which the account is held. May be needed to uniquely identify the account.
589 Attribute sourceDescription TEXT string A plain English description of the source. Some of the more common journals are purchases, sales, cash receipts, cash disbursements, and general journal.
590 Attribute sourceId TEXT string Posting source (code for source from which the journal entry originated, such as sales journal, cash receipts journal, general journal, payroll journal, accountant manual entry, spreadsheet, and so on).
591 Attribute sourceLedgerTransactionAssociatedOrderId TEXT string
592 Attribute specificCost NUMERIC decimal
593 Attribute standardCost NUMERIC decimal
594 Attribute stockAccountCommodityCode TEXT string
595 Attribute stockCharacteristic TEXT string
596 Attribute stockCharacteristicValue NUMERIC decimal
597 Attribute stockingUnitOfMeasure TEXT string
598 Attribute supplierCreditLimit TEXT string The credit limit for the total outstanding balance approved for the supplier.
599 Attribute supplierGroup TEXT string If the organization segments suppliers into groups, the group to which this supplier is assigned.
600 Attribute supplierId TEXT string Identifier of the supplier to whom payment is due or from whom unused credits have been applied. Must match the Supplier_Account_ID in the Supplier_Listing_YYYYMMDD file.
601 Attribute supplierName TEXT string Name of the supplier
602 Attribute supplierType TEXT string
603 Attribute systemApprovedDateTime DATE date The date and time the entry was approved.
604 Attribute systemApprovedUser TEXT string User ID (from User_Listing file) for person who approved the entry.
605 Attribute systemEntryDateTime DATE date The date the transaction was entered into the system. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date. This should be a system-generated date (rather than user-entered date), when possible. This date does not necessarily correspond with the date of the transaction itself.
606 Attribute systemEntryUser TEXT string User_ID (from User_Listing file) for person who created the record.
607 Attribute systemId TEXT string Unique number created by the system for the document
608 Attribute systemManualIdentifier TEXT string Define if the source creates system-generated or manually entered journal entries. Provide an “S” or “M” for the value.
609 Attribute systemModifiedDateTime DATE date The date and time the entry was last modified.
610 Attribute systemModifiedUser TEXT string User_ID (from User_Listing file) for the last person modifying this entry.
611 Attribute tags TEXT string
612 Attribute tax1Local TEXT string The amount of Tax1_Type included in the transaction. Recorded in local currency.
613 Attribute tax1Type TEXT string Code for Tax1 type (for example, Sales, VAT). This field should agree with the Regulator_Code field in the Tax_Table_YYYYMMDD
614 Attribute tax1TypeDescription TEXT string Description of Tax1 type (for example, authority tax is paid to and other information to identify tax).
615 Attribute tax2Local TEXT string The amount of Tax2_Type included in the transaction. Recorded in local currency.
616 Attribute tax2Type TEXT string Code for Tax2 type (for example, Sales, VAT). This field should agree with the Regulator_Code field in the Tax_Table_YYYYMMDD
617 Attribute tax2TypeDescription TEXT string Description of Tax2 type (for example, authority tax is paid to and other information to identify tax).
618 Attribute tax3Local TEXT string The amount of Tax3_Type included in the transaction. Recorded in local currency.
619 Attribute tax3Type TEXT string Code for Tax3 type (for example, Sales, VAT). This field should agree with the Regulator_Code field in the Tax_Table_YYYYMMDD
620 Attribute tax3TypeDescription TEXT string Description of Tax3 type (for example, authority tax is paid to and other information to identify tax).
621 Attribute taxAmount NUMERIC decimal
622 Attribute taxAmountCurrencyAmount NUMERIC decimal
623 Attribute taxAmountCurrencyCode TEXT string
624 Attribute taxAmountExchangeRate NUMERIC decimal
625 Attribute taxAuthority TEXT string Identification of the Revenue Body to which this TaxType refers.
626 Attribute taxBase TEXT string
627 Attribute taxBaseDescription TEXT string
628 Attribute taxCode TEXT string
629 Attribute taxDeclarationPeriod TEXT string
630 Attribute taxExemptionReason TEXT string
631 Attribute taxNumber TEXT string The supplier's tax identification number.
632 Attribute taxPercentage NUMERIC decimal
633 Attribute taxRegistrationNumber TEXT string Unique number issued by a Revenue Body for use by the company.
634 Attribute taxType TEXT string Tax type for look-up in tables
635 Attribute taxVerificationDate DATE date The date that the tax registration details referred to above were last checked.
636 Attribute telephone TEXT string Phone number of the primary contact at the supplier.
637 Attribute termsDiscountDays TEXT string The number of days from the invoice date the supplier allows to take advantage of discounted terms. Terms are represented as digits with no decimal places (for example, nnn).
638 Attribute termsDiscountPercentage NUMERIC decimal The discount percentage the supplier may provide if an invoice is paid before a certain number of days. In the flat file, terms are represented as digits to one decimal place (for example, 10% would be represented as 10.0). In extensible business reporting language global ledger taxonomy framework (XBRL GL), the three fields Terms_Discount_Percentage, Terms_Discount_Days and Terms_Due_Days would be entered in the form xx.x% dd Net dd, such as 2% 10 Net 30 for 2% discount if paid within 10 days, with the net due in 30 days.
639 Attribute termsDueDays TEXT string The number of days allowed to meet the obligation before an invoice becomes overdue.
640 Attribute thirdPartyFacility TEXT string
641 Attribute title TEXT string The title of the person (for example, accounting manager).
642 Attribute totalCost TEXT string
643 Attribute transactionAssociatedDocumentId TEXT string
644 Attribute transactionAssociatedDocumentLineId TEXT string
645 Attribute transactionAssociatedOrderId TEXT string
646 Attribute transactionAssociatedOrderLineId TEXT string
647 Attribute transactionCostAdjust TEXT string
648 Attribute transactionCreditLimit TEXT string The per invoice credit limit established with this supplier.
649 Attribute transactionDate DATE date The date the payment was made or credit was applied.
650 Attribute transactionDateTime DATE date The date and time the payment was made or credit was applied.
651 Attribute transactionDescription TEXT string
652 Attribute transactionFees TEXT string
653 Attribute transactionId TEXT string Cross-reference to GL posting. It can contain many different levels to identify the transaction. It could include cost centres such as company, division, region, group and branch/department
654 Attribute transactionQuantityIssued NUMERIC decimal
655 Attribute transactionQuantityReceived NUMERIC decimal
656 Attribute transactionType TEXT string
657 Attribute transactionTypeSystem TEXT string
658 Attribute uniqueId TEXT string
659 Attribute unitOfMeasure TEXT string
660 Attribute unitPrice NUMERIC decimal
661 Attribute uomToUOMbaseConversionFactor TEXT string
662 Attribute uomToUOMPhysicalStockConversionFactor TEXT string
663 Attribute userActiveModifiedDate DATE date The date of user activation or termination.
664 Attribute userActiveStatus TEXT string The status of users (for identification of transactions by inactive users). The value of this field should be either Active” or Inactive” for flat file data; for XBRL GL, this is a Boolean, in which active is true” and inactive is false.”
665 Attribute userDefined1 TEXT string
666 Attribute userDefined2 TEXT string
667 Attribute userId TEXT string A unique identifier of individuals entering transactions into the ERP system. This field is used to join information in this table to other tables based on the fields Entered_By, Last_Modified_By, and Approved_By.
668 Attribute validFromDate DATE date
669 Attribute validToDate DATE date
670 Attribute valuationDate DATE date
671 Attribute valuerDocumnetReference TEXT string
672 Attribute valuerId TEXT string
673 Attribute valuerName TEXT string
674 Attribute vatCode TEXT string
675 Attribute website TEXT string
676 Attribute writeDownDescription TEXT string
677 Attribute writeDownFactor TEXT string

Last updated: 11/20/2020 12:44:49 PM