The Group recognises liabilities for statutory, contractual, constructive or legal obligations associated with the retirement of property, plant and equipment, when those obligations result from the acquisition, construction, development or normal operation of these assets. The net present value of future rehabilitation cost estimates arising from the decommissioning of plant and other site preparation work is capitalized to mineral properties along with a corresponding increase in the rehabilitation provision in the period incurred. Future rehabilitation costs are discounted using a pre-tax risk free rate that reflects the time-value of money. The Group’s estimates of rehabilitation costs, which are reviewed annually, could change as a result of changes in regulatory requirements, discount rates, effects of inflation and assumptions regarding the amount and timing of the future expenditures. These changes are recorded directly to mineral properties with a corresponding entry to the rehabilitation provision. Changes resulting from an increased footprint due to gold production are charged to profit or loss for the year. The cost of on-going current programs to prevent and control pollution is charged against profit or loss as incurred.