ECOPETROL S.A. | CIK:0001444406 | 3

  • Filed: 4/26/2018
  • Entity registrant name: ECOPETROL S.A. (CIK: 0001444406)
  • Generator: DataTracks
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  • ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForDeferredIncomeTaxExplanatory

    Deferred income tax
    Deferred tax is provided using the liability method for temporary differences between the carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities in the consolidated financial statements and their respective tax bases. A deferred tax liability is recognized for all taxable temporary differences. A deferred tax asset is recognized for all deductible temporary differences and for all accumulated tax losses, if there is a reasonable expectation that the Group will generate future tax profits against which they will be used.
    Deferred taxes on assets and liabilities are calculated based on the tax rates that are expected to apply during the years in which temporary differences between the carrying amounts and tax bases are expected to be reversed.
    The carrying amount of a deferred tax asset is subject to review at the end of each reporting period and it is reduced to the extent it is no longer probable that there Group will generate enough future taxable profit to realize such deferred tax asset.
    In the statement of financial position, deferred tax assets are reflected net and as an offset against deferred tax liabilities, depending on the overall tax position in a particular jurisdiction and on the same taxable entity.
    Deferred taxes are not recognized when they arise in the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction (except in a business combination) and at the time of the transaction, does not affect the accounting or tax profit, or in respect of the taxes on the possible future distribution of accumulated profits of subsidiaries or investments accounted for by the equity method, if at the time of the distribution it may be controlled by Ecopetrol and it is probable that the retained earnings will be reinvested by the Group companies and, therefore, will not be distributed to Ecopetrol.