LATAM AIRLINES GROUP S.A. | CIK:0001047716 | 3

  • Filed: 4/5/2018
  • Entity registrant name: LATAM AIRLINES GROUP S.A. (CIK: 0001047716)
  • Generator: S2 Filings
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    3.1. Financial risk factors


    The Company is exposed to different financial risks: (a) market risk, (b) credit risk, and (c) liquidity risk. The program overall risk management of the Company aims to minimize the adverse effects of financial risks affecting the company.


    (a) Market risk


    Due to the nature of its operations, the Company is exposed to market factors such as: (i) fuel-price risk, (ii) exchange -rate risk, and (iii) interest -rate risk.


    The Company has developed policies and procedures for managing market risk, which aim to identify, quantify, monitor and mitigate the adverse effects of changes in market factors mentioned above.


    For this, the Administration monitors the evolution of price levels, exchange rates and interest rates, and quantifies their risk exposures (Value at Risk), and develops and implements hedging strategies.


    (i) Fuel-price risk:




    For the execution of its operations the Company purchases a fuel called Jet Fuel grade 54 USGC, which is subject to the fluctuations of international fuel prices.




    To cover the risk exposure fuel, the Company operates with derivative instruments (swaps and options) whose underlying assets may be different from Jet Fuel, being possible use West Texas Intermediate (“WTI”) crude, Brent (“BRENT”) crude and distillate Heating Oil (“HO”), which have a high correlation with Jet Fuel and greater liquidity.


    Fuel Hedging Results:


    During the period ended December 31, 2017, the Company recognized gains of US $ 15.1 million for fuel net premium coverage. During the same period of 2016, the Company recognized losses of US $ 48.0 million for the same concept.


    As of December 31, 2017, the market value of fuel positions amounted to US $ 10.7 million (positive). At the end of December 2016, this market value was US $ 8.1 million (positive).


    The following tables show the level of hedge for different periods:


    Positions as of December 31, 2017 (*)   Maturities  
        Q118     Q218     Q318     Total  
    Percentage of coverage over the expected volume of consumption     19 %     12 %     5 %     12 %


    (*) The volume shown in the table considers all the hedging instruments (swaps and options).


    Positions as of December 31, 2016 (*)   Maturities  
        Q117     Q217     Total  
    Percentage of coverage over the expected volume of consumption     21 %     16 %     18 %


    (*) The volume shown in the table considers all the hedging instruments (swaps and options).


    Sensitivity analysis


    A drop in fuel price positively affects the Company through a reduction in costs. However, also negatively affects contracted positions as these are acquired to protect the Company against the risk of a rise in price. The policy therefore is to maintain a hedge-free percentage in order to be competitive in the event of a drop in price.


    The current hedge positions they are booked as cash flow hedge contracts, so a variation in the fuel price has an impact on the Company’s net equity.


    The following table shows the sensitivity analysis of the financial instruments according to reasonable changes in the fuel price and their effect on equity. The term of the projection was defined until the end of the last current fuel hedge contract, being the last business day of the third quarter of 2018.


    The calculations were made considering a parallel movement of US$ 5 per barrel in the curve of the BRENT and JET crude futures benchmark price at the end of December 2017 and the end of December, 2016.


        Positions as of December 31, 2017   Positions as of December 31, 2016
    Benchmark price   effect on equity   effect on equity
    (US$ per barrel)   (millions of US$)   (millions of US$)
     +5    +1.8   +3.12
     -5    - 3.3   -4.78


    Given the structure of fuel coverage during 2017, considers a hedge-free portion, a vertical drop of 5 dollars in the JET reference price (considered as the monthly average), would have meant an approximate impact US $ 109.7 million of lower fuel costs. For the same period, a vertical rise of $ 5 in the JET reference price (considered as the monthly average) would have meant an impact of approximately US $ 110.5 million of higher fuel costs.


    (ii) Foreign exchange rate risk:




    The functional and presentation currency of the Financial Statements of the Parent Company is the US dollar, so that the risk of the Transactional and Conversion exchange rate arises mainly from the Company's business, strategic and accounting operating activities that are expressed in a monetary unit other than the functional currency.


    The subsidiaries of LATAM are also exposed to foreign exchange risk whose impact affects the Company's Consolidated Income.


    The largest operational exposure to LATAM's exchange risk comes from the concentration of businesses in Brazil, which are mostly denominated in Brazilian Real (BRL), and are actively managed by the company.


    At a lower concentration, the Company is also exposed to the fluctuation of other currencies, such as: euro, pound sterling, Australian dollar, Colombian peso, Chilean peso, Argentine peso, Paraguayan guarani, Mexican peso, Peruvian nuevo sol and New Zealand dollar.




    The Company mitigates currency risk exposures by contracting derivative instruments or through natural hedges or execution of internal operations.


    FX Hedging Results:


    In order to reduce the exposure to the exchange rate risk in the operational cash flows of 2017, and to ensure the operating margin, LATAM makes hedges using FX derivatives.


    As of December 31, 2017, the market value of FX derivative positions amounted to US $ 4.4 million (positive). At the end of December 2016, this market value was US $ 1.1 million (negative).


    During the period ended December 31, 2017, the Company recognized losses of US $ 9.7 million for FX net premium coverage. During the same period of 2016, the company recognized losses of US $ 40.3 million for this concept.


    As of December 31, 2017, the Company has contracted FX derivatives for US $ 180 million for BRL. By the end of December 2016, the company had contracted FX derivatives for US $ 60 million for BRL, and US $ 10 million for GBP.


    Sensitivity analysis:


    A depreciation of the R $ / US $ exchange rate, negatively affects the Company's operating cash flows, however, also positively affects the value of the positions of derivatives contracted.


    FX derivatives are recorded as cash flow hedge contracts; therefore, a variation in the exchange rate has an impact on the market value of the derivatives, the changes of which affect the Company's net equity.


    The following table shows the awareness of FX derivative instruments according to reasonable changes in the exchange rate and its effect on equity. The projection term was defined until the end of the last contract of coverage in force, being the last business day of the second quarter of the year 2018:


    Appreciation (depreciation)   Effect at December 31, 2017   Effect at December 31, 2016
    of R$ (*)   Millions of US$   Millions of US$
    -10%    -10.7    -1.02
    +10%   +9.7    +3.44


    (*)Both currencies (BRL and GBP) only apply period to the closing of 2016.


    During 2017, the Company contracted derivative currency swaps to hedge debt issued the same year for a notional UF 8.7 million. As of December 31, 2017, the market value of derivative positions of currency swaps amounted to US$ 30.6 million (positive).


    As of December 31, 2017, the Company has recorded an amount for ineffectiveness in the consolidated statement of income for this type of hedges for US $ 6.2 million (positive).


    In the case of TAM S.A, whose functional currency is the Brazilian real, a large part of its liabilities are expressed in US dollars. Therefore, when converting financial assets and liabilities, from dollars to reais, they have an impact on the result of TAM S.A., which is consolidated in the Company's Income Statement.


    With the objective of reducing the impact on the Company's results caused by appreciations or depreciations of R$/US $, the Company has executed internal operations to reduce the net exposure in US$ for TAM S.A.


    The following table shows the variation of financial performance to appreciate or depreciate 10% exchange rate R$/US$:


    Appreciation (depreciation)*   Effect at December 31, 2017   Effect at December 31, 2016
    of R$/US$   Millons of US$   Millons of US$
    -10%   +80.5   +119.2
    +10%    -80.5    -119.2


    (*) Appreciation (depreciation) of US$ regard to the covered currencies.


    Effects of exchange rate derivatives in the Financial Statements


    The profit or losses caused by changes in the fair value of hedging instruments are segregated between intrinsic value and temporary value. The intrinsic value is the actual percentage of cash flow covered, initially shown in equity and later transferred to income, while the hedge transaction is recorded in income. The temporary value corresponds to the ineffective portion of cash flow hedge which is recognized in the financial results of the Company (Note 19).


    Due to the functional currency of TAM S.A. and Subsidiaries is the Brazilian real, the Company presents the effects of the exchange rate fluctuations in Other comprehensive income by converting the Statement of financial position and Income statement of TAM S.A. and Subsidiaries from their functional currency to the U.S. dollar, which is the presentation currency of the consolidated financial statement of LATAM Airlines Group S.A. and Subsidiaries. The Goodwill generated in the Business combination is recognized as an asset of TAM S.A. and Subsidiaries in Brazilian real whose conversion to U.S. dollar also produces effects in other comprehensive income.


    The following table shows the change in Other comprehensive income recognized in Total equity in the case of appreciate or depreciate 10% the exchange rate R$/US$:


    Appreciation (depreciation)   Effect at December 31, 2017   Effect at December 31, 2016
    of R$/US$   Millions of US$   Millions of US$
    -10%   +386.62   +351.04
    +10%   -316.33   -287.22


    (iii) Interest -rate risk:




    The Company is exposed to fluctuations in interest rates affecting the markets future cash flows of the assets, and current and future financial liabilities.


    The Company is exposed in one portion to the variations of London Inter-Bank Offer Rate (“LIBOR”) and other interest rates of less relevance are Brazilian Interbank Deposit Certificate ("ILC").




    In order to reduce the risk of an eventual rise in interest rates, the Company has signed interest-rate swap and call option contracts. Currently a 63% (63% at December 31, 2016) of the debt is fixed to fluctuations in interest rate.


    Rate Hedging Results:


    At December 31, 2017, the market value of the positions of interest rate derivatives amounted to US$ 6.6 million (negative). At end of December 2016 this market value was US$ 17.2 million (negative).


    Sensitivity analysis:


    The following table shows the sensitivity of changes in financial obligations that are not hedged against interest-rate variations. These changes are considered reasonably possible, based on current market conditions each date.


    Increase (decrease)   Positions as of December 31, 2017   Positions as of December 31, 2016
    futures curve   effect on profit or loss before tax   effect on profit or loss before tax
    in libor 3 months   (millions of US$)   (millions of US$)
    +100 basis points    -29.26    -32.16
    -100 basis points   +29.26   +32.16


    Much of the current rate derivatives are registered for as hedges of cash flow, therefore, a variation in the exchange rate has an impact on the market value of derivatives, whose changes impact on the Company’s net equity.


    The calculations were made increasing (decreasing) vertically 100 basis points of the three-month Libor futures curve, being both reasonably possible scenarios according to historical market conditions.


    Increase (decrease)   Positions as of December 31, 2017   Positions as of December 31, 2016
    futures curve   effect on equity   effect on equity
    in libor 3 months   (millions of US$)   (millions of US$)
    +100 basis points   +1.9   +3.93
    -100 basis points   -1.9   -4.03


    The assumptions of sensitivity calculation must assume that forward curves of interest rates do not necessarily reflect the real value of the compensation flows. Moreover, the structure of interest rates is dynamic over time.


    During the periods presented, the Company has no registered amounts by ineffectiveness in consolidated statement of income for this kind of hedging.


    (b) Credit risk


    Credit risk occurs when the counterparty to a financial agreement or instrument fails to discharge an obligation due or financial instrument, leading to a loss in market value of a financial instrument (only financial assets, not liabilities).


    The Company is exposed to credit risk due to its operative and financial activities, including deposits with banks and financial institutions, investments in other kinds of instruments, exchange-rate transactions and the contracting of derivative instruments or options.


    To reduce the credit risk associated with operational activities, the Company has established credit limits to abridge the exposure of their debtors which are monitored permanently (mainly in case of operational activities in Brazil with travel agents).


    As a way to mitigate credit risk related to financial activities, the Company requires that the counterparty to the financial activities remain at least investment grade by major Risk Assessment Agencies. Additionally the Company has established maximum limits for investments which are monitored regularly.


    (i) Financial activities


    Cash surpluses that remain after the financing of assets necessary for the operation are invested according to credit limits approved by the Company’s Board, mainly in time deposits with different financial institutions, private investment funds, short-term mutual funds, and easily-liquidated corporate and sovereign bonds with short remaining maturities. These investments are booked as Cash and cash equivalents and other current financial assets.


    In order to reduce counterparty risk and to ensure that the risk assumed is known and managed by the Company, investments are diversified among different banking institutions (both local and international). The Company evaluates the credit standing of each counterparty and the levels of investment, based on (i) their credit rating, (ii) the equity size of the counterparty, and (iii) investment limits according to the Company’s level of liquidity. According to these three parameters, the Company chooses the most restrictive parameter of the previous three and based on this, establishes limits for operations with each counterparty.


    The Company has no guarantees to mitigate this exposure.


    (ii) Operational activities


    The Company has four large sales “clusters”: travel agencies, cargo agents, airlines and credit-card administrators. The first three are governed by International Air Transport Association, international (“IATA”) organization comprising most of the airlines that represent over 90% of scheduled commercial traffic and one of its main objectives is to regulate the financial transactions between airlines and travel agents and cargo. When an agency or airline does not pay their debt, they are excluded from operating with IATA’s member airlines. In the case of credit-card administrators, they are fully guaranteed by 100% by the issuing institutions.


    The exposure consists of the term granted, which fluctuates between 1 and 45 days.


    One of the tools the Company uses for reducing credit risk is to participate in global entities related to the industry, such as IATA, Business Sales Processing (“BSP”), Cargo Account Settlement Systems (“CASS”), IATA Clearing House (“ICH”) and banks (credit cards). These institutions fulfill the role of collectors and distributors between airlines and travel and cargo agencies. In the case of the Clearing House, it acts as an offsetting entity between airlines for the services provided between them. A reduction in term and implementation of guarantees has been achieved through these entities. Currently the sales invoicing of TAM Linhas Aéreas S.A. related with travel agents and cargo agents for domestic transportation in Brazil is done directly by TAM Linhas Aéreas S.A.


    Credit quality of financial assets


    The external credit evaluation system used by the Company is provided by IATA. Internal systems are also used for particular evaluations or specific markets based on trade reports available on the local market. The internal classification system is complementary to the external one, i.e. for agencies or airlines not members of IATA, the internal demands are greater.


    To reduce the credit risk associated with operational activities, the Company has established credit limits to abridge the exposure of their debtors which are monitored permanently (mainly in case of operational activities of TAM Linhas Aéreas S.A. with travel agents).The bad-debt rate in the principal countries where the Company has a presence is insignificant.


    (c) Liquidity risk


    Liquidity risk represents the risk that the Company has no sufficient funds to meet its obligations.


    Because of the cyclical nature of the business, the operation, and its investment and financing needs related to the acquisition of new aircraft and renewal of its fleet, plus the financing needs, the Company requires liquid funds, defined as cash and cash equivalents plus other short term financial assets, to meet its payment obligations.


    The liquid funds, the future cash generation and the capacity to obtain additional funding, through bond issuance and banking loans, will allow the Company to obtain sufficient alternatives to face its investment and financing future commitments.


    At December 31, 2017 is US$ 1,614 million (US$ 1,486 million at December 31, 2016), invested in short term instruments through financial high credit rating levels entities.


    In addition to the liquid funds, the Company has access to short term credit line. As of December 31, 2017, LATAM has working capital credit lines with multiple banks and additionally has a US$ 450 million undrawn committed credit line (US$ 325 million at December 31, 2016) subject to borrowing base availability.


    Class of liability for the analysis of liquidity risk ordered by date of maturity as of December 31, 2017

    Debtor: LATAM Airlines Group S.A. and Subsidiaries, Tax No. 89.862.200-2 Chile.


                          More than     More than     More than                                    
                    Up to     90 days     one to     three to     More than                              
            Creditor       90     to one     three     five     five           Nominal         Effective     Nominal  
    Tax No.   Creditor   country   Currency   days     year     years     years     years     Total     value     Amortization   rate     rate  
                    ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$         %     %  
    Loans to exporters                                                                                        
    97.032.000-8   BBVA   Chile   US$     75,863       -       -       -       -       75,863       75,000     At Expiration     2.30       2.30  
    97.032.000-8   BBVA   Chile   UF     -       57,363       -       -       -       57,363       55,801     At Expiration     3.57       2.77  
    97.036.000-K   SANTANDER   Chile   US$     30,131       -       -       -       -       30,131       30,000     At Expiration     2.49       2.49  
    97.030.000-7   ESTADO   Chile   US$     40,257       -       -       -       -       40,257       40,000     At Expiration     2.57       2.57  
    97.003.000-K   BANCO DO BRASIL   Chile   US$     100,935       -       -       -       -       100,935       100,000     At Expiration     2.40       2.40  
    97.951.000-4   HSBC   Chile   US$     12,061       -       -       -       -       12,061       12,000     At Expiration     2.03       2.03  
    Bank loans                                                                                        
    97.023.000-9   CORPBANCA   Chile   UF     22,082       22,782       43,430       -       -       88,294       84,664     Quarterly     3.68       3.68  
    0-E   BLADEX   U.S.A.   US$     -       16,465       15,628       -       -       32,093       30,000     Semiannual     5.51       5.51  
    97.036.000-K   SANTANDER   Chile   US$     2,040       3,368       202,284       -       -       207,692       202,284     Quarterly     4.41       4.41  
    Obligations with the public                                                                                        
    0-E   BANK OF NEW YORK   U.S.A.   US$     -       84,375       650,625       96,250       772,188       1,603,438       1,200,000     At Expiration     7.44       7.03  
    97.030.000-7   ESTADO   Chile   UF     -       20,860       41,720       226,379       245,067       534,026       379,274     At Expiration     5.50       5.50  
    Guaranteed obligations                                                                                        
    0-E   CREDIT AGRICOLE   France   US$     8,368       25,415       56,305       12,751       -       102,839       98,091     Quarterly     2.66       2.22  
    0-E   BNP PARIBAS   U.S.A.   US$     14,498       59,863       148,469       145,315       313,452       681,597       575,221     Quarterly     3.41       3.40  
    0-E   WELLS FARGO   U.S.A.   US$     30,764       92,309       246,285       246,479       245,564       861,401       808,987     Quarterly     2.46       1.75  
    0-E   WILMINGTON TRUST COMPANY   U.S.A.   US$     32,026       95,042       253,469       244,836       676,474       1,301,847       1,034,853     Quarterly     4.48       4.48  
    0-E   CITIBANK   U.S.A.   US$     14,166       42,815       114,612       112,435       102,045       386,073       351,217     Quarterly     3.31       2.47  
    0-E   BTMU   U.S.A.   US$     3,292       9,997       26,677       26,704       14,133       80,803       74,734     Quarterly     2.87       2.27  
    0-E   APPLE BANK   U.S.A.   US$     1,611       4,928       13,163       13,196       7,369       40,267       37,223     Quarterly     2.78       2.18  
    0-E   US BANK   U.S.A.   US$     18,485       55,354       146,709       145,364       158,236       524,148       472,833     Quarterly     4.00       2.82  
    0-E   DEUTSCHE BANK   U.S.A.   US$     4,043       12,340       32,775       32,613       32,440       114,211       96,906     Quarterly     4.39       4.39  
    0-E   NATIXIS   France   US$     18,192       54,952       129,026       105,990       166,011       474,171       413,011     Quarterly     3.42       3.40  
    0-E   PK AirFinance   U.S.A.   US$     2,375       7,308       20,812       18,104       -       48,599       46,500     Monthly     3.18       3.18  
    0-E   KFW IPEX-BANK   Germany   US$     2,570       7,111       16,709       1,669       -       28,059       26,888     Quarterly     3.31       3.31  
    0-E   AIRBUS FINANCIAL   U.S.A.   US$     2,033       6,107       15,931       -       -       24,071       22,925     Monthly     3.19       3.19  
    0-E   INVESTEC   England   US$     1,930       11,092       26,103       26,045       11,055       76,225       63,378     Semiannual     6.04       6.04  
    Other guaranteed obligations                                                                                        
    0-E   CREDIT AGRICOLE   France   US$     1,757       5,843       246,926       -       -       254,526       241,287     At Expiration     3.38       3.38  
    Financial leases                                                                                        
    0-E   ING   U.S.A.   US$     5,890       12,076       28,234       -       -       46,200       42,957     Quarterly     5.67       5.00  
    0-E   CITIBANK   U.S.A.   US$     12,699       38,248       91,821       51,222       2,880       196,870       184,274     Quarterly     3.78       3.17  
    0-E   PEFCO   U.S.A.   US$     13,354       34,430       23,211       -       -       70,995       67,783     Quarterly     5.46       4.85  
    0-E   BNP PARIBAS   U.S.A.   US$     13,955       35,567       50,433       2,312       -       102,267       98,105     Quarterly     3.66       3.25  
    0-E   WELLS FARGO   U.S.A.   US$     12,117       38,076       98,424       66,849       21,253       236,719       221,113     Quarterly     3.17       2.67  
    97.036.000-K   SANTANDER   Chile   US$     6,049       18,344       48,829       47,785       3,156       124,163       117,023     Quarterly     2.51       1.96  
    0-E   RRPF ENGINE   England   US$     370       3,325       8,798       8,692       9,499       30,684       25,983     Monthly     4.01       4.01  
    Other loans                                                                                        
    0-E   CITIBANK (*)   U.S.A.   US$     25,783       77,810       206,749       -       -       310,342       285,891     Quarterly     6.00       6.00  
    Derivatives of coverage                                                                                        
    -   Others   -   US$     5,656       6,719       6,228       -       -       18,603       17,407     -     0.00       0.00  
         Total             535,352       960,284       3,010,385       1,630,990       2,780,822       8,917,833       7,633,613                      


    (*) Bonus securitized with the future flows of credit card sales in the United States and Canada.


    Class of liability for the analysis of liquidity risk ordered by date of maturity as of December 31, 2017

    Debtor: TAM S.A. and Subsidiaries, Tax No. 02.012.862/0001-60, Brazil.


                          More than     More than     More than                                    
                    Up to     90 days     one to     three to     More than                              
            Creditor       90     to one     three     five     five           Nominal         Effective     Nominal  
    Tax No.   Creditor   country   Currency   days     year     years     years     years     Total     value     Amortization   rate     rate  
                    ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$         %     %  
    Bank loans                                                                                        
    0-E   NEDERLANDSCHE                                                                                    
        CREDIETVERZEKERING MAATSCHAPPIJ   Holland   US$     176       497       1,332       722       -       2,727       2,382     Monthly     6.01       6.01  
    Financial leases                                                                                        
    0-E   NATIXIS   France   US$     4,248       7,903       23,141       71,323       -       106,615       99,036     Quarterly / Semiannual     5.59       5.59  
    0-E   WACAPOU LEASING S.A.   Luxembourg   US$     837       2,411       6,509       3,277       -       13,034       12,047     Quarterly     3.69       3.69  
    0-E   SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE  MILAN BRANCH   Italy   US$     11,735       32,230       204,836       -       -       248,801       244,513     Quarterly     4.87       4.81  
    0-E   BANCO IBM S.A   Brazil   BRL     34       -       -       -       -       34       21     Monthly     6.89       6.89  
    0-E   SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE   France   BRL     161       12       -       -       -       173       109     Monthly     6.89       6.89  
        Total             17,191       43,053       235,818       75,322       -       371,384       358,108                      


    Class of liability for the analysis of liquidity risk ordered by date of maturity as of December 31, 2017

    Debtor: LATAM Airlines Group S.A. and Subsidiaries, Tax No. 89.862.200-2, Chile.


                          More than     More than     More than                                      
                    Up to     90 days     one to     three to     More than                                
            Creditor       90     to one     three     five     five           Nominal           Effective     Nominal  
    Tax No.   Creditor   country   Currency   days     year     years     years     years     Total     value     Amortization     rate     rate  
                    ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$           %     %  
    Trade and other accounts payables                                                                                        
    -   OTHERS   OTHERS   ThUS$     566,838       -       -       -       -       566,838       566,838       -       -       -  
                CLP     165,299       -       -       -       -       165,299       165,299       -       -       -  
                BRL     315,605       -       -       -       -       315,605       315,605       -       -       -  
                Other currencies     290,244       11,215       -       -       -       301,459       301,459       -       -       -  
    Accounts payable to related parties currents                                                                                        
    78.997.060-2   Viajes Falabella Ltda.   Chile   CLP     534       -       -       -       -       534       534       -       -       -  
    0-E   Inversora Aeronáutica Argentina   Argentina   ThUS$     4       -       -       -       -       4       4       -       -       -  
    0-E   Consultoría Administrativa Profesional S.A. de C.V.   Mexico   MXN     210       -       -       -       -       210       210       -       -       -  
    78.591.370-1   Bethia S.A. y Filiales   Chile   CLP     12       -       -       -       -       12       12       -       -       -  
        Total             1,338,746       11,215       -       -       -       1,349,961       1,349,961                          
        Total consolidated             1,891,289       1,014,552       3,246,203       1,706,312       2,780,822       10,639,178       9,341,682                          


    Class of liability for the analysis of liquidity risk ordered by date of maturity as of December 31, 2016


    Debtor: LATAM Airlines Group S.A. and Subsidiaries, Tax No. 89.862.200-2 Chile.


                          More than     More than     More than                                    
                    Up to     90 days     one to     three to     More than                              
            Creditor       90     to one     three     five     five           Nominal         Effective     Nominal  
    Tax No.   Creditor   country   Currency   days     year     years     years     years     Total     value     Amortization   rate     rate  
                    ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$         %     %  
    Loans to exporters                                                                                    
    97.032.000-8   BBVA   Chile   ThUS$     75,212       -       -       -       -       75,212       75,000     At Expiration     1.85       1.85  
    97.032.000-8   BBVA   Chile   ThUS$     -       52,675       -       -       -       52,675       50,381     At Expiration     5.23       4.43  
    97.036.000-K   SANTANDER   Chile   ThUS$     30,193       -       -       -       -       30,193       30,000     At Expiration     2.39       2.39  
    97.030.000-7   ESTADO   Chile   ThUS$     40,191       -       -       -       -       40,191       40,000     At Expiration     1.91       1.91  
    97.003.000-K   BANCO DO BRASIL   Chile   ThUS$     72,151       -       -       -       -       72,151       70,000     At Expiration     3.08       3.08  
    97.951.000-4   HSBC   Chile   ThUS$     12,054       -       -       -       -       12,054       12,000     At Expiration     1.79       1.79  
    Bank loans                                                                                        
    97.023.000-9   CORPBANCA   Chile   UF     20,808       61,112       63,188       16,529       -       161,637       153,355     Quarterly     4.06       4.06  
    0-E   BLADEX   U.S.A.   ThUS$     -       14,579       31,949       -       -       46,528       42,500     Semiannual     5.14       5.14  
    0-E   DVB BANK SE   U.S.A.   ThUS$     145       199       28,911       -       -       29,255       28,911     Quarterly     1.86       1.86  
    97.036.000-K   SANTANDER   Chile   ThUS$     1,497       4,308       160,556       -       -       166,361       158,194     Quarterly     3.55       3.55  
    Obligations with the public                                                                                    
    0-E   BANK OF NEW YORK   U.S.A.   ThUS$     -       36,250       72,500       518,125       -       626,875       500,000     At Expiration     7.77       7.25  
    Guaranteed obligations                                                                                    
    0-E   CREDIT AGRICOLE   France   ThUS$     11,728       30,916       65,008       33,062       3,760       144,474       138,417     Quarterly     2.21       1.81  
    0-E   BNP PARIBAS   U.S.A.   ThUS$     13,805       56,324       142,178       141,965       376,894       731,166       628,118     Quarterly     2.97       2.96  
    0-E   WELLS FARGO   U.S.A.   ThUS$     35,896       107,830       287,878       288,338       411,076       1,131,018       1,056,345     Quarterly     2.37       1.68  
    0-E   WILMINGTON TRUST COMPANY   U.S.A.   ThUS$     25,833       79,043       206,952       200,674       733,080       1,245,582       967,336     Quarterly     4.25       4.25  
    0-E   CITIBANK   U.S.A.   ThUS$     20,224       61,020       164,077       166,165       184,053       595,539       548,168     Quarterly     2.72       1.96  
    97.036.000-K   SANTANDER   Chile   ThUS$     5,857       17,697       47,519       48,024       26,448       145,545       138,574     Quarterly     1.98       1.44  
    0-E   BTMU   U.S.A.   ThUS$     3,163       9,568       25,752       26,117       27,270       91,870       85,990     Quarterly     2.31       1.72  
    0-E   APPLE BANK   U.S.A.   ThUS$     1,551       4,712       12,693       12,891       13,857       45,704       42,754     Quarterly     2.29       1.69  
    0-E   US BANK   U.S.A.   ThUS$     18,563       55,592       147,357       146,045       230,747       598,304       532,608     Quarterly     3.99       2.81  
    0-E   DEUTSCHE BANK   U.S.A.   ThUS$     6,147       18,599       31,640       31,833       48,197       136,416       117,263     Quarterly     3.86       3.86  
    0-E   NATIXIS   France   ThUS$     14,779       44,826       116,809       96,087       206,036       478,537       422,851     Quarterly     2.60       2.57  
    0-E   PK AirFinance   U.S.A.   ThUS$     2,265       6,980       19,836       25,610       3,153       57,844       54,787     Monthly     2.40       2.40  
    0-E   KFW IPEX-BANK   Germany   ThUS$     2,503       7,587       18,772       9,178       -       38,040       36,191     Quarterly     2.55       2.55  
    0-E   AIRBUS FINANCIAL   U.S.A.   ThUS$     1,982       5,972       16,056       7,766       -       31,776       30,199     Monthly     2.49       2.49  
    0-E   INVESTEC   England   ThUS$     1,880       10,703       25,369       25,569       23,880       87,401       72,202     Semiannual     5.67       5.67  
    Other guaranteed obligations                                                                                    
    0-E   CREDIT AGRICOLE   France   ThUS$     1,501       4,892       268,922       -       -       275,315       256,860     At Expiration     2.85       2.85  
    Financial leases                                                                                    
    0-E   ING   U.S.A.   ThUS$     5,889       17,671       34,067       12,134       -       69,761       63,698     Quarterly     5.62       4.96  
    0-E   CREDIT AGRICOLE   France   ThUS$     1,788       5,457       -       -       -       7,245       7,157     Quarterly     1.85       1.85  
    0-E   CITIBANK   U.S.A.   ThUS$     6,083       18,250       48,667       14,262       -       87,262       78,249     Quarterly     6.40       5.67  
    0-E   PEFCO   U.S.A.   ThUS$     17,558       50,593       67,095       3,899       -       139,145       130,811     Quarterly     5.39       4.79  
    0-E   BNP PARIBAS   U.S.A.   ThUS$     13,744       41,508       79,165       22,474       -       156,891       149,119     Quarterly     3.69       3.26  
    0-E   WELLS FARGO   U.S.A.   ThUS$     5,591       16,751       44,615       44,514       1,880       113,351       103,326     Quarterly     3.98       3.54  
    0-E   DVB BANK SE   U.S.A.   ThUS$     4,773       9,541       -       -       -       14,314       14,127     Quarterly     2.57       2.57  
    0-E   RRPF ENGINE   England   ThUS$     -       -       8,248       8,248       12,716       29,212       25,274     Monthly     2.35       2.35  
    Other loans                                                                                    
    0-E   BOEING   U.S.A.   ThUS$     163       320       26,214       -       -       26,697       26,214     At Expiration     2.35       2.35  
    0-E   CITIBANK (*)   U.S.A.   ThUS$     25,802       77,795       207,001       103,341       -       413,939       370,389     Quarterly     6.00       6.00  
    Hedging derivatives                                                                                    
    -   OTROS   -   ThUS$     7,364       15,479       7,846       -       -       30,689       -     -     0.00       0.00  
    -   Total             508,683       944,749       2,476,840       2,002,850       2,303,047       8,236,169       7,257,368                      


    (*) Securitized bond with the future flows from the sales with credit card in United States and Canada.


    Clases de pasivo para el análisis del riesgo de liquidez agrupado por vencimiento al 31 de diciembre de 2016


    Nombre empresa deudora: TAM S.A. y Filiales, Rut 02.012.862/0001-60, Brasil.


                          Más de     Más de     Más de                                    
            País de   Descripción   Hasta     90 días     uno a     tres a     Más de           Total                  
    Rut empresa       empresa   de la   90     a un     tres     cinco     cinco     Total     Valor     Tipo de   Tasa     Tasa  
    acreedora   Nombre empresa acreedora   acreedora   moneda   días     año     años     años     años     Valor     nominal     amortización   efectiva     nominal  
                    MUS$     MUS$     MUS$     MUS$     MUS$     MUS$     MUS$         %     %  
    Préstamos bancarios                                                                                    
    0-E   NEDERLANDSCHE CREDIETVERZEKERING MAATSCHAPPIJ   Holanda   US$     179       493       1,315       1,314       54       3,355       2,882     Mensual     6.01       6.01  
    0-E   CITIBANK   E.E.U.U.   US$     1,528       203,150       -       -       -       204,678       200,000     Al Vencimiento     3.39       3.14  
    Obligaciones con el Público                                                                                    
    0-E   THE BANK OF NEW YORK   E.E.U.U.   US$     -       352,938       83,750       562,813       -       999,501       800,000     Al Vencimiento     8.17       8.00  
    Arrendamiento Financiero                                                                                    
    0-E   AFS INVESTMENT IX LLC   E.E.U.U.   US$     2,733       7,698       20,522       8,548       -       39,501       35,448     Mensual     1.25       1.25  
    0-E   DVB BANK SE   E.E.U.U.   US$     120       165       -       -       -       285       282     Mensual     2.50       2.50  
    0-E   GENERAL ELECTRIC CAPITAL CORPORATION   E.E.U.U.   US$     3,852       5,098       -       -       -       8,950       8,846     Mensual     2.30       2.30  
    0-E   KFW IPEX-BANK   Alemania   US$     592       1,552       -       -       -       2,144       2,123     Mensual/Trimestral     2.80       2.80  
    0-E   NATIXIS   Francia   US$     4,290       7,837       22,834       40,968       41,834       117,763       107,443     Trimestral/Semestral     4.90       4.90  
    0-E   WACAPOU LEASING S.A.   Luxemburgo   US$     833       2,385       6,457       6,542       -       16,217       14,754     Trimestral     3.00       3.00  
    0-E   SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE MILAN BRANCH   Italia   US$     11,875       32,116       85,995       171,553       -       301,539       279,335     Trimestral     4.18       4.11  
    0-E   BANCO IBM S.A   Brasil   BRL     380       1,161       35       -       -       1,576       1,031     Mensual     13.63       13.63  
    0-E   HP FINANCIAL SERVICE   Brasil   BRL     225       -       -       -       -       225       222     Mensual     10.02       10.02  
    0-E   SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE   Francia   BRL     146       465       176       -       -       787       519     Mensual     13.63       13.63  
        Total             26,753       615,058       221,084       791,738       41,888       1,696,521       1,452,885                      


    Class of liability for the analysis of liquidity risk ordered by date of maturity as of December 31, 2016

    Debtor: LATAM Airlines Group S.A. and Subsidiaries, Tax No. 89.862.200-2, Chile.


                          More than     More than     More than                                      
                    Up to     90 days     one to     three to     More than                                
            Creditor       90     to one     three     five     five           Nominal           Effective     Nominal  
    Tax No.   Creditor   country   Currency   days     year     years     years     years     Total     value     Amortization     rate     rate  
                    ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$           %     %  
    Trade and other accounts payables                                                                                    
    -   OTHERS   OTHERS   ThUS$     549,897       21,215       -       -       -       571,112       571,112       -       -       -  
                CLP     48,842       (30 )     -       -       -       48,812       48,812       -       -       -  
                BRL     346,037       27       -       -       -       346,064       346,064       -       -       -  
                Others currencies     140,471       11,467       -       -       -       151,938       151,938       -       -       -  
    Accounts payable to related parties currents                                                                                
    0-E   Consultoría Administrativa Profesional S.A. de C.V.   Mexico   MXN     170       -       -       -       -       170       170       -       -       -  
    78.997.060-2   Viajes Falabella Ltda.   Chile   CLP     46       -       -       -       -       46       46       -       -       -  
    0-E   TAM Aviação Executiva e Taxi Aéreo S.A.   Brazil   BRL     28       -       -       -       -       28       28       -       -       -  
    65.216.000-K   Comunidad Mujer   Chile   CLP     13       -       -       -       -       13       13                          
    78.591.370-1   Bethia S.A. y Filiales   Chile   CLP     6       -       -       -       -       6       6                          
    79.773.440-3   Transportes San Felipe S.A.   Chile   CLP     4       -       -       -       -       4       4       -       -       -  
    0-E   Inversora Aeronáutica Argentina   Argentina   ThUS$     2       -       -       -       -       2       2       -       -       -  
        Total             1,085,516       32,679       -       -       -       1,118,195       1,118,195                          
        Total consolidated             1,620,952       1,592,486       2,697,924       2,794,588       2,344,935       11,050,885       9,828,448                          


    The Company has fuel, interest rate and exchange rate hedging strategies involving derivatives contracts with different financial institutions. The Company has margin facilities with each financial institution in order to regulate the mutual exposure produced by changes in the market valuation of the derivatives.


    At the end of 2016, the Company provided US$ 30.2 million in derivative margin guarantees, for cash and stand-by letters of credit. At December 31, 2017, the Company had provided US$ 16.4 million in guarantees for Cash and cash equivalent and stand-by letters of credit. The decrease was due at: i) maturity of hedge contracts, ii) acquire of new fuel purchase contracts, and iii) changes in fuel prices, exchange rate and interest rates.


      3.2. Capital risk management


    The Company’s objectives, with respect to the management of capital, are (i) to comply with the restrictions of minimum equity and (ii) to maintain an optimal capital structure.


    The Company monitors its contractual obligations and the regulatory limitations in the different countries where the entities of the group are domiciled to assure they meet the limit of minimum net equity, where the most restrictive limitation is to maintain a positive net equity.


    Additionally, the Company periodically monitors the short and long term cash flow projections to assure the Company has adequate sources of funding to generate the cash requirement to face its investment and funding future commitments.


    The Company international credit rating is the consequence of the Company capacity to face its long terms financing commitments. As of December 31, 2017 the Company has an international long term credit rating of BB- with stable outlook by Standard & Poor’s, a B+ rating with stable outlook by Fitch Ratings and a B1 rating with stable outlook by Moody’s.


      3.3. Estimates of fair value.


    At December 31, 2017, the Company maintained financial instruments that should be recorded at fair value. These are grouped into two categories:


      1. Hedge Instruments:


    This category includes the following instruments:


      - Interest rate derivative contracts,
      - Fuel derivative contracts,
      - Currency derivative contracts.


      2. Financial Investments:


    This category includes the following instruments:


      - Investments in short-term Mutual Funds (cash equivalent),
      - Private investment funds.


    The Company has classified the fair value measurement using a hierarchy that reflects the level of information used in the assessment. This hierarchy consists of 3 levels (I) fair value based on quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities, (II) fair value calculated through valuation methods based on inputs other than quoted prices included within level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (that is, as prices) or indirectly (that is, derived from prices) and (III) fair value based on inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data.


    The fair value of financial instruments traded in active markets, such as investments acquired for trading, is based on quoted market prices at the close of the period using the current price of the buyer. The fair value of financial assets not traded in active markets (derivative contracts) is determined using valuation techniques that maximize use of available market information. Valuation techniques generally used by the Company are quoted market prices of similar instruments and / or estimating the present value of future cash flows using forward price curves of the market at period end.


    The following table shows the classification of financial instruments at fair value, depending on the level of information used in the assessment:


        As of December 31, 2017     As of December 31, 2016  
              Fair value measurements using values           Fair value measurements using values  
              considered as           considered as  
        Fair value     Level I     Level II     Level III     Fair value     Level I     Level II     Level III  
        ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$  
    Cash and cash equivalents     29,658       29,658       -       -       15,522       15,522       -       -  
    Short-term mutual funds     29,658       29,658       -       -       15,522       15,522       -       -  
    Other financial assets, current     536,001       473,653       62,348       -       548,402       536,991       11,411       -  
    Fair value derived interest rate     3,113       -       3,113       -       -       -       -       -  
    Fair value of fuel derivatives     10,711       -       10,711       -       10,088       -       10,088       -  
    Fair value derived from foreign currency     48,322       -       48,322       -       1,259       -       1,259       -  
    Interest accrued since the last payment date of Cross Currency Swap     202       -       202       -       64       -       64       -  
    Private investment funds     472,232       472,232       -       -       536,991       536,991       -       -  
    Domestic and foreign bonds     1,421       1,421       -       -       -       -       -       -  
    Other financial assets, not current     519       -       519       -       -       -       -       -  
    Fair value derived from foreign currency     519       -       519       -       -       -       -       -  
    Other financial liabilities, current     12,200       -       12,200       -       24,881       -       24,881       -  
    Fair value of interest rate derivatives     8,919       -       8,919       -       9,579       -       9,579       -  
    Fair value of foreign currency derivatives     2,092       -       2,092       -       13,155       -       13,155       -  
    Interest accrued since the last payment date of Currency Swap     1,189       -       1,189       -       2,147       -       2,147       -  
    Other financial liabilities, non current     2,617       -       2,617       -       6,679       -       6,679       -  
    Fair value of interest rate derivatives     2,617       -       2,617       -       6,679       -       6,679       -  


    Additionally, at December 31, 2017, the Company has financial instruments which are not recorded at fair value. In order to meet the disclosure requirements of fair values, the Company has valued these instruments as shown in the table below:


        As of December 31, 2017     As of December 31, 2016  
        Book     Fair     Book     Fair  
        value     value     value     value  
        ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$  
    Cash and cash equivalents     1,112,346       1,112,346       933,805       933,805  
    Cash on hand     8,562       8,562       8,630       8,630  
    Bank balance     330,430       330,430       255,746       255,746  
    Overnight     239,292       239,292       295,060       295,060  
    Time deposits     534,062       534,062       374,369       374,369  
    Other financial assets, current     23,918       23,918       164,426       164,426  
    Other financial assets     23,918       23,918       164,426       164,426  
    Trade debtors, other accounts receivable and Current accounts receivable     1,214,050       1,214,050       1,107,889       1,107,889  
    Accounts receivable from entities related, current     2,582       2,582       554       554  
    Other financial assets, not current     87,571       87,571       102,125       102,125  
    Accounts receivable, non-current     6,891       6,891       8,254       8,254  
    Other current financial liabilities     1,288,749       1,499,495       1,814,647       2,022,290  
    Accounts payable for trade and other accounts payable, current     1,695,202       1,695,202       1,593,068       1,593,068  
    Accounts payable to entities related, current     760       760       269       269  
    Other financial liabilities, not current     6,602,891       6,738,872       6,790,273       6,970,375  
    Accounts payable, not current     498,832       498,832       359,391       359,391  


    The book values of accounts receivable and payable are assumed to approximate their fair values, due to their short-term nature. In the case of cash on hand, bank balances, overnight, time deposits and accounts payable, non-current, fair value approximates their carrying values.


    The fair value of other financial liabilities is estimated by discounting the future contractual cash flows at the current market interest rate for similar financial instruments (Level II). In the case of Other financial assets, the valuation was performed according to market prices at period end.