The trade receivables are mainly short-term with no stated interest rate and are measured at original invoice amount. Those receivables which include deferred payment terms over 12 or 24 months for the benefit of customers are discounted and classified as current items. Receivables from financial lease offers on firms’ equipment are recognized as current operating receivables because they are acquired in the normal course of business.
Impairment of trade receivables is based on two methods:
■ a collective statistical method: this is based on historical losses and leads to a separate impairment rate for each aging balance category. This analysis is performed over a homogenous group of receivables with similar credit characteristics because they belong to a customer category (mass-market, small offices and home offices);
■ a stand-alone method: the assessment of impairment probability and its amount are based on a set of relevant qualitative factors (ageing of late payment, other balances with the counterpart, rating from independent agencies, geographical area). This method is used for carriers and operators (national and international), local, regional and national authorities and for large accounts of Enterprise Communication Services.
Impairment losses identified for a group of receivables represent the step preceding impairment identification for individual receivables. When information is available (clients in bankruptcy or subject to equivalent judicial proceedings), these receivables are then excluded from the statistical impairment database and individually impaired.
The trade receivables may be part of securitization programs. When they are sold to consolidated special purpose entities, they are still recognized in the statement of financial position. Other sales to financial institutions may lead to receivables de-recognition.