2017 | 2016 | |||||||
Million | Million | |||||||
Cost and carrying amount: |
As of January 1 and December 31 |
35,343 | 35,343 | ||||||
Impairment tests for goodwill
As set out in IAS 36 “Impairment of Assets”, a cash-generating unit is the smallest identifiable group of assets that generate cash inflows from continuing use that are largely independent of the cash flows from other assets or groups of assets. For the purpose of impairment tests of goodwill, goodwill is allocated to groups of cash-generating units (being subsidiaries acquired in each acquisition). Such groups of cash-generating units represent the lowest level within the Group for which the goodwill is monitored for internal management purposes.
As of December 31, 2017, the goodwill of RMB35,300,000,000 is attributable to the cash-generating unit in relation to the operation in Mainland China which management currently monitors. The recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit is determined based on the VIU calculations by using the discounted cash flow method. This method considers the pre-tax cash flows of the subsidiaries (cash-generating unit) for the five years ending December 31, 2022 with subsequent transition to perpetuity. For the five years ending December 31, 2022, the average growth rate is assumed 1.5% while for the years beyond December 31, 2022, the assumed continual growth rate to perpetuity is 1%. The present value of cash flows is calculated by discounting the cash flow using pre-tax interest rates of approximately 11%. The management performed impairment test for the goodwill in relation to the operation in Mainland China and determined such goodwill was not impaired. Reasonably possible changes in key assumptions will not lead to the goodwill impairment loss.