p. Foreign currency translations
The functional currency and the reporting currency of the Group are both the Indonesian rupiah, except for the functional currency of Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Ltd., Hong Kong, Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Pte. Ltd., Singapore, Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Inc., USA, and Telekomunikasi Indonesia International S.A., Timor Leste whose functional currency is U.S. dollars, Telekomunikasi Indonesia International, Pty. Ltd., Australia whose functional currency is Australian dollars, and TS Global Network Sdn. Bhd. whose functional currency is Malaysian ringgit. Transactions in foreign currencies are translated into Indonesian rupiah at the rates of exchange prevailing at transaction date. At the consolidated statements of financial position dates, monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into Indonesian rupiah based on the buy and sell rates quoted by Reuters prevailing at the consolidated statements of financial position dates, as follows (in full amount):
2016 |
2017 |
Buy |
Sell |
Buy |
Sell |
United States dollar (“US$”) 1 |
13,470 |
13,475 |
13,565 |
13,570 |
Australian dollar (“AUD”) 1 |
9,721 |
9,726 |
10,592 |
10,598 |
Euro ("EUR") 1 |
14,170 |
14,181 |
16,231 |
16,242 |
Japanese yen ("JPY") 1 |
115.01 |
115.10 |
120.48 |
120.55 |
Malaysian ringgit ("MYR") 1 |
3,002 |
3,005 |
3,349 |
3,355 |
The resulting foreign exchange gain or losses, realized and unrealized, are credited or charged to the consolidated statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, except for foreign exchange differences incurred on borrowings during the construction of qualifying assets which are capitalized to the extent that the borrowings can be attributed to the construction of those qualifying assets (Note 2l).
For the purpose of reporting, the assets and liabilities of subsidiaries that functional currencies are different with the Group's functional currency are translated into Indonesian rupiah using the rate of exchange prevailing at that date, while revenues and expenses are translated into Indonesian rupiah at the average rates of exchange for the year. The resulting translation adjustments are reported as part of "Other Reserves" in the equity section of the consolidated statements of financial position.