KAMADA LTD | CIK:0001567529 | 3

  • Filed: 3/6/2018
  • Entity registrant name: KAMADA LTD (CIK: 0001567529)
  • Generator: GoXBRL
  • SEC filing page: http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1567529/000117891318000767/0001178913-18-000767-index.htm
  • XBRL Instance: http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1567529/000117891318000767/kmda-20171231.xml
  • XBRL Cloud Viewer: Click to open XBRL Cloud Viewer
  • EDGAR Dashboard: https://edgardashboard.xbrlcloud.com/edgar-dashboard/?cik=0001567529
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  • ifrs-full:DisclosureOfAccountingJudgementsAndEstimatesExplanatory

    Note 3: -
    Significant accounting judgments, estimates and assumptions used in the preparation of the financial statements


    The Company assesses the criteria for recognition of revenue related to up-front payments and multiple components as outlined by IAS 18, Revenue. Judgment is necessary to determine over which period the Company will satisfy its obligations related to up-front payments and when components can be  recognized separately and the allocation of the related consideration to each component. For additional information, refer to Note 17a.
                              Estimates and assumptions

    The key assumptions made in the financial statements concerning uncertainties at the end of the reporting period and the critical estimates computed by the Company that may result in a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year are discussed below.

     -      Legal claims

    In estimating the likelihood of outcome of legal claims filed against the Company and its investees, the Company relies on the opinion of its legal counsel. These estimates are based on the legal counsel's best professional judgment, taking into account the stage of proceedings and historical legal precedents in respect of the different issues. Since the outcome of the claims will be determined in courts, the results could differ from these estimates.
                                         -      Pensions and other post-employment benefits

    The liability in respect of post-employment defined benefit plans is determined using actuarial valuations. The actuarial valuation involves making assumptions about, among others, discount rates, expected rates of return on assets, future salary increases and mortality rates. Due to the long-term nature of these plans, such estimates are subject to significant uncertainty.

     -      Determining the fair value of share-based payment transactions

    Estimating fair value for share-based payment transactions requires determination of the most appropriate valuation model, which depends on the terms and conditions of the grant. This estimate also requires determination of the most appropriate inputs to the valuation model including the expected life of the share option or appreciation right, volatility and dividend yield and making assumptions about them.

    -     Provisions for clinical trial and related expenses

    Accrued expenses costs for clinical trial activities performed by third parties, are based on estimates on the progress of completion of the clinical trials or services, as of the end of each reporting period, pursuant to the contract with the third parties, and the agreed upon fee to be paid for such services.
         -      Capitalization of materials for clinical trials and inventory designated for R&D activities
    The Company recognizes inventory produced for commercial sale, including costs incurred prior to regulatory approval but subsequent to the filing of a regulatory request when the Company has determined that the inventory has probable future economic benefit. Inventory is not recognized prior to completion of a phase III clinical trial. For products with an approved indication, raw materials and purchased drug product associated with development programs are included in inventory and charged to research and development expense when consumed. For products without an approved indication, drug product is charged to research and development expense.