KT CORP | CIK:0000892450 | 3

  • Filed: 4/30/2018
  • Entity registrant name: KT CORP (CIK: 0000892450)
  • Generator: Donnelley Financial Solutions
  • SEC filing page: http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/892450/000119312518141554/0001193125-18-141554-index.htm
  • XBRL Instance: http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/892450/000119312518141554/kt-20171231.xml
  • XBRL Cloud Viewer: Click to open XBRL Cloud Viewer
  • EDGAR Dashboard: https://edgardashboard.xbrlcloud.com/edgar-dashboard/?cik=0000892450
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  • ifrs-full:DisclosureOfBorrowingsExplanatory

    15. Borrowings

    Details of borrowings as of December 31, 2016 and 2017, are as follows:



    (In millions of Korean won and thousands of foreign currencies)   2016     2017  
    Type   Maturity     Annual interest













    MTNP notes1

        Sept. 07, 2034     6.50%     USD 100,000     120,850       USD 100,000     107,140  

    MTNP notes

        Jan. 20, 2017     —       USD 350,000       422,975       —         —    

    FR notes2

        Aug. 28, 2018     LIBOR(3M)+1.15%     USD 300,000       362,550       USD 300,000       321,420  

    MTNP notes

        Apr. 22, 2017     —       USD 650,000       785,525       —         —    

    MTNP notes

        Apr. 22, 2019     2.63%     USD 350,000       422,975       USD 350,000       374,990  

    MTNP notes

        Jan. 29, 2018     0.86%     JPY 6,800,000       70,503       JPY 6,800,000       64,539  

    MTNP notes

        Feb. 23, 2018     0.48%     JPY 15,000,000       155,522       JPY 15,000,000       142,367  

    MTNP notes

        July 18, 2026     2.50%     USD 400,000       483,400       USD 400,000       428,560  

    MTNP notes

        Aug 07, 2022     2.63%     —         —         USD 400,000       428,560  

    The 173-2nd Public bond

        Aug. 06, 2018     6.62%     —         100,000       —         100,000  

    The 177-3rd Public bond

        Feb. 09, 2017     —       —         170,000       —         —    

    The 179th Public bond

        Mar. 29, 2018     4.47%     —         260,000       —         260,000  

    The 180-2nd Public bond

        Apr. 26, 2021     4.71%     —         380,000       —         380,000  

    The 181-2nd Public bond

        Aug. 26, 2018     3.99%     —         90,000       —         90,000  

    The 181-3rd Public bond

        Aug. 26, 2021     4.09%     —         250,000       —         250,000  

    The 182-2nd Public bond

        Oct. 28, 2021     4.31%     —         100,000       —         100,000  

    The 183-2nd Public bond

        Dec. 22, 2021     4.09%     —         90,000       —         90,000  

    The 183-3rd Public bond

        Dec. 22, 2031     4.27%     —         160,000       —         160,000  

    The 184-1st Public bond

        Apr. 10, 2018     2.74%     —         120,000       —         120,000  

    The 184-2nd Public bond

        Apr. 10, 2023     2.95%     —         190,000       —         190,000  

    The 184-3rd Public bond

        Apr. 10, 2033     3.17%     —         100,000       —         100,000  

    The 185-1st Public bond

        Sept. 16, 2018     3.46%     —         200,000       —         200,000  

    The 185-2nd Public bond

        Sept. 16, 2020     3.65%     —         300,000       —         300,000  

    The 186-1st Public bond

        June 26, 2017     —       —         120,000       —         —    

    The 186-2nd Public bond

        June 26, 2019     3.08%     —         170,000       —         170,000  

    The 186-3rd Public bond

        June 26, 2024     3.42%     —         110,000       —         110,000  

    The 186-4th Public bond

        June 26, 2034     3.70%     —         100,000       —         100,000  

    The 187-1st Public bond

        Sept. 02, 2017     —       —         110,000       —         —    

    The 187-2nd Public bond

        Sept. 02, 2019     2.97%     —         220,000       —         220,000  

    The 187-3rd Public bond

        Sept. 02, 2024     3.31%     —         170,000       —         170,000  

    The 187-4th Public bond

        Sept. 02, 2034     3.55%     —         100,000       —         100,000  

    The 188-1st Public bond

        Jan. 29, 2020     2.26%     —         160,000       —         160,000  

    The 188-2nd Public bond

        Jan. 29, 2025     2.45%     —         240,000       —         240,000  

    The 188-3rd Public bond

        Jan. 29, 2035     2.71%     —         50,000       —         50,000  

    The 189-1st Public bond

        Jan. 27, 2019     1.76%     —         100,000       —         100,000  

    The 189-2nd Public bond

        Jan. 27, 2021     1.95%     —         130,000       —         130,000  

    The 189-3rd Public bond

        Jan. 27, 2026     2.20%     —         100,000       —         100,000  

    The 189-4rd Public bond

        Jan. 27, 2036     2.35%     —         70,000       —         70,000  

    The 17th unsecured bond

        Apr. 22, 2018     1.89%     —         60,000       —         60,000  






          7,344,300         5,987,576  

    Less: Current portion

          (1,607,570       (1,357,776

    Discount on bonds

          (20,852       (19,347








        5,715,878       4,610,453  








    1 As of December 31, 2017, the Controlling Company has outstanding notes in the amount of USD 100 million with fixed interest rates under Medium Term Note Program (“MTNP”) registered in the Singapore Stock Exchange, which allowed issuance of notes of up to USD 2,000 million. However, the MTN Program has been suspended since 2007.
    2 Libor (3M) are approximately 1.695 % as of December 31, 2017.

    Short-term borrowings


         (In millions of Korean won)        2016      2017  
    Type    Financial institution    Annual interest rates     


       Shinhan Bank    2.99% ~ 4.41%   120,300      113,300  
       Standard Charted Bank    —       8,000        —    
       Korea Development Bank    3.97%     20,800        12,000  
       Indutrial Bank of Korea    —       1,000        —    
       SooHyup Bank    4.22%     3,000        3,000  






       Total   153,100      128,300  







    Long-term borrowings


    (In millions of Korean won and thousands of foreign currencies)   2016     2017  
    Financial institution   Type   Annual interest rates  














    Bank of Korea

      Inter-Korean Cooperation Fund1   1.50%     —       5,181       —       4,688  

    Shinhan Bank

      General loans   2.50%     —         31,000       —         30,000  

    Facility loans

      2.56%     —         6,493       —         6,000  

    Vessel facility loans2

      LIBOR(3M)+0.706%     USD 21,000       25,379       USD 15,000       16,071  

    KEB Hana Bank

      General loans   3.95%     —         3,000       —         3,000  

    Standard Charted Bank

      General loans   3.16%     —         —         —         8,000  

    Woori Bank

      General loans   —       —         13,000       —         —    

    NongHyup Bank

      General loans   2.86%     —         —       —         8,000  

    Facility loans

      2.00%       123       —         123  

    Korea Development Bank

      General loans     3.27%       —         30,000       —         30,000  

    Kookmin Bank

      Facility loans     2.59%       —         7,000       —         2,333  

    NH Investment & Security Co., Ltd.

      Commercial papers     3.17%       —         300,000       —         300,000  


      Redeemable convertible preferred stock3     —         —         950       —         950  

    Kookmin Bank and other2

        3.15%       USD 183,796       222,117       USD 166,108       177,968  






            644,243       587,133  

    Less: Current portion

          (59,331     (87,398








          584,912       499,735  








    1 The Inter-Korean Cooperation Fund is repayable in installments over 13 years after a seven-year grace period.
    2 LIBOR(3M) is approximately 1.695% as of December 31, 2017.
    3 Skylife TV Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Group, issued 1,900,000 of redeemable convertible preferred stock with a par value per share of 500 in 2010.

    Repayment schedule of the Group’s borrowings including the portion of current liabilities as of December 31, 2017, is as follows:


    (in millions of Korean won)  
        Debentures     Borrowings     Total  
        In local
        In foreign
        Sub- total     In local
        In foreign
        Sub- total        

    Jan 1, 2018 ~ Dec 31, 2018

      830,000     528,326     1,358,326     167,395     48,303     215,698     1,574,024  

    Jan 1, 2019 ~ Dec 31, 2019

        490,000       374,990       864,990       343,465       48,303       391,768       1,256,758  

    Jan 1, 2020 ~ Dec 31, 2020

        460,000       —         460,000       1,518       45,089       46,607       506,607  

    Jan 1, 2021 ~ Dec 31, 2021

        950,000       —         950,000       1,518       41,875       43,393       993,393  

    After 2022

        1,390,000       964,260       2,354,260     7,498       10,469       17,967       2,372,227  





















      4,120,000     1,867,576     5,987,576     521,394      194,039     715,433     6,703,009  























    Carrying amount and fair value of the Group’s debentures and borrowings as of December 31, 2016 and 2017, are as follows:


    (In millions of Korean won)    2016      2017  














       7,323,448      7,387,085      5,968,229      6,022,551  

    Long-term borrowings (Including current portion of long-term borrowings)

         644,243        644,010        587,133        587,475  

    Short-term borrowings

         153,100        153,100        128,300        128,300  














       8,120,791      8,184,195      6,683,662      6,738,326  













    The fair values of debentures and long-term borrowings are calculated by discounting the expected future cash flows at weighted average borrowing rate. The weighted average borrowing rate is approximately 3.37% (2016: 3.38%) as of December 31, 2017. The carrying amount of borrowings of subsidiaries is the reasonable approximately amount of the fair value.