Reportable segments are identified based on internal reports regularly reviewed by the chief operating decision maker of the Company for purposes of evaluating the performance of each segment and allocating resources to those segments. Accordingly, segment information is presented on geographical areas, since the risks and rates of return are affected predominantly by the fact that the Company operates in different regions. The Company’s management structure and the information reported to the chief decision are structured the same way.
The performance information by business units (Beer and Soft drink (“CSD”) and Non-alcoholic and non-carbonated (“NANC”)), is also used by the decision maker for the Company and is presented as additional information, even though it does
qualify as a reportable segment. Internally, the Company’s management uses performance indicators, such as earnings of consolidated operation before interest and taxes (EBIT) and normalized earnings of consolidated operation before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (normalized EBITDA) as measures of segment performance to make decisions about resource allocation and performance analysis of consolidated operation. These indicators are reconciled to the profit of the segment in the tables on Note
– Segment reporting
The Company operates its business through
zones identified as reportable segments:
▪ Latin America North, which includes our operations (a) in Brazil and Luxembourg, where we operate
business sub units: (i) beer and (ii) CSD and NANC; and (b) in Central America Operations (“CAC”), which includes our operations in the Dominican Republic (which also serves the islands of the Caribbean: Saint Vincent, Dominica, Antigua and Barbados), Guatemala (which also serves El Salvador and Nicaragua), Cuba and Panama;
▪ Latin America South, which includes our operations in Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Ecuador, Peru and Colombia.
▪ Canada, represented by Labatt’s operations.