Foreign currency
Transactions entered into by subsidiaries entities in a currency other than the currency of the primary economic environment, in which they operate, are recorded at the rates ruling when the transactions occur. Foreign currency monetary assets and liabilities are translated at the rates ruling at the reporting date. Exchange differences arising on the retranslation of unsettled monetary assets and liabilities are recognised immediately in profit or loss.
The presentational currency of the Group is Pounds Sterling, and the reporting currency is also Pounds Sterling. Foreign subsidiaries use the local currencies of the country where they operate. On consolidation, the results of overseas operations are translated into Pounds Sterling at rates approximating to those ruling when the transactions took place. All assets and liabilities of overseas operations, including goodwill arising on the acquisition of those operations, are translated at the rate ruling at the reporting date. Exchange differences arising on translating the opening net assets at opening rate and the results of overseas operations at actual rate are recognised in other comprehensive income and accumulated in the foreign exchange reserve.
Exchange differences recognised in the profit or loss of Group entities on the translation of long-term monetary items forming part of the Group's net investment in the overseas operation concerned are reclassified to other comprehensive income and accumulated in the foreign exchange reserve on consolidation.
On disposal of a foreign operation, the cumulative exchange differences recognised in the foreign exchange reserve relating to that operation up to the date of disposal are transferred to the consolidated statement of comprehensive income as part of the profit or loss on disposal.