New standards and interpretations not yet adopted by the Company
Certain new accounting standards and interpretations that have been published but are not mandatory for the annual reporting period commencing January 1, 2017 and have not been early adopted by the Company are set out below.
(i) IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers
The Company will apply IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers issued in May 2014 and amended in September 2015 for annual reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2018. Earlier adoption is permitted under IFRS. This standard replaces IAS 18 Revenue, IAS 11 Construction Contracts, SIC Interpretation 31 Revenue-Barter Transactions Involving Advertising Services, IFRIC Interpretation 13 Customer Loyalty Programs, IFRIC Interpretation 15 Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate and IFRIC Interpretation 18 Transfers of assets from customers. The Company must apply IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers within annual reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2018, and will elect the modified retrospective approach which will recognize the cumulative impact of initially applying the revenue standard as an adjustment to retained earnings as of January 1, 2018, the period of initial application.
In order to prepare for the adoption of IFRS 15, the Company formed a task force consisting of members from the accounting department and other relevant departments, as necessary. Beginning in September 2017, the Company performed a detailed impact analysis of the financial effects of adopting the standard. In addition to the accounting and financial reporting impact, the Company also analyzed the impact of IFRS 15 on their internal controls, based on the Company’s revenue structure and processes. IFRS 15 will affect not only accounting methods but also general business practices, including the execution of new contracts and overall business attitude. Therefore, the Company has launched an orientation and training program for both the Company’s directors and employees.
As a result of the analysis, the Company identified the following area that is likely to be impacted by the adoption of IFRS 15.
The accounting for royalties and license fees from game licensing contracts. The Company licenses the right to distribute and market its local version of games to overseas licensees (“game licensing contracts”) in exchange for an initial prepaid license fee and/or guaranteed minimum royalty payments. The Company generally provides its licenses with post-contract customer support on its software products, consisting of technical support and occasional unspecified upgrades, or enhancements during the contract term. The Company determined that granting a license is not distinct from other promised services in the contracts, therefore, the promise to grant a license and those other promised services together are considered a single performance obligation. Revenue is recognized over time, from commercial launch date to expiration date of contract under IAS 18 whereas it is recognized from the date when performance obligation is performed for the first time to expiration date of contract under IFRS 15.
For the year ended December 31, 2017, revenue from licensing contracts was W 20,464 million, which was 14% of total consolidated revenue. Based on the nature of the Company’s promise in granting a license as described above, the Company determined that the revenue from licensing contracts shall be recognized on a ratable basis over the license period in accordance with IFRS 15.
In accordance with IAS 18, license fees and royalties paid are recognized in accordance with the substance of the contract, and therefore, are recognized ratably over the license period. When the running royalty revenue based on the contractual royalty rate and the actual revenue of the licensee exceeds the ratably recognized guaranteed minimum, the excess is then recognized as revenue and accounts receivable. Although the accounting framework changes, the accounting treatment under the new standard would not be substantially changed.
The revenue recognition disclosures will significantly expand under the new standard, specifically around the quantitative and qualitative information about reconciliation of contract balances, changes in contract assets and liabilities and disaggregation of revenue. The Company will continue to evaluate these requirements.
(ii) Amendments to IAS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures
When an investment in an associate or a joint venture is held by, or held indirectly through, an entity that is a venture capital organization, or a mutual fund, unit trust and similar entities including investment-linked insurance funds, the entity may elect to measure that investment at fair value through profit or loss in accordance with IFRS 9. The amendments clarify that an entity shall make this election separately for each associate or joint venture at initial recognition of the associate or joint venture. The Company will apply these amendments retrospectively for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2018, and early adoption is permitted. The Company does not expect the amendments to have a significant impact on the financial statements.
(iii) IFRIC Interpretation 22 Foreign Currency Transaction and Advance Consideration
According to IFRIC 22, the date of the transaction for the purpose of determining the exchange rate to use on initial recognition of the related asset, expense or income is the date on which an entity initially recognizes the non-monetary asset or non-monetary liability arising from the payment or receipt of advance consideration. If there are multiple payments or receipts in advance, the entity shall determine a date of the transaction for each payment or receipt of advance consideration. These enactments will be effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2018, with early adoption permitted. The Company does not expect the enactments to have a significant impact on the consolidated financial statements upon adoption of the amendments.
(iv) IFRS 16 Leases
IFRS 16 Leases issued in January 2016 is effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2019, with early adoption permitted. This standard will replace IAS 17 Leases, IFRIC Interpretation 4 Determining whether an Arrangement contains a Lease, SIC Interpretation 15 Operating Leases-Incentives, and SIC Interpretation 27 Evaluating the Substance of Transactions Involving the Legal Form of a Lease. The Company will apply the standard for the annual period beginning on or after January 1, 2019.
At inception of a contract, the entity shall assess whether the contract is, or contains, a lease. Also, at the date of initial application, the entity shall assess whether the contract is, or contains, a lease in accordance with the standard. For a contract that is, or contains, a lease, the entity shall account for each lease component within the contract as a lease separately from non-lease components of the contract. A lessee is required to recognize a right-of-use asset representing its right to use the underlying leased asset and a lease liability representing its obligation to make lease payments. The lessee may elect not to apply the requirements to short-term lease (a lease term of 12 months or less at the commencement date) and low value assets. The Company is currently evaluating the impact of adoption on the consolidated financial statements upon adoption of the standard.
(v) IFRS 9 Financial Instruments
The new standard for financial instruments issued in July 2014 is effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2018 with early adoption permitted. This standard will replace IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement. The Company will apply the standards for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2018. The Company will apply practical expedients permitted by the standard.
IFRS 9 Financial Instruments impacts three main areas including: (a) classification and measurement of financial assets on the basis of the entity’s business model for managing financial assets and the contractual cash flow characteristics of the financial assets, (b) a new impairment model for financial instruments based on the expected credit losses, and (c) hedge accounting including expansion of the range of eligible hedging instruments and hedged items that qualify for hedge accounting and a change to the methodology of the hedge effectiveness assessment.
An effective implementation of IFRS 9 requires preparation processes including financial impact assessment, accounting policy establishment, accounting system development and system stabilization. The Company performed an impact assessment to identify potential financial effects of applying IFRS 9. Based on the Company’s initial assessment, the Company does not expect the adoption of IFRS 9 to have a significant impact on the consolidated financial statements.
(a) |
Classification and measurement |
As of December 31, 2017, the Company held Won 106,010 million in loans and receivables and Won 44,980 million in financial liabilities, which is measured at amortized cost. The Company expects that the financial assets and liabilities will continue with their respective classification and measurements upon the adoption of IFRS 9.
(b) |
Impairment |
This new impairment model may result in an earlier recognition of credit losses on the Company’s financial assets. Based on a preliminary assessment, the application of the new impairment model may not have a significant impact on the Company.
(c) |
Hedge accounting |
The Company does not have any hedge relationship and therefore it may not have any impact on the Company upon the adoption.
(vi) IFRIC Interpretation 23 Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatment
The Interpretation, issued in July 2017, clarifies application of recognition and measurement requirements in IAS 12. The Interpretation specifically addresses the following: (i) whether an entity considers uncertain tax treatments separately, (ii) the assumptions an entity makes about the examination of tax treatments by taxation authorities, (iii) how an entity determines taxable profit (tax loss), tax bases, unused tax losses, unused tax credits and tax rates and (iv) how an entity considers changes in facts and circumstances. IFRIC 23 is effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2019, but certain transition reliefs are available. The Company does not expect a significant impact on its financial statements on applying the interpretation.