Long-term provisions for environmental rehabilitation costs are based on the Group’s environmental management plans, in compliance with applicable environmental and regulatory requirements.
Rehabilitation work can include facility decommissioning and dismantling, removal or treatment of waste materials, site and land rehabilitation, including compliance with and monitoring of environmental regulations, security and other site-related costs required to perform the rehabilitation work and operations of equipment designed to reduce or eliminate environmental effects.
Full provision is made based on the net present value of the estimated cost of restoring the environmental disturbance that has occurred up to the reporting date. The unwinding of the obligation is accounted for in profit or loss.
The estimated costs of rehabilitation are reviewed annually and adjusted as appropriate for changes in legislation, technology or other circumstances. Cost estimates are not reduced by the potential proceeds from the sale of assets or from plant clean up at closure.
Changes in estimates are capitalised or reversed against the relevant asset, except where a reduction in the provision is greater than the remaining net book value of the related asset, in which case the value is reduced to nil and the remaining adjustment is recognised in profit or loss. In the case of closed sites, changes in estimates and assumptions are recognised in profit or loss. Estimates are discounted at the risk-free rate in the jurisdiction of the obligation.
Increases due to additional environmental disturbances are capitalised and amortised over the remaining lives of the mines. These increases are accounted for on a net present value basis.
For the South African and Ghanaian operations, annual contributions are made to a dedicated rehabilitation trust fund and dedicated bank account, respectively, to fund the estimated cost of rehabilitation during and at the end of the life-of-mine. The amounts contributed to this trust fund/bank account are included under non-current assets. Interest earned on monies paid to rehabilitation trust fund/bank account is accrued on a time proportion basis and is recorded as interest income.
In respect of the South African, Ghanaian and Peruvian operations, bank and other guarantees are provided for funding of the environmental rehabilitation obligations.