(h) | Government Grants |
In case there is reasonable assurance that the Group will comply with the conditions attached to a government grant, the government grant is recognized as follows:
(i) Grants related to the purchase or construction of assets
A government grant related to the purchase or construction of assets is deducted in calculating the carrying amount of the asset. The grant is recognized in profit or loss over the life of a depreciable asset as a reduced depreciation expense and cash related to grant received is presented in investing activities in the statement of cash flows.
(ii) Grants for compensating the Group’s expenses incurred
A government grant that compensates the Group for expenses incurred is recognized in profit or loss as a deduction from relevant expenses on a systematic basis in the periods in which the expenses are recognized.
(iii) Other government grants
A government grant that becomes receivable for the purpose of giving immediate financial support to the Group with no compensation for expenses or losses already incurred or no future related costs is recognized as income of the period in which it becomes receivable.