Accounting pronouncements not yet effective
The following standards and pronouncements have been issued by the IASB and have not yet been adopted by the Company.
IFRS 9 requires financial assets to be classified into three measurement categories on initial recognition: those measured at fair value through profit and loss, those measured at fair value through other comprehensive income and those measured at amortized cost. Measurement and classification of financial assets is dependent on the entity’s business model for managing the financial assets and the contractual cash flow characteristics of the financial asset. For financial liabilities, the standard retains most of the IAS 39 requirements.
In May 2014, the IASB issued IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers ("IFRS 15"), which supersedes IAS 11 Construction Contracts, IAS 18 Revenue, IFRIC 13 Customer Loyalty Programmes, IFRIC 15 Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate, IFRIC 18 Transfers of Assets from Customers, and SIC 31 Revenue - Barter Transactions involving Advertising Services. IFRS 15 establishes a single five-step model framework for determining the nature, amount, timing and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows arising from a contract with a customer. The standard is effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2018, with early adoption permitted.
IFRS 16 Leases was issued in January 2016 (effective January 1, 2019) and provides a single lessee accounting model, requiring lessees to recognize assets and liabilities for all leases unless the lease term is 12 months or less or the underlying asset has a low value.
The Company expects that these new IFRS standards will have an insignificant effect on its consolidated financial statements other than increased note disclosure.