Income tax is calculated at the rate of 15% plus a surcharge of 10% levied on the profit, after adjustments determined by tax legislation. The social contribution (CSLL) is calculated at the rate of 20% for financial institutions (15% up to August 2015) and 9% for other companies, levied on the profit, after considering the adjustments determined by tax legislation. The CSLL rate for financial institutions, legal persons of private insurance and capitalization was increased from 15% to 20% for the fiscal period between September 1, 2015 and December 31, 2018, pursuant to Law 13,169/2015 (a result of the conversion into law of Provisional Measure 675/2015).
The expense for corporate income tax is recognized in the consolidated income statement, except when it results from a transaction recognized directly in equity, in which case the tax effect is also recognized in equity.
The current income tax expense is calculated as the sum of the current tax resulting from application of the appropriate tax rate to the taxable profit for the year (net of any deductions allowable for tax purposes), and of the changes in deferred tax assets and liabilities recognized in the consolidated income statement.
Tax assets classified as "Current" are amounts of tax to be recovered within the next twelve months.
Tax liabilities includes the amount of all tax liabilities (except provisions for taxes), which are broken down into “current” amount payable in respect of the income tax on the taxable profit for the year and other taxes in the next twelve months.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities include temporary differences, which are identified as the amounts expected to be payable or recoverable on differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities and their related tax bases, and tax loss and tax credit carry forwards. These amounts are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period when the asset is realized or the liability is settled.
Deferred tax assets are only recognized as temporary differences to the extent that it is considered probable that the consolidated entities will have sufficient future taxable profits against which the deferred tax assets can be utilized, and the deferred tax assets do not arise from the initial recognition (except in a business combination) of other assets and liabilities in a transaction that affects neither taxable profit or accounting profit. Other deferred tax assets (tax loss and tax credit carry forwards) are only recognized if it is considered probable that the consolidated entities will have sufficient future taxable profits against which they can be utilized.
Due to the change in social contribution tax rate, the group companies made the remeasurement of tax credit assets and deferred liabilities at the rates applicable to the period in which estimates the realization of assets and settlement of liabilities.
Income and expenses recognized directly in stockholders equity are accounted as temporary differences.
The deferred tax assets and liabilities recognized are reassessed at each financial statements date in order to ascertain whether they still exist, and the appropriate adjustments are made on the basis of the findings of the analyses performed.
Under the current regulation, the expected realization of tax credits is based on the Bank's projections of future results and on technical study, as shown in Note 25.
PIS (Social Integration Program) and COFINS (Tax for Social Security Financing) have been computed at a combined rate of 4.65% on certain gross revenues and expenses. Financial institutions may deduct financial expenses in determining the PIS/COFINS tax basis. PIS and COFINS are considered a profit-base component (net basis of certain revenues and expenses), therefore and accordingly to IAS 12 it is recorded as income taxes.