The Group’s inventories mainly comprise permits and related costs capitalized during the course of obtaining permits, solar modules and solar parks under development or completed solar parks that are held for sale by the Group within normal operating cycle which is usually twelve months since their completion of construction.
Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realizable value. Costs of solar modules are calculated using weighted average method. Costs of permits include capitalized costs incurred to obtaining such permits (for example legal expenses, consultancy fees, staff costs and other costs). Costs of solar parks under development include costs relating to solar parks capitalized before construction is completed, such as modules installed and development costs incurred.
The proceeds from the sale of solar parks held for sale is recognized as revenue of the Group and the carrying amount of the solar parks which is recognized as costs of sales of the Group.
Net realizable value represents the estimated selling price for inventories less all estimated costs of completion and costs necessary to make the sale. Provisions are made for inventory whose carrying value is in excess of net realizable value. Certain factors could impact the realizable value, so the Group continually evaluates the recoverability based on assumptions about market conditions. The Group regularly reviews the cost against its estimated net realizable value and records lower of cost and net realizable value to cost of sales, if inventories have costs in excess of estimated net realizable values.