MEXICAN PETROLEUM | CIK:0000932782 | 3

  • Filed: 4/30/2018
  • Entity registrant name: MEXICAN PETROLEUM (CIK: 0000932782)
  • Generator: Donnelley Financial Solutions
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  • ifrs-full:DisclosureOfNetDefinedBenefitLiabilityAssetExplanatory

    The following tables contain detailed information regarding PEMEX’s retirement and post-employment benefits:


         December 31,  

    Changes in the liability for defined benefits

       2017     2016  

    Liability for defined benefits at the beginning of the year

         Ps. 1,202,624,665       Ps. 1,258,480,019  

    Recognition of the modifications in pensions plan

         8,327       (571,713

    Current Service cost

         13,079,341       23,111,918  

    Net interest

         95,402,917       90,527,624  

    Past service costs

         —         (33,244

    Defined benefits paid by the fund

         (5,105,669     (4,892,767

    Actuarial (gains) losses in other comprehensive results due to:


    Change in financial assumptions

         47,182,448       (149,533,263

    Change in demographic assumptions

         (70,012,604     4,842,109  

    For experience during the year

         10,272,231       36,103,857  

    In plan assets during the year

         (453,206     285,123  


         26,417       (1,742

    Contributions paid to the fund

         (51,952,560     (55,693,256







    Defined benefit liabilities at end of year

         Ps. 1,241,072,307       Ps. 1,202,624,665  








    In 2017 and 2016, the net actuarial gains recognized in other comprehensive income (loss) net of income deferred tax were Ps. (12,038,710) and Ps. (106,387,640), respectively, related to retirement and post-employment benefits, not including the normal year to year increase in obligations based on changes in population, age, seniority, wages, pensions and benefits. The decrease in losses in 2017 was mainly due to the decrease in the discount and return on plan assets rates, from 8.17% in 2016 to 7.89% in 2017.


         December 31,  

    Changes in pension plan assets

       2017     2016  

    Plan assets at the beginning of year

       Ps. 9,489,666     Ps. 5,228,909  

    Return on plan assets

         902,550       742,477  

    Payments by the pension fund

         (54,312,270     (51,889,821

    Company contributions to the fund(1)

         51,952,559       55,693,256  

    Actuarial (gains) losses in plan assets

         453,187       (285,155







    Pension plan assets at the end of year

       Ps. 8,485,692     Ps. 9,489,666  








    (1)  Includes proceeds from the collected amounts of the Promissory Notes, contributed by the Mexican Government (See Note 14).