• Filed: 4/30/2018
  • Entity registrant name: G WILLI FOOD INTERNATIONAL LTD (CIK: 0001030997)
  • Generator: GoXBRL
  • SEC filing page: http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1030997/000117891318001346/0001178913-18-001346-index.htm
  • XBRL Instance: http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1030997/000117891318001346/wilc-20171231.xml
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  • ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForEmployeeBenefitsExplanatory

    Employee benefits:

    Post-Employment Benefits

    The Group's post-employment benefits include: benefits to retirees and liabilities for severance benefits. The Group's post-employment benefits are classified as Defined Benefit Plans.

    Expenses in respect of a Defined Benefit Plan are carried to the Income statement in accordance with the Projected Unit Credit Method, while using actuarial estimates that are performed at each balance sheet date. The current value of the Group's obligation in respect of the defined benefit plan is determined by discounting the future projected cash flows from the plan by the market yields on high quality corporate bonds (see Accounting Staff Position number 21-1 of the Israeli Securities Authority: Maintaining a Deep Market in High Quality Corporate Bonds in Israel Including Accounting Treatment of the Transfer from a Capitalization Rate Appropriate for Government Bonds Market Yields to a Capitalization Rate Appropriate for Market Yields of High Quality Corporate Bonds as of December 31, 2014), denominated in the currency in which the benefits in respect of the plan will be paid, and whose redemption periods are approximately identical to the projected settlement dates of the plan.

    Actuarial profits and losses are recognized in earning when incurred.

    The Group's liability in respect of the Defined Benefit Plan which is presented in the Group's balance sheet includes the current value of the obligation in respect of the defined benefit, net of the fair value of the Defined Benefit Plan assets.

    The amendments to IAS 19 clarify how an entity should account for contributions made by employees or third parties to defined benefit plans, based on whether those contributions are dependent on the number of years of service provided by the employee.

    For contributions that are independent of the number of years of service, the entity may either recognize the contributions as a reduction in the service cost in the period in which the related service is rendered, or to attribute them to the employees’ periods of service using the projected unit credit method; whereas for contributions that are dependent on the number of years of service, the entity is required to attribute them to the employees’ periods of service.

    The directors of the Company do not anticipate that the application of these amendments to IAS 19 will have a significant impact on the Group's consolidated financial statements.

    Short term employee benefits

    Short term employee benefits are benefits which it is anticipated will be utilized or which are to be paid during a period that does not exceed 12 months from the end of the period in which the service that creates entitlement to the benefit was provided.

    Short term company benefits include the company’s liability for short term absences, payment of grants, bonuses and compensation. These benefits are recorded to the statement of operations when created. The benefits are measured on a non-capitalized basis. The difference between the amount of the short term benefits to which the employee is entitled and the amount paid is therefore recognized as an asset or liability.