o. | Government grants |
Government grants, which are received from the Israeli Innovation Authority or IIA (formerly known as the Israeli Office of Chief Scientist, or the “OCS”) by way of participation in research and development that is conducted by the Company, fall within the scope of “forgivable loans,” as set forth in International Accounting Standard 20 “Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance” (“IAS 20”).
As approved by the IIA, the grants are received in installments as the program progresses. The Company recognizes each forgivable loan on a systematic basis at the same time the Company records, as an expense, the related research and development costs for which the grant is received, provided that there is reasonable assurance that (a) the Company complies with the conditions attached to the grant, and (b) it is probable that the grant will be received (usually upon receipt of approval notice). The amount of the forgivable loan is recognized based on the participation rate approved by the IIA; thus, a forgivable loan is recognized as a receivable when approved research and development costs have been incurred before grant funds are received.
Since at the time of grant approval there is reasonable assurance that the Company will comply with the forgivable loan conditions attached to the grant, and it is reasonably assured that the Company will not pay royalties to IIA, grant income is recorded against the related research and development expenses in the statements of comprehensive loss.
If forgivable loans are initially carried to income, as described above, and in subsequent periods it is no longer reasonably assured that royalties will not be paid to the IIA, the Company recognizes a liability that is measured based on the Company’s best estimate of the amount required to settle the Company’s obligation at the end of each reporting period.