SMITH & NEPHEW PLC | CIK:0000845982 | 3

  • Filed: 3/5/2018
  • Entity registrant name: SMITH & NEPHEW PLC (CIK: 0000845982)
  • Generator: Merrill
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  • ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForRecognitionOfRevenue

    Accounting policy

    Revenue comprises sales of products and services to third parties at amounts invoiced net of trade discounts and rebates, excluding taxes on revenue. Revenue from the sale of products is recognised upon transfer to the customer of the significant risks and rewards of ownership. This is generally when goods are delivered to customers. There is no significant revenue associated with the provision of discrete services. In Established Markets we typically sell direct to healthcare institutions while in our Emerging Markets we typically sell to distributors and intermediaries. In general our surgical business is more direct to hospitals and ambulatory service centres whereas in our wound business, and in particular products used in community and homecare facilities, it is through wholesalers. Sales of inventory located at customer premises and available for customers’ immediate use are recognised when notification is received that the product has been implanted or used. Appropriate provisions for returns, trade discounts and rebates are deducted from revenue. Rebates comprise retrospective volume discounts granted to certain customers on attainment of certain levels of purchases from the Group. These are accrued over the course of the arrangement based on estimates of the level of business expected and adjusted at the end of the arrangement to reflect actual volumes.