CGG | CIK:0001037962 | 3

  • Filed: 3/29/2018
  • Entity registrant name: CGG (CIK: 0001037962)
  • Generator: Donnelley Financial Solutions
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  • ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForRecognitionOfRevenue

    4 — Operating revenues

    Operating revenues are recognized when they can be measured reliably, and when it is likely that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the entity, which is at the point that such revenues have been realized or are considered realizable.



    Multi-client surveys

    Revenues related to multi-client surveys result from (i) pre-commitments and (ii) licenses after completion of the surveys (“after-sales”).

    Pre-commitments — generally, we obtain commitments from a limited number of customers before a seismic project is completed. These pre-commitments cover part or all of the survey area blocks. In return for the commitment, the customer typically gains the right to direct or influence the project specifications, advance access to data as it is being acquired, and favorable pricing.

    We recognize pre-commitments as revenue when production has started based on the physical progress of the project, as services are rendered.

    After sales — generally, we grant a license entitling non-exclusive access to a complete and ready for use, specifically defined portion of our multi-client data library in exchange for a fixed and determinable payment. We recognize after sales revenue upon the client executing a valid license agreement and being granted access to the data.

    In case after sales agreements contain multiple deliverable elements, the revenue is allocated to the various elements based on specific objective evidence of fair value, regardless of any separate allocations stated within the contract for each element.

    After sales volume agreements — we enter into a customer arrangement in which we agree to grant licenses to the customer for access to a specified number of blocks of the multi-client library. These arrangements typically enable the customer to select and access the specific blocks for a limited period of time. We recognize revenue when the blocks are selected and the client has been granted access to the data and if the corresponding revenue can be reliably estimated.



    Exclusive surveys

    In exclusive surveys, we perform seismic services (acquisition and processing) for a specific customer. We recognize proprietary/contract revenues as the services are rendered. Revenue is recognized using the percentage of completion method (or “proportional performance method”).

    The billings and the costs related to the transit of seismic vessels at the beginning of the survey are deferred and recognized over the duration of the contract by reference to the technical stage of completion.

    In some exclusive survey contracts and a limited number of multi-client survey contracts, we are required to meet certain milestones. We defer recognition of revenue on such contracts until all milestones before which the customer has a right of cancellation or refund of amounts paid have been achieved.



    Equipment sales

    We recognize revenues on equipment sales upon delivery to the customer when risks and rewards are fully transferred. Any advance billings to customers are recorded in current liabilities.



    Software and hardware sales

    We recognize revenues from the sale of software and hardware products following acceptance of the product by the customer at which time we have no further significant vendor obligations remaining. Any advance billings to customers are recorded in current liabilities.

    If an arrangement to deliver software, either alone or together with other products or services, requires significant production, modification, or customization of software, the entire arrangement is accounted for as a production-type contract, i.e. using the percentage of completion method.

    If the software arrangement provides for multiple deliverables (e.g. upgrades or enhancements, post-contract customer support such as maintenance, or services), the revenue is allocated to the various elements based on specific objective evidence of fair value, regardless of any separate allocations stated within the contract for each element.

    Maintenance revenues consist primarily of post contract customer support agreements and are recorded as advance billings to customers and recognized as revenue on a proportional performance basis over the contract period.



    Other geophysical sales/services

    Revenues from our other geophysical sales/services are recognized as the services are performed and, when related to long-term contracts, using the proportional performance method of recognizing revenues.



    Customer loyalty programs

    We may grant award credits to our main clients. These award credits are contractually based on cumulative services provided during the calendar year and attributable to future services.

    These credits are considered as a separate component of the initial sale and measured at their fair value by reference to the contractual rates and the forecasted cumulative revenues for the calendar year. These proceeds are recognized as revenue only when the obligation has been fulfilled.