Ternium designates certain derivatives as hedges of a particular risk associated with a recognized asset or liability or a highly probable forecast transaction. These transactions are classified as cash flow hedges (mainly interest rate swaps, collars, currency forward contracts on highly probable forecast transactions and commodities contracts). The effective portion of the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as cash flow hedges is recognized in OCI. Amounts accumulated in OCI are recognized in the income statement in the same period as any offsetting losses and gains on the hedged item. The gain or loss relating to the ineffective portion is recognized immediately in the income statement. The fair value of Ternium derivative financial instruments (asset or liability) continues to be reflected in the statement of financial position.
For transactions designated and qualifying for hedge accounting, Ternium documents the relationship between hedging instruments and hedged items, as well as its risk management objectives and strategy for undertaking various hedge transactions. At December 31, 2017 and 2016, the effective portion of designated cash flow hedges (net of taxes) amounted to USD 0.7 million and USD 0.1 million, respectively, and were included under "changes in the fair value of derivatives classified as cash flow hedges" line item in the statement of comprehensive income (see Note 27 (a)).
More information about accounting for derivative financial instruments and hedging activities is included in Note 29 "Financial risk management"