Sanofi | CIK:0001121404 | 3

  • Filed: 3/16/2018
  • Entity registrant name: Sanofi (CIK: 0001121404)
  • Generator: Donnelley Financial Solutions
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  • ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForRecognitionOfRevenue

    B.13. Revenue recognition

    B.13.1. Net sales

    Revenue arising from the sale of goods is presented in the income statement within Net sales. Net sales comprise revenue from sales of pharmaceutical products, active ingredients and vaccines, net of sales returns, of customer incentives and discounts, and of certain sales-based payments paid or payable to the healthcare authorities.

    Revenue is recognized when all of the following conditions have been met: the risks and rewards of ownership have been transferred to the customer; Sanofi no longer has effective control over the goods sold; the amount of revenue and costs associated with the transaction can be measured reliably; and it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to Sanofi, in accordance with IAS 18 (Revenue). In particular, the contracts between Sanofi Pasteur and government agencies specify conditions for the supply and acceptance of batches of vaccine; revenue is recognized when those conditions are met.

    Sanofi offers various types of price reductions on its products. In particular, products sold in the United States are covered by various governmental programs (such as Medicare and Medicaid) under which products are sold at a discount. Rebates are granted to healthcare authorities, and under contractual arrangements with certain customers. Some wholesalers are entitled to chargeback incentives based on the selling price to the end customer, under specific contractual arrangements. Cash discounts may also be granted for prompt payment.

    Returns, discounts, incentives and rebates, as described above, are recognized in the period in which the underlying sales are recognized as a reduction of gross sales.

    These amounts are calculated as follows:



    Provisions for chargeback incentives are estimated on the basis of the relevant subsidiary’s standard sales terms and conditions, and in certain cases on the basis of specific contractual arrangements with the customer. They represent management’s best estimate of the amount of chargeback incentives that will ultimately be claimed by the customer.



    Provisions for rebates based on attainment of sales targets are estimated and accrued as each of the underlying sales transactions is recognized.



    Provisions for price reductions under Government and State programs, largely in the United States, are estimated on the basis of the specific terms of the relevant regulations or agreements, and accrued as each of the underlying sales transactions is recognized.



    Provisions for sales returns are calculated on the basis of management’s best estimate of the amount of product that will ultimately be returned by customers. In countries where product returns are possible, Sanofi operates a returns policy that allows the customer to return products within a certain period either side of the expiry date (usually 12 months after the expiry date). The provision is estimated on the basis of past experience of sales returns.

    Sanofi also takes into account factors such as levels of inventory in its various distribution channels, product expiry dates, information about potential discontinuation of products, the entry of competing generics into the market, and the launch of over-the-counter medicines.

    In each case, the provisions are subject to continuous review and adjustment as appropriate based on the most recent data available to management.

    Sanofi believes that it has the ability to measure each of the above provisions reliably, using the following factors in developing its estimates:



    the nature and patient profile of the underlying product;



    the applicable regulations or the specific terms and conditions of contracts with governmental authorities, wholesalers and other customers;



    historical data relating to similar contracts, in the case of qualitative and quantitative rebates and chargeback incentives;



    past experience and sales growth trends for the same or similar products;



    actual inventory levels in distribution channels, monitored by Sanofi using internal sales data and externally provided data;



    the shelf life of Sanofi products; and



    market trends including competition, pricing and demand.

    B.13.2. Other revenues

    Other revenues mainly comprise royalties under licensing agreements (see Note C.), and VaxServe sales of products sourced from third-party manufacturers.

    VaxServe is a Vaccines segment entity whose operations include the distribution within the United States of vaccines and other products manufactured by third parties.


    Some sales recorded by VaxServe are presented within the line item Other revenues because they are not derived from the sale of products manufactured by Sanofi.