KB Financial Group Inc. | CIK:0001445930 | 3

  • Filed: 4/27/2018
  • Entity registrant name: KB Financial Group Inc. (CIK: 0001445930)
  • Generator: Fujitsu
  • SEC filing page: http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1445930/000119312518136720/0001193125-18-136720-index.htm
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  • ifrs-full:DisclosureOfFinancialRiskManagementExplanatory

    4. Financial Risk Management

    4.1 Summary

    4.1.1 Overview of Financial Risk Management Policy

    The financial risks that the Group is exposed to are credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk, operational risk and others.

    The Group’s risk management system focuses on increasing transparency, developing the risk management environment, preventing transmission of risk to other related subsidiaries, and the preemptive response to risk due to rapid changes in the financial environment to support the Group’s long-term strategy and business decisions efficiently. Credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk, and operational risk have been recognized as the Group’s key risks. These risks are measured and managed in Economic Capital or VaR (Value at Risk) using a statistical method.

    4.1.2 Risk Management Organization

    Risk Management Committee

    The Risk Management Committee establishes risk management strategies in accordance with the directives of the Board of Directors and determines the Group’s target risk appetite. The Committee approves significant risk matters and reviews the level of risks that the Group is exposed to and the appropriateness of the Group’s risk management operations as an ultimate decision-making authority.

    Risk Management Council

    The Risk Management Council is a consultative group which reviews and makes decisions on matters delegated by the Risk Management Committee, and discusses the detailed issues relating to the Group’s risk management.

    Risk Management Division

    The Risk Management Division is responsible for monitoring and managing the Group’s economic capital limit and managing detailed policies, procedures and working processes relating to the Group’s risk management.

    4.2 Credit Risk

    4.2.1 Overview of Credit Risk

    Credit risk is the risk of possible losses in an asset portfolio in the event of a counterparty’s default, breach of contract and deterioration in the credit quality of the counterparty. For risk management reporting purposes, the individual borrower’s default risk, country risk, specific risks and other credit risk exposure components are considered as a whole.


    4.2.2 Credit Risk Management

    The Group measures expected losses and economic capital on assets that are subject to credit risk management whether on- or off-balance sheet items and uses expected losses and economic capital as a management indicator. The Group manages credit risk by allocating credit risk economic capital limits.

    In addition, the Group controls the credit concentration risk exposure by applying and managing total exposure limits to prevent an excessive risk concentration to each industry and borrower.

    The Group has organized a credit risk management team that focuses on credit risk management in accordance with the Group’s credit risk management policy. Especially, the loan analysis department of Kookmin Bank, one of the subsidiaries, is responsible for loan policy, loan limit, loan review, credit management, restructuring and subsequent event management, independently of operating department. On the other hand, risk management group of Kookmin Bank is responsible for planning risk management policy, applying limits of credit lines, measuring the credit risk economic capital, adjusting credit limits, reviewing credit and verifying credit evaluation models.

    4.2.3 Maximum Exposure to Credit Risk

    The Group’s maximum exposures of financial instruments, excluding equity securities, to credit risk without consideration of collateral values as of December 31, 2016 and 2017, are as follows:


         2016      2017  
         (In millions of Korean won)  

    Financial assets


    Due from financial institutions

       15,326,173      17,219,661  

    Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss


    Financial assets held for trading1

         23,058,919        25,242,193  

    Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss

         1,693,255        1,982,224  


         3,381,935        3,310,166  


         265,486,134        290,122,838  

    Financial investments


    Available-for-sale financial assets

         27,445,752        38,959,401  

    Held-to-maturity financial assets

         11,177,504        18,491,980  

    Other financial assets2

         7,322,335        10,195,015  







    Total financial assets

         354,892,007        405,523,478  







    Off-balance sheet items


    Acceptances and guarantees contracts

         7,822,124        6,977,468  

    Financial guarantee contracts

         4,746,292        3,683,875  


         97,005,556        102,183,167  

    Total off-balance sheet items

         109,573,972        112,844,510  








       464,465,979      518,367,988  








    1 Financial instruments indexed to the price of gold amounting to ₩72,349 million and ₩73,855 million as of December 31, 2016 and 2017, respectively are included.
    2  Loans and other financial assets are net of allowance.

    4.2.4 Credit Risk of Loans

    The Group maintains an allowance for loan losses associated with credit risk on loans to manage its credit risk.


    The Group recognizes an impairment loss on loan carried at amortized cost when there is any objective indication of impairment. Impairment loss is defined as incurred loss in accordance with IFRS; therefore, a loss that might be occur due to a future event is not recognized in spite of its likelihood. The Group measures inherent incurred losses on loans and presents them in the consolidated financial statements through the use of an allowance account which is offset against the related loans.

    Loans as of December 31, 2016 and 2017, are classified as follows:




      Retail     Corporate     Credit card     Total  
      Amount     %     Amount     %     Amount     %     Amount     %  
        (In millions of Korean won)  

    Neither past due nor impaired

      133,491,252       98.86     117,346,453       98.44     13,001,473       96.09     263,839,178       98.53  

    Past due but not impaired

        961,370       0.71       202,474       0.17       226,648       1.68       1,390,492       0.52  


        575,711       0.43       1,656,387       1.39       302,122       2.23       2,534,220       0.95  


























        135,028,333       100.00       119,205,314       100.00       13,530,243       100.00       267,763,890       100.00  

























    Less: Allowances1

        (481,289     0.36       (1,382,172     1.16       (414,295     3.06       (2,277,756     0.85  

























    Carrying amount

      134,547,044       117,823,142       13,115,948       265,486,134    
















      Retail     Corporate     Credit card     Total  
      Amount     %     Amount     %     Amount     %     Amount     %  
        (In millions of Korean won)  

    Neither past due nor impaired

      144,705,621       98.93     129,130,466       98.76     14,496,109       95.34     288,332,196       98.67  

    Past due but not impaired

        1,069,813       0.73       206,925       0.16       359,468       2.36       1,636,206       0.56  


        495,546       0.34       1,419,851       1.08       349,270       2.30       2,264,667       0.77  


























        146,270,980       100.00       130,757,242       100.00       15,204,847       100.00       292,233,069       100.00  

























    Less: Allowances1

        (429,299     0.29       (1,231,666     0.94       (449,266     2.95       (2,110,231     0.72  

























    Carrying amount

      145,841,681       129,525,576       14,755,581       290,122,838    














    1 Collectively assessed allowances for loans are included as they are not impaired individually.


    Credit quality of loans that are neither past due nor impaired are as follows:


         Retail      Corporate      Credit card      Total  
         (In millions of Korean won)  

    Grade 1

       110,720,263      57,754,882      6,804,763      175,279,908  

    Grade 2

         18,400,111        49,531,423        4,774,368        72,705,902  

    Grade 3

         3,188,861        7,722,663        1,147,814        12,059,338  

    Grade 4

         935,265        1,728,631        249,529        2,913,425  

    Grade 5

         246,752        608,854        24,999        880,605  














       133,491,252      117,346,453      13,001,473      263,839,178  














         Retail      Corporate      Credit card      Total  
         (In millions of Korean won)  

    Grade 1

       124,133,056      67,575,021      8,095,629      199,803,706  

    Grade 2

         16,790,644        53,842,610        4,920,767        75,554,021  

    Grade 3

         2,701,697        5,703,159        1,379,409        9,784,265  

    Grade 4

         851,446        1,390,131        71,207        2,312,784  

    Grade 5

         228,778        619,545        29,097        877,420  














       144,705,621      129,130,466      14,496,109      288,332,196  













    Credit quality of loans graded according to internal credit ratings are as follows:



    Range of Probability of

    Default (%)





    Grade 1

       0.0 ~ 1.0    1 ~ 5 grade    AAA ~ BBB+

    Grade 2

       1.0 ~ 5.0    6 ~ 8  grade    BBB ~ BB

    Grade 3

       5.0 ~ 15.0    9 ~ 10 grade    BB- ~ B

    Grade 4

       15.0 ~ 30.0    11 grade    B- ~ CCC

    Grade 5

       30.0 ~    12 grade or under    CC or under

    Loans that are past due but not impaired are as follows:


         1 ~ 29 days      30 ~ 59 days      60 ~ 89 days      90 days or more      Total  
         (In millions of Korean won)  


       782,262      119,667      57,187      2,254      961,370  


         134,432        44,086        23,956        —          202,474  

    Credit card

         176,390        31,880        18,378        —          226,648  

















       1,093,084      195,633      99,521      2,254      1,390,492  

















         1 ~ 29 days      30 ~ 59 days      60 ~ 89 days      90 days or more      Total  
         (In millions of Korean won)  


       890,759      117,057      59,632      2,365      1,069,813  


         162,668        27,065        17,192        —          206,925  

    Credit card

         302,871        35,774        20,823        —          359,468  

















       1,356,298      179,896      97,647      2,365      1,636,206  

















    Impaired loans are as follows:


         Retail     Corporate     Credit card     Total  
         (In millions of Korean won)  


       575,711     1,656,387     302,122     2,534,220  

    Allowances under


    Individual assessment

         (3     (860,829     —         (860,832

    Collective assessment

         (217,535     (133,507     (183,211     (534,253













    Total allowances

         (217,538     (994,336     (183,211     (1,395,085













    Carrying amount

       358,173     662,051     118,911     1,139,135  














         Retail     Corporate     Credit card     Total  
         (In millions of Korean won)  


       495,546     1,419,851     349,270     2,264,667  

    Allowances under


    Individual assessment

         (788     (791,205     —         (791,993

    Collective assessment

         (178,337     (90,771     (212,729     (481,837













    Total allowances

         (179,125     (881,976     (212,729     (1,273,830













    Carrying amount

       316,421     537,875     136,541     990,837  













    The quantification of the extent to which collateral and other credit enhancements mitigate credit risk as of December 31, 2016 and 2017, are as follows:


         Impaired Loans      Non-impaired Loans         
         Individual      Collective      Past due      Not past due      Total  
         (In millions of Korean won)  


       21,168      131,752      207,493      52,994,315      53,354,728  

    Deposits and savings

         10,849        6,114        51,815        2,115,376        2,184,154  

    Property and equipment

         7,083        25,035        28,053        5,380,329        5,440,500  

    Real estate

         262,340        341,803        590,196        137,263,717        138,458,056  

















       301,440      504,704      877,557      197,753,737      199,437,438  

















         Impaired Loans      Non-impaired Loans         
         Individual      Collective      Past due      Not past due      Total  
         (In millions of Korean won)  


       17,257      113,551      209,180      57,828,611      58,168,599  

    Deposits and savings

         11,857        5,461        40,833        4,149,157        4,207,308  

    Property and equipment

         2,676        30,455        53,647        9,720,857        9,807,635  

    Real estate

         189,480        282,327        688,502        148,183,907        149,344,216  

















       221,270      431,794      992,162      219,882,532      221,527,758  

















    4.2.5 Credit Quality of Securities

    Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and financial investments excluding equity securities that are exposed to credit risk as of December 31, 2016 and 2017, are as follows:


         2016      2017  
         (In millions of Korean won)  

    Securities that are neither past due nor impaired

       63,298,248      84,597,074  

    Impaired securities

         4,833        4,869  








       63,303,081      84,601,943  







    The credit quality of securities, excluding equity securities, that are neither past due nor impaired as of December 31, 2016 and 2017, are as follows:


         Grade 1      Grade 2      Grade 3      Grade 4      Grade 5      Total  
         (In millions of Korean won)  

    Securities that are neither past due nor impaired


    Financial assets held for trading

       20,101,364      2,752,038      46,113      18,397      68,658      22,986,570  

    Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss

         1,563,152        120,925        8,176        —          1,002        1,693,255  

    Available-for-sale financial assets

         26,082,139        1,310,782        47,998        —          —          27,440,919  

    Held-to-maturity financial assets

         11,177,504        —          —          —          —          11,177,504  




















       58,924,159      4,183,745      102,287      18,397      69,660      63,298,248  


















         Grade 1      Grade 2      Grade 3      Grade 4      Grade 5      Total  
         (In millions of Korean won)  

    Securities that are neither past due nor impaired


    Financial assets held for trading

       21,002,043      3,958,261      93,887      28,232      85,915      25,168,338  

    Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss

         1,550,617        200,633        63,856        60,332        106,786        1,982,224  

    Available-for-sale financial assets

         36,471,247        2,433,685        47,079        2,521        —          38,954,532  

    Held-to-maturity financial assets

         18,466,624        21,113        4,243        —          —          18,491,980  




















       77,490,531      6,613,692      209,065      91,085      192,701      84,597,074  




















    The credit qualities of securities, excluding equity securities, according to the credit ratings by external rating agencies are as follows:






    Credit quality




    NICE P&I




    FnPricing Inc.







    Grade 1

      AA0 to AAA   AA0 to AAA   AA0 to AAA   AA0 to AAA   A- to AAA   A- to AAA   A3 to Aaa

    Grade 2

      A- to AA-   A- to AA-   A- to AA-   A- to AA-   BBB- to BBB+   BBB- to BBB+   Baa3 to Baa1

    Grade 3

      BBB0 to BBB+   BBB0 to BBB+   BBB0 to BBB+   BBB0 to BBB+   BB to BB+   BB to BB+   Ba2 to Ba1

    Grade 4

      BB0 to BBB-   BB0 to BBB-   BB0 to BBB-   BB0 to BBB-   B+ to BB-   B+ to BB-   B1 to Ba3

    Grade 5

      BB- or under   BB- or under   BB- or under   BB- or under   B or under   B or under   B2 or under

    Credit qualities of debit securities denominated in Korean won are based on the lowest credit rating by the domestic credit rating agencies above, and those denominated in foreign currencies are based on the lowest credit rating by the foreign credit rating agencies above.

    4.2.6 Credit risk mitigation of derivative financial instruments

    A quantification of the extent to which collateral and other credit enhancements mitigate credit risk of derivative financial instruments as of December 31, 2016 and 2017, are as follows:


         2016      2017  
         (In millions of Korean won)  

    Deposits and savings, securities and others

       478,567      1,277,851  








       478,567      1,277,851  







    4.2.7 Credit Risk Concentration Analysis

    Details of the Group’s regional loans as of December 31, 2016 and 2017, are as follows:


        Retail     Corporate     Credit card     Total     %     Allowances     Carrying
        (In millions of Korean won)  


      134,956,004     116,271,176     13,526,026     264,753,206       98.88     (2,234,971   262,518,235  


        1       206,580       245       206,826       0.08       (1,719     205,107  


        —         1,328,525       2,570       1,331,095       0.50       (23,500     1,307,595  


        1,352       90,977       205       92,534       0.03       (10,385     82,149  

    United States

        —         984,472       566       985,038       0.37       (2,032     983,006  


        70,976       323,584       631       395,191       0.14       (5,149     390,042  























      135,028,333     119,205,314     13,530,243     267,763,890       100.00     (2,277,756   265,486,134  























        Retail     Corporate     Credit card     Total     %     Allowances     Carrying
        (In millions of Korean won)  


      146,149,814     127,298,283     15,200,843     288,648,940       98.77     (2,063,919   286,585,021  


        —         192,980       310       193,290       0.07       (2,327     190,963  


        —         1,879,030       1,458       1,880,488       0.64       (31,017     1,849,471  


        539       127,009       339       127,887       0.04       (6,269     121,618  

    United States

        —         866,867       1,001       867,868       0.30       (1,600     866,268  


        120,627       393,073       896       514,596       0.18       (5,099     509,497  























      146,270,980     130,757,242     15,204,847     292,233,069       100.00     (2,110,231   290,122,838  























    Details of the Group’s industrial corporate loans as of December 31, 2016 and 2017, are as follows:


         Loans      %      Allowances     Carrying amount  
         (In millions of Korean won)  

    Financial institutions

       10,603,474        8.90      (20,870   10,582,604  


         36,505,044        30.62        (539,512     35,965,532  


         48,529,236        40.71        (307,132     48,222,104  

    Wholesale & Retail

         14,246,756        11.95        (116,233     14,130,523  


         3,381,470        2.84        (357,439     3,024,031  

    Public sector

         886,583        0.74        (6,318     880,265  


         5,052,751        4.24        (34,668     5,018,083  














       119,205,314        100.00      (1,382,172   117,823,142  














         Loans      %      Allowances     Carrying amount  
         (In millions of Korean won)  

    Financial institutions

       11,093,682        8.48      (47,531   11,046,151  


         40,201,037        30.74        (449,439     39,751,598  


         54,268,271        41.50        (288,521     53,979,750  

    Wholesale & Retail

         15,061,632        11.52        (90,390     14,971,242  


         3,021,889        2.31        (269,535     2,752,354  

    Public sector

         1,056,520        0.81        (15,341     1,041,179  


         6,054,211        4.64        (70,909     5,983,302  














       130,757,242        100.00      (1,231,666   129,525,576  













    Types of the Group’s retail and credit card loans as of December 31, 2016 and 2017, are as follows:


         Loans      %      Allowances     Carrying amount  
         (In millions of Korean won)  


       59,015,452        39.73      (22,787   58,992,665  


         76,012,881        51.17        (458,502     75,554,379  

    Credit card

         13,530,243        9.10        (414,295     13,115,948  














       148,558,576        100.00      (895,584   147,662,992  














         Loans      %      Allowances     Carrying amount  
         (In millions of Korean won)  


       64,140,941        39.72      (18,646   64,122,295  


         82,130,039        50.86        (410,653     81,719,386  

    Credit card

         15,204,847        9.42        (449,266     14,755,581  














       161,475,827        100.00      (878,565   160,597,262  














    Details of the Group’s industrial securities, excluding equity securities, and derivative financial instruments as of December 31, 2016 and 2017, are as follows:


         Amount      %  
         (In millions of Korean won)  

    Financial assets held for trading


    Government and government funded institutions

       7,875,106        34.26  

    Banking and insurance

         11,408,503        49.63  


         3,702,961        16.11  








         22,986,570        100.00  







    Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss


    Banking and insurance and others

         1,693,255        100.00  








         1,693,255        100.00  







    Derivative financial assets


    Government and government funded institutions

         104,025        3.08  

    Banking and insurance

         2,998,412        88.66  


         279,498        8.26  








         3,381,935        100.00  







    Available-for-sale financial assets


    Government and government funded institutions

         10,579,880        38.55  

    Banking and insurance

         13,901,908        50.65  


         2,963,964        10.80  








         27,445,752        100.00  







    Held-to-maturity financial assets


    Government and government funded institutions

         5,373,994        48.08  

    Banking and insurance

         5,471,443        48.95  


         332,067        2.97  








         11,177,504        100.00  













         Amount      %  
         (In millions of Korean won)  

    Financial assets held for trading


    Government and government funded institutions

       8,345,463        33.16  

    Banking and insurance

         11,486,321        45.64  


         5,336,554        21.20  








         25,168,338        100.00  







    Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss


    Banking and insurance and others

         1,982,224        100.00  








         1,982,224        100.00  







    Derivative financial assets


    Government and government funded institutions

         12,099        0.37  

    Banking and insurance

         3,098,350        93.60  


         199,717        6.03  








         3,310,166        100.00  







    Available-for-sale financial assets


    Government and government funded institutions

         9,498,819        24.38  

    Banking and insurance

         23,314,336        59.84  


         6,146,246        15.78  








         38,959,401        100.00  







    Held-to-maturity financial assets


    Government and government funded institutions

         8,449,839        45.69  

    Banking and insurance

         6,765,593        36.59  


         3,276,548        17.72  








         18,491,980        100.00  













    Details of the Group’s regional securities, excluding equity securities, and derivative financial instruments by country, as of December 31, 2016 and 2017, are as follows:


         Amount      %  
         (In millions of Korean won)  

    Financial assets held for trading



       22,359,665        97.27  

    United States

         141,022        0.61  


         485,883        2.12  








         22,986,570        100.00  







    Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss



         1,232,226        72.77  

    United States

         72,837        4.30  


         388,192        22.93  








         1,693,255        100.00  







    Derivative financial assets



         2,323,198        68.69  

    United States

         291,160        8.61  


         767,577        22.70  








         3,381,935        100.00  







    Available-for-sale financial assets



         26,855,024        97.85  

    United States

         141,473        0.52  


         449,255        1.63  








         27,445,752        100.00  







    Held-to-maturity financial assets



         10,029,429        89.73  

    United States

         193,360        1.73  


         954,715        8.54  








         11,177,504        100.00  













         Amount      %  
         (In millions of Korean won)  

    Financial assets held for trading



       23,462,909        93.22  

    United States

         643,249        2.56  


         1,062,180        4.22  








         25,168,338        100.00  







    Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss



         1,178,197        59.44  

    United States

         120,000        6.05  


         684,027        34.51  








         1,982,224        100.00  







    Derivative financial assets



         1,743,201        52.66  

    United States

         325,909        9.85  


         1,241,056        37.49  








         3,310,166        100.00  







    Available-for-sale financial assets



         36,705,979        94.22  

    United States

         1,110,157        2.85  


         1,143,265        2.93  








         38,959,401        100.00  







    Held-to-maturity financial assets



         16,243,987        87.84  

    United States

         1,076,331        5.82  


         1,171,662        6.34  








         18,491,980        100.00  












    The counterparties to the financial assets under due from financial institutions and financial instruments indexed to the price of gold within financial assets held for trading and derivatives are in the financial and insurance industries which have high credit ratings.

    4.3 Liquidity Risk

    4.3.1 Overview of Liquidity Risk

    Liquidity risk is a risk that the Group becomes insolvency due to uncertain liquidity caused by unexpected cash outflows, or a risk of borrowing high interest debts or disposal of liquid and other assets at a substantial discount. The Group manages its liquidity risk through analysis of the contractual maturity of interest-bearing assets and liabilities, assets and liabilities related to the other cash flow, and off-balance sheet items related to cash flow of currency derivative instruments and others.

    Cash flows disclosed for the maturity analysis are undiscounted contractual principal and interest to be received (paid) and; thus, are not identical to the amount in the financial statements that are based on the present value of expected cash flows in some cases. The amount of interest to be received or paid on floating rate assets and liabilities is measured on the assumption that the current interest rate would be the same through the maturity.


    4.3.2. Liquidity Risk Management and Indicator

    The liquidity risk is managed by risk management policy and liquidity risk management guidelines which are applied to the risk management policies and procedures that address all the possible risks that arise from the overall business of the Group.

    The Group computes and manages cumulative liquidity gap and liquidity rate subject to every transactions that affect cash flow in Korean won and foreign currencies and off-balance sheet transactions in relation to the liquidity. The Group regularly reports to the Risk Planning Council and Risk Management Committee.

    4.3.3. Analysis of Remaining Contractual Maturity of Financial Assets and Liabilities

    Cash flows disclosed below are undiscounted contractual principal and interest to be received (paid) and; thus, are not identical to the amount in the consolidated financial statements that are based on the present value of expected cash flows. The amount of interest to be received or paid on floating rate assets and liabilities is measured on the assumption that the current interest rate would be the same through the maturity.


    The remaining contractual maturity of financial assets and liabilities, excluding derivatives held for cash flow hedging, as of December 31, 2016 and 2017, are as follows:


        Up to
    1 month
        1-3 months     3-12 months     1-5 years     Over 5 years     Total  
        (In millions of Korean won)  

    Financial assets


    Cash and due from financial institutions1

      6,431,488     815,026     414,076     629,696     353,581     —       8,643,867  

    Financial assets held for trading2

        26,099,518       —         —         —         —         —         26,099,518  

    Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss2

        1,758,846       —         —         —         —         —         1,758,846  

    Derivatives held for trading2

        3,263,115       —         —         —         —         —         3,263,115  

    Derivatives held for fair value hedging3

        —         4,075       1,719       1,791       (584     53,185       60,186  


        25,333       24,246,878       27,731,932       88,710,331       73,969,738       90,290,586       304,974,798  

    Available-for-sale financial assets4

        6,444,890       617,457       1,734,077       6,027,364       17,804,826       3,916,630       36,545,244  

    Held-to-maturity financial assets

        —         280,822       552,875       1,423,078       6,478,050       4,457,977       13,192,802  

    Other financial assets

        138,840       5,316,491       34,215       1,188,493       42,957       10,408       6,731,404  























      44,162,030     31,280,749     30,468,894     97,980,753     98,648,568     98,728,786     401,269,780  





















        Up to
    1 month
        1-3 months     3-12 months     1-5 years     Over 5 years     Total  
        (In millions of Korean won)  

    Financial liabilities


    Financial liabilities held for trading2

      1,143,510     —       —       —       —       —       1,143,510  

    Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss2

        10,979,326       —         —         —         —         —         10,979,326  

    Derivatives held for trading2

        3,712,015       —         —         —         —         —         3,712,015  

    Derivatives held for fair value hedging3

        (1,145     3,462       (5,114     8,081       (37,880     —         (32,596


        118,054,880       13,886,329       24,840,830       72,178,631       10,393,616       3,790,933       243,145,219  


        8,473,706       5,830,600       3,567,985       5,124,571       4,195,123       116,023       27,308,008  


        52,188       2,078,866       2,403,874       7,493,938       20,673,639       3,273,158       35,975,663  

    Other financial liabilities

        1,656,767       10,969,703       29,248       114,381       354,976       895,950       14,021,025  























      144,071,247     32,768,960     30,836,823     84,919,602     35,579,474     8,076,064     336,252,170  






















    Off- balance sheet items



      97,005,556     —       —       —       —       —       97,005,556  

    Financial guarantee contract7

        4,746,292       —         —         —         —         —         4,746,292  























      101,751,848     —       —       —       —       —       101,751,848  























        Up to
    1 month
        1-3 months     3-12 months     1-5 years     Over 5 years     Total  
        (In millions of Korean won)  

    Financial assets



    Cash and due from financial institutions1

      6,355,289     1,842,808     319,173     324,703     357,340     11,462     9,210,775  

    Financial assets held for trading2

        30,177,293       —         —         —         —         —         30,177,293  

    Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss2

        2,050,052       —         —         —         —         —         2,050,052  

    Derivatives held for trading2

        2,980,462       —         —         —         —         —         2,980,462  

    Derivatives held for fair value hedging3

        559       48,093       29,693       42,163       (2,577     52,698       170,629  


        3,437,020       22,062,457       30,802,580       103,782,624       75,345,756       96,863,329       332,293,766  

    Available-for-sale financial assets4

        10,063,251       1,580,946       2,311,652       11,655,746       20,322,800       7,567,341       53,501,736  

    Held-to-maturity financial assets

        —         658,856       493,420       3,217,345       6,890,530       13,247,255       24,507,406  

    Other financial assets

        8,416       7,934,856       52,757       1,305,410       43,433       16,532       9,361,404  























      55,072,342     34,128,016     34,009,275     120,327,991     102,957,282     117,758,617     464,253,523  





















        Up to
    1 month
        1-3 months     3-12 months     1-5 years     Over 5 years     Total  
        (In millions of Korean won)  

    Financial liabilities



    Financial liabilities held for trading2

      1,944,770     —       —       —       —       —       1,944,770  

    Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss2

        10,078,288       —         —         —         —         —         10,078,288  

    Derivatives held for trading2

        3,050,471       —         —         —         —         —         3,050,471  

    Derivatives held for fair value hedging3

        404       3,740       (4,715     (19,705     (7,143     244       (27,175


        127,035,944       12,365,158       23,236,756       82,586,445       11,473,834       2,667,969       259,366,106  


        5,957,108       10,024,019       3,741,022       5,724,453       4,409,543       599,680       30,455,825  


        40,655       1,015,298       3,020,683       9,644,135       29,611,835       3,245,342       46,577,948  

    Other financial liabilities

        200,082       14,060,432       145,538       229,873       342,397       965,929       15,944,251  























      148,307,722     37,468,647     30,139,284     98,165,201     45,830,466     7,479,164     367,390,484  






















    Off- balance sheet items




      102,183,167     —       —       —       —       —       102,183,167  

    Financial guarantee contract7

        3,683,875       —         —         —         —         —         3,683,875  























      105,867,042     —       —       —       —       —       105,867,042  























    1 The amounts of ₩9,307,958 million and ₩10,669,956 million, which are restricted due from the financial institutions as of December 31, 2016 and 2017, respectively, are excluded.
    2  Financial assets/liabilities held for trading, financial assets/liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss and derivatives held for trading are not managed by contractual maturity because they are expected to be traded or redeemed before maturity. Therefore, the carrying amounts of those financial instruments are classified as ‘On demand’ category. However, the cash flows of the embedded derivatives (e.g. conversion options and others) which are separated from their host contracts in accordance with the requirement IAS 39, are considered in the cash flows of the host contracts.
    3 Cash flows of derivative instruments held for fair value hedging are shown at net cash flow by remaining contractual maturity.
    4 Equity investments in financial assets classified as available-for-sale are generally included in the ‘On demand’ category as most are available for sale at any time. However, in the case of equity investments restricted for sale, they are shown in the period in which the restriction is expected to expire.
    5 Deposits that are contractually repayable on demand or on short notice are classified under the ‘On demand’ category.
    6 Commitments are included under the ‘On demand’ category because payments will be made upon request.
    7  The financial guarantee contracts are included under the ‘On demand’ category as payments will be made upon request.


    The contractual cash flows of derivatives held for cash flow hedging as of December 31, 2016 and 2017, are as follows:


        Up to
    1 month
        1-3 months     3-12 months     1-5 years     Over 5 years     Total  
        (In millions of Korean won)  

    Net cash flow of net settlement derivatives

      (283   (1,078   (3,088   (3,141   —       (7,590

    Cash flow to be received of total settlement derivatives

        302       948       245,909       121,152       —         368,311  

    Cash flow to be paid of total settlement derivatives

        (522     (1,080     (224,600     (110,373     —         (336,575
        Up to
    1 month
        1-3 months     3-12 months     1-5 years     Over 5 years     Total  
        (In millions of Korean won)  

    Net cash flow of net settlement derivatives

      (224   (1,556   (3,044   (442   16     (5,250

    Cash flow to be received of total settlement derivatives

        196,795       298,108       745,490       1,404,317       —         2,644,710  

    Cash flow to be paid of total settlement derivatives

        (188,698     (285,397     (698,054     (1,324,504     —         (2,496,653

    4.4 Market Risk

    4.4.1 Overview of Market Risk


    Market risk is the risk of possible losses which arise from changes in market factors; such as, interest rate, stock price, foreign exchange rate and other market factors that affect the fair value or future cash flows of financial instruments; such as, securities and derivatives amongst others. The most significant risks associated with trading positions are interest rate risks, currency risks and also, stock price risks. In addition, the Group is exposed to interest rate risks associated with non-trading positions. The Group classifies exposures to market risk into either trading or non-trading positions. The Group measures and manages market risk separately for each subsidiary.

    Risk Management

    The Group sets internal capital limits for market risk and interest rate risk and monitors the risks to manage the risk of trading and non-trading positions. The Group maintains risk management systems and procedures; such as, trading policies and procedures, and market risk management guidelines for trading positions, and interest rate risk management guidelines for non-trading positions in order to manage market risk efficiently. The procedures mentioned are implemented with approval from the Risk Management Committee and Risk Management Council.

    Kookmin Bank, one of the subsidiaries, establishes market risk management policy, sets position limits, loss limits and VaR limits of each business group and approves newly developed instruments through its Risk Management Council. The Market Risk Management Committee, which is chaired by the Chief Risk Officer (CRO), is the decision maker and sets position limits, loss limits, VaR limits, sensitivity limits and scenario loss limits for each division, at the level of each individual business department.


    The ALCO of Kookmin Bank determines the operational standards of interest and commission, the details of the establishment and prosecution of the Asset Liability Management (ALM) policies and enacts and amends relevant guidelines. The Risk Management Committee and Risk Management Council monitor the establishment and enforcement of ALM risk management policies, and enact and amend ALM risk management guidelines. The interest rate risk limit is set based on the future assets/liabilities position and interest rate volatility estimation reflects the annual work plan. The Financial Planning Department and Risk Management Department measures and monitors the interest risk status and limits on a regular basis. The status and limits of interest rate risks; such as, interest gap, duration gap and interest rate VaR (Value at Risk), are reported to the ALCO and Risk Management Council on a monthly basis and to the Risk Management Committee on a quarterly basis. To ensure adequacy of interest rate and liquidity risk management, the Risk Management Department assigns the limits, monitors and reviews the risk management procedures and tasks conducted by the Financial Planning Department. Also, the Risk Management Department independently reports related information to the management.

    4.4.2 Trading Position

    Definition of a trading position

    Trading positions subject to market risk management are defined under the Trading Policy and Guideline, and the basic requirements are as follows:


        The trading position is not restricted for sale, is measured daily at fair value, and its significant inherent risks are able to be hedged in the market.


        The criteria for classification as a trading position are clearly defined in the Trading Policy and Guideline, and separately managed by the trading department.


        The trading position is operated in accordance with the documented trading strategy and managed through position limits.


        The operating department or professional dealers have an authority to enforce a deal on the trading position within predetermined limits without pre-approval.


        The trading position is reported periodically to management for the purpose of the Group’s risk management

    Observation method on market risk arising from trading positions

    Subsidiaries of the Group calculate VaR to measure the market risk by using market risk management systems on the entire trading portfolio. Generally, the Group manages market risk on the trading portfolio. In addition, the Group controls and manages the risk of derivative trading based on the regulations and guidelines formulated by the Financial Supervisory Service.

    VaR (Value at Risk)

    i. VaR (Value at Risk)

    Kookmin Bank, one of the subsidiaries, uses the value-at-risk methodology to measure the market risk of trading positions. Kookmin Bank uses the 10-day VaR, which estimates the maximum amount of loss that could occur in ten days under an historical simulation model which is considered to be a full valuation method. The distributions of portfolio’s value changes are estimated based on the data over the previous 250 business days, and ten-day VaR is calculated by subtracting net present market value from the value measured at a 99% confident level of portfolio’s value distribution results.

    VaR is a commonly used market risk measurement technique. However, the method has some shortcomings. VaR estimates possible losses over a certain period at a particular confidence level using past market movement data. Past market movements are, however, not necessarily a good indicator of future events, as there may be conditions and circumstances in the future that the model does not anticipate. As a result, the timing and magnitude of the actual losses may vary depending on the assumptions made at the time of the calculation. In addition, the time periods used for the model, generally one or ten days, are assumed to be a sufficient holding period before liquidating the relevant underlying positions. If these holding periods are not sufficient, or too long, the VaR results may understate or overstate the potential loss.

    A subsidiary which hold trading positions uses an internal model (VaR) to measure general risk, and a standard method to measure each individual risk. When the internal model is not permitted for certain market risk, the Group uses the standard method. Therefore, the market risk VaR may not reflect the market risk of each individual risk and some specific positions. And also, from this year, non-banking subsidiaries use the same standard method applied to measure regulatory capital for improvement of market risk VaR management utility (improvement of relation with regulatory capital).

    ii. Back-Testing

    Back-testing is conducted on a daily basis to validate the adequacy of the market risk model. In back-testing, the Group compares both the actual and hypothetical profit and loss with the VaR calculations.

    iii. Stress Testing

    Stress testing is carried out to analyze the impact of abnormal market situations on the trading and available-for-sale portfolio. It reflects changes in interest rates, stock prices, foreign exchange rates, implied volatilities of derivatives and other risk factors that have significant influence on the value of the portfolio. The Group uses historical scenarios and hypothetical scenarios for the analysis of abnormal market situations. Stress testing is performed at least once every year.

    VaR at a 99% confidence level of interest rate, stock price and foreign exchange rate risk for trading positions with a ten-day holding period by a subsidiary as of December 31, 2016 and 2017, are as follows:

    Kookmin Bank


         Average      Minimum      Maximum      Ending  
         (In millions of Korean won)  

    Interest rate risk

       15,683      10,817      19,538      14,906  

    Stock price risk

         1,757        726        2,269        1,201  

    Foreign exchange rate risk

         16,493        10,123        22,206        10,123  

    Deduction of diversification effect














    Total VaR

       19,018      11,558      28,519      19,753  














         Average      Minimum      Maximum      Ending  
         (In millions of Korean won)  

    Interest rate risk

       22,682      14,313      42,155      23,758  

    Stock price risk

         1,002        757        1,345        1,255  

    Foreign exchange rate risk

         32,709        12,405        44,322        24,315  

    Deduction of diversification effect














    Total VaR

       23,312      16,498      30,247      19,601  














    Meanwhile, the required equity capital using the standardized method related to the positions which are not measured by VaR or the non-banking subsidiaries as of December 31, 2016 and 2017, are as follows:

    Kookmin Bank


         2016      2017  
         (In millions of Korean won)  

    Interest rate risk

       15,161      98,236  

    Stock price risk

         4,816        1,646  

    Foreign exchange rate risk

         —          810  








       19,977      100,692  







    KB Securities Co., Ltd.


         Average      Minimum      Maximum      Ending  
         (In millions of Korean won)  

    Interest rate risk

       79,205      41,116      312,094      312,094  

    Stock price risk

         57,816        36,140        199,182        199,182  

    Foreign exchange rate risk

         1,766        471        10,790        10,790  

    Commodity risk

         80        —          125        —    













    Total VaR

       138,867      77,727      522,191      522,066  















    1 Including Hyundai Securities Co., Ltd.(included as a subsidiary in October 2016)


         Average      Minimum      Maximum      Ending  
         (In millions of Korean won)  

    Interest rate risk

       421,275      347,369      498,631      457,470  

    Stock price risk

         193,791        138,044        239,685        200,101  

    Foreign exchange rate risk

         11,113        7,599        15,446        7,674  

    Commodity risk

         5        —          34        3  













    Total VaR

       626,184      493,012      753,796      665,248  













    KB Insurance Co., Ltd.


         Average      Minimum      Maximum      Ending  
         (In millions of Korean won)  

    Interest rate risk

       47,569      40,546      55,875      41,467  

    Stock price risk

         81        —          133        —    

    Foreign exchange rate risk

         18,002        12,313        23,099        18,695  













    Total VaR

       65,652      52,859      79,107      60,162  














    1 Including KB Insurance Co., Ltd.(included as a subsidiary in second quarter, 2017)


    KB Life Insurance Co., Ltd.


         Average      Minimum      Maximum      Ending  
         (In millions of Korean won)  

    Interest rate risk

       1,428      1,123      2,440      1,675  













    Total VaR

       1,428      1,123      2,440      1,675  












         Average      Minimum      Maximum      Ending  
         (In millions of Korean won)  

    Interest rate risk

       1,381      593      1,961      1,596  













    Total VaR

       1,381      593      1,961      1,596  













    KB Investment Co., Ltd.


         Average      Minimum      Maximum      Ending  
         (In millions of Korean won)  

    Stock price risk

       2,852      1,571      4,516      4,516  

    Foreign exchange rate risk

         592        357        792        792  













    Total VaR

       3,444      1,928      5,308      5,308  














         Average      Minimum      Maximum      Ending  
         (In millions of Korean won)  

    Stock price risk

       3,904      —        4,766      3,897  

    Foreign exchange rate risk

         1,053        746        1,797        1,797  













    Total VaR

       4,957      746      6,563      5,694  













    KB Asset Management Co., Ltd.


         Average      Minimum      Maximum      Ending  
         (In millions of Korean won)  

    Interest rate risk

       19      —        215      8  

    Stock price risk

         241        —          1,634        1,634  

    Foreign exchange rate risk

         93        —          1,049        1,049  













    Total VaR

       353      —        2,898      2,691  













    Details of risk factors

    i. Interest rate risk

    Trading position interest rate risk usually arises from debt securities denominated in Korean won. The Group’s trading strategy is to benefit from short-term movements in the prices of debt securities arising from changes in interest rates. The Group manages interest rate risk on trading positions using market value-based tools such as VaR and sensitivity analysis (Price Value of a Basis Point: PVBP).


    ii. Stock price risk

    Stock price risk only arises from trading securities denominated in Korean won as the Group does not have any trading exposure to shares denominated in foreign currencies. The trading securities portfolio in Korean won are composed of exchange-traded stocks and derivative instruments linked to stock with strict limits on diversification.

    iii. Foreign exchange rate risk

    Foreign exchange rate risk arises from holding assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency and foreign currency derivatives. Net foreign currency exposure mostly occurs from the foreign assets and liabilities which are denominated in US dollars and Chinese Yuan. The Group sets both loss limits and net foreign currency exposure limits and manages comprehensive net foreign exchange exposures which consider both trading and non-trading portfolios.

    4.4.3 Non-trading position

    Definition of non-trading position

    Managed interest rate risk in non-trading position includes on- or off-balance sheet assets, liabilities and derivatives that are sensitive to interest rate, except trading position for market risk. The interest rate sensitive assets and liabilities are interest-bearing assets and liabilities that create interest income and expenses.

    Observation method on market risk arising from non-trading position

    Interest rate risk occurs due to mismatches on maturities and interest rate reset periods between interest-bearing assets and liabilities. The Group manages the risk through measuring and managing interest rate VaR and EaR that are maximum expected decreases in net asset value (NPV) and net interest income (NII) for one year, respectively, arising from unfavorable changes in market interest rate.

    Interest Rate VaR

    Interest rate VaR is the maximum possible loss due to interest rate risk under a normal distribution at a 99.9% confidence level. The measurement results of risk as of December 31, 2016 and 2017, are as follows:


         2016      2017  
         (In millions of Korean won)  

    Kookmin Bank

       75,990      350,178  

    KB Securities Co., Ltd.1

         33,345        39,717  

    KB Insurance Co., Ltd.2

         —          451,335  

    KB Kookmin Card Co., Ltd.

         43,730        12,775  

    KB Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

         21,510        51,677  

    KB Savings Bank Co., Ltd.

         5,694        6,447  

    KB Capital Co., Ltd.

         4,794        10,912  


    1 Including Hyundai Securities Co., Ltd.(included as a subsidiary in fourth quarter, 2016)
    2 Including KB Insurance Co., Ltd.(included as a subsidiary in second quarter, 2017)


    4.4.4 Financial Instruments in Foreign Currencies

    Details of financial instruments presented in foreign currencies translated into Korean won as of December 31, 2016 and 2017, are as follows:


        USD     JPY     EUR     GBP     CNY     Others     Total  
        (In millions of Korean won)  

    Financial Assets


    Cash and due from financial institutions

      2,562,178     209,264     353,841     17,224     601,317     343,825     4,087,649  

    Financial assets held for trading

        1,078,304       123,733       2,927       —         6,275       —         1,211,239  

    Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss

        458,422       —         —         —         —         —         458,422  

    Derivatives held for trading

        84,938       13       24,616       —         —         90,626       200,193  

    Derivatives held for hedging

        5,917       —         —         —         —         —         5,917  


        10,824,626       342,100       895,208       5,799       552,966       180,445       12,801,144  

    Available-for-sale financial assets

        2,214,244       150,510       —         —         35,873       1,033       2,401,660  

    Held-to-maturity financial assets

        1,148,075       —         —         —         —         —         1,148,075  

    Other financial assets

        930,606       245,827       35,981       30,793       176,833       648,089       2,068,129  























      19,307,310     1,071,447     1,312,573     53,816     1,373,264     1,264,018     24,382,428  






















    Financial liabilities


    Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss

      457,766     —       —       —       —       —       457,766  

    Derivatives held for trading

        105,918       —         129,349       —         —         315,403       550,670  

    Derivatives held for hedging

        63,634       —         —         —         —         —         63,634  


        7,259,601       597,173       457,447       52,710       791,825       399,683       9,558,439  


        7,273,597       169,507       83,105       279       85,123       37,491       7,649,102  


        3,830,709       —         —         —         —         —         3,830,709  

    Other financial liabilities

        1,453,669       52,275       534,224       1,429       176,382       294,933       2,512,912  























      20,444,894     818,955     1,204,125     54,418     1,053,330     1,047,510     24,623,232  






















    Off-balance sheet items

      14,570,708     822     39,000     —       131,210     470,900     15,212,640  


        USD     JPY     EUR     GBP     CNY     Others     Total  
        (In millions of Korean won)  

    Financial Assets


    Cash and due from financial institutions

      1,820,651     268,482     309,890     20,062     872,650     356,242     3,647,977  

    Financial assets held for trading

        3,021,509       84,980       81,394       8922       15,492       20,767       3,233,064  

    Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss

        826,906       —         —         —         —         —         826,906  

    Derivatives held for trading

        124,434       446       10,172       —         96       56,362       191,510  

    Derivatives held for hedging

        29,489       —         —         —         —         —         29,489  


        10,689,732       228,747       1,503,493       9,549       795,302       287,591       13,514,414  

    Available-for-sale financial assets

        6,061,404       101,003       124,045       —         38,606       21,123       6,346,181  

    Held-to-maturity financial assets

        2,313,099       —         44,267       —         4,905       4,242       2,366,513  

    Other financial assets

        1,615,795       453,029       406,793       13,382       226,301       708,965       3,424,265  























      26,503,019     1,136,687     2,480,054     51,915     1,953,352     1,455,292     33,580,319  






















    Financial liabilities


    Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss

      1,840,217     —       —       —       —       —       1,840,217  

    Derivatives held for trading

        109,197       1,399       73,298       —         3,563       183,461       370,918  

    Derivatives held for hedging

        49,962       —         —         —         —         —         49,962  


        8,469,129       759,394       389,049       39,993       1,093,998       590,793       11,342,356  


        7,570,727       44,885       102,005       737       —         24,185       7,742,539  


        3,473,284       —         —         —         —         219,376       3,692,660  

    Other financial liabilities

        2,361,161       44,137       887,561       3,339       224,675       302,596       3,823,469  























      23,873,677     849,815     1,451,913     44,069     1,322,236     1,320,411     28,862,121  






















    Off-balance sheet items

      12,852,959     705     2,404     —       257,940     233,509     13,347,517  

    4.5 Operational Risk

    4.5.1 Concept

    The Group defines operational risk broadly to include all financial and non-financial risks that may arise from operating activities and could cause a negative effect on capital.

    4.5.2 Risk Management

    The purpose of operational risk management is not only to comply with supervisory and regulatory requirements but also to promote a risk management culture, strengthen internal controls, innovate processes and provide timely feedback to management and employees. In addition, Kookmin Bank established Business Continuity Plans (BCP) to ensure critical business functions can be maintained, or restored, in the event of material disruptions arising from internal or external events. It has constructed replacement facilities as well as has carried out exercise drills for head office and IT departments to test its BCPs.

    4.6. Capital Adequacy

    The Group complies with the capital adequacy standard established by the Financial Services Commission. The capital adequacy standard is based on Basel III published by Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in Bank of International Settlements in June 2011, and was implemented in Korea in December 2013. The Group is required to maintain a minimum Common Equity Tier 1 ratio of at least 6.25%(2016: 5.375%), a minimum Tier 1 ratio of 7.75%(2016: 6.875%) and a minimum Total Regulatory Capital of 9.75%(2016: 8.875%) as of December 31, 2017.


    The Group’s equity capital is classified into three categories in accordance with the Supervisory Regulations and Detailed Supervisory Regulations on Financial Holding Companies:


        Common Equity Tier 1 Capital: Common equity Tier 1 Capital represents the issued capital that takes the first and proportionately greatest share of any losses and represents the most subordinated claim in liquidation of the Group, and not repaid outside of liquidation. It includes common shares issued, capital surplus, retained earnings, non-controlling interests of consolidated subsidiaries, accumulated other comprehensive income, other capital surplus and others.


        Additional Tier 1 Capital: Additional Tier 1 Capital includes (i) perpetual instruments issued by the Group that meet the criteria for inclusion in Additional Tier 1 capital, and (ii) stock surplus resulting from the issue of instruments included in Additional Tier 1 capital and others.


        Tier 2 Capital: Tier 2 Capital represents the capital that takes the proportionate share of losses in the liquidation of the Group. Tier 2 Capital includes a fund raised by issuing subordinated debentures maturing in not less than five years that meet the criteria for inclusion in Additional Tier 2 capital, and the allowance for loan losses which are accumulated for assets classified as normal or precautionary as a result of classification of asset soundness in accordance with Regulation on Supervision of Financial Holding Companies and others.

    Risk weighted asset means the inherent risks in the total assets held by the Group. The Group calculates risk weighted asset by each risk (credit risk, market risk, and operational risk) based on the Supervisory Regulations and Detailed Supervisory Regulations on Financial Holding Companies and uses it for BIS ratio calculation.

    The Group assesses and monitors its adequacy of capital by using the internal assessment and management policy of the capital adequacy. The assessment of the capital adequacy is conducted by comparing available capital (actual amount of available capital) and internal capital (amount of capital enough to cover all significant risks under target credit rate set by the Group). The Group monitors the soundness of finance and provides risk adjusted basis for performance review using the assessment of the capital adequacy.

    Internal Capital is the amount of capital to prevent the inability of payment due to unexpected loss in the future. The Group measures, allocates and monitors internal capital by risk type and subsidiaries.

    The Risk Management Council of the Group determines the Group’s risk appetite and allocates internal capital by risk type and subsidiary. Each subsidiary efficiently operates its capital within a range of allocated internal capital. The Risk Management Department of the Group monitors the limit on internal capital and reports the results to management and the Risk Management Council. The Group maintains the adequacy of capital through proactive review and approval of the Risk Management Committee when the internal capital is expected to exceed the limits due to new business or business expansion.

    Details of the Group’s capital adequacy calculation in line with Basel III requirements as of December 31, 2016 and 2017, are as follows:


         2016      2017  
         (In millions of Korean won)  

    Equity Capital:

       31,103,291      32,401,580  

    Tier 1 Capital

         29,264,494        31,059,475  

    Common Equity Tier 1 Capital

         29,013,954        31,059,475  

    Additional Tier 1 Capital

         250,540        —    

    Tier 2 Capital

         1,838,797        1,342,105  

    Risk-weighted assets:

         203,649,442        212,777,226  

    Equity Capital (%):

         15.27        15.23  

    Tier 1 Capital (%)

         14.37        14.6  

    Common Equity Tier 1 Capital (%)

         14.25        14.6