ORANGE | CIK:0001038143 | 3

  • Filed: 4/24/2018
  • Entity registrant name: ORANGE (CIK: 0001038143)
  • Generator: Merrill
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  • ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForEmployeeBenefitsExplanatory

    Post-employment benefits are granted through:

        defined contribution plans: the contributions, paid to independent institutions which are in charge of the administrative and financial management thereof, are recognized in the fiscal year during which the services are rendered;

        defined-benefit plans: the sum of future obligations under these plans are based on actuarial assumptions using the projected unit credit method:

       their calculation is based on demographic (employee turnover, mortality, etc.) and financial assumptions (salary increases, rate of inflation, etc.) defined at the level of each entity concerned;

       the discount rate is defined by country or geographical area and by reference to market yields on high quality corporate bonds (or government bonds where no active market exists). Its computation is based on external indices commonly used as reference for the eurozone;

       actuarial gains and losses on post-employment benefits are fully recorded in other comprehensive income;

       the Group’s defined benefit plans are generally not financed. In the rare cases where they are, hedging plan assets are set up by employer and employee contributions which are managed by separate legal entities whose investments are subject to fluctuations in the financial markets. These entities are generally administrated by joint committees comprising representatives of the Group and of the beneficiaries. Each committee adopts its own investment strategy which is designed to strike the optimum strategies to match assets and liabilities, based on specific studies performed by external experts. It is generally carried out by fund managers selected by the committees and depends on the market opportunities. Assets are measured at fair value, determined by reference to quoted prices, since they are mostly invested in listed securities (primarily shares and bonds) and the use of other asset categories is limited.

    Other long-term benefits may be granted such as seniority awards, long-term compensated absences and French part-time for seniors plan (TPS) agreements. The calculation of the related commitments is based on actuarial assumptions (including demographic, financial and discounting assumptions) similar to those relating to post-employment benefits. The relevant actuarial gains and losses are recognized in profit or loss when they arise.

    Termination benefits are subject to provisions (up to the related obligation). For all commitments where termination of employment contracts would trigger payment of an indemnity, actuarial gains and losses are recognized in profit or loss for the period when modifications take place.