SodaStream International Ltd. | CIK:0001502916 | 3

  • Filed: 3/22/2018
  • Entity registrant name: SodaStream International Ltd. (CIK: 0001502916)
  • Generator: Merrill
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  • ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForEmployeeBenefitsExplanatory

    Employee benefits

    1.Post-employment benefits

    The Group has a number of post-employment benefit plans. The plans are usually financed by deposits with insurance companies or with funds managed by a trustee, and they are classified as defined contribution plans or defined benefit plans.


    Defined contribution plans

    A defined contribution plan is a post-employment benefit plan under which an entity pays fixed contributions into a separate entity and has no legal or constructive obligation to pay further amounts. Obligations for contributions to defined contribution plans are recognized as an expense in the statement of operations in the periods during which related services are rendered by employees.


    Defined benefit plans

    A defined benefit plan is a post-employment benefit plan other than a defined contribution plan.

    The Group’s net obligation in respect of defined benefit plans is calculated separately for each plan by estimating the amount of future benefit that employees have earned in return for their service in the current and prior periods. That benefit is discounted to determine its present value, and the fair value of any plan assets is deducted. The Group determines the net interest expense (income) on the net defined benefit liability (asset) for the period by applying the discount rate used to measure the defined benefit obligation at the beginning of the annual period to the net defined benefit liability.

    The discount rate is the yield at the reporting date on high quality corporate bonds that have maturity dates approximating the terms of the Group’s obligations and that are denominated in the currency in which the benefits are expected to be paid.

    The calculation is performed annually by a qualified actuary using the projected unit credit method. When the calculation results in a net asset for the Group, the recognized asset is limited to the present value of economic benefits available in the form of a refund from the plan or a reduction in future contributions to the plan. In order to calculate the present value of economic benefits, consideration is given to any minimum funding requirements that apply to any plan in the Group. An economic benefit is considered available to the Group if it is realizable during the life of the plan, or on settlement of the plan obligations.

    Remeasurements of the net defined benefit liability (asset) which comprise actuarial gains and losses, the return on plan assets (excluding interest) and the effect of the asset ceiling (if any, excluding interest) are recognized in other comprehensive income. Other expenses related to defined benefit plans and employee benefit expenses are recognized in the statement of operations.

    2.Other long-term benefits

    The Group’s obligation in respect of long-term employee benefits other than post-employment benefit plans is the amount of future benefit that employees have earned in return for their service in the current and prior periods. That benefit is discounted to determine its present value, and the fair value of any related assets is deducted. The discount rate is the yield at the reporting date on high quality corporate bonds that have maturity dates approximating the terms of the Group’s obligations and that are denominated in the same currency in which the benefits are expected to be paid. The calculation is based on the projected unit credit method. Any remeasurements are recognized in the statement of operations as they occur.

    3.Short-term benefits

    Short-term employee benefit obligations are measured on an undiscounted basis and are expensed as the related service is provided or upon the actual absence of the employee when the benefit is not accumulated.

    A liability is recognized for the amount expected to be paid under short-term cash bonus or profit-sharing plans if the Group has a present legal or constructive obligation to pay this amount as a result of past events and a reliable estimate of the obligation can be made.

    On the balance sheet, the employee benefits are classified as short-term benefits or as other long-term benefits according to the time the liability is expected to be settled.

    4.Termination benefits

    Termination benefits are recognized as an expense at the earlier of when the Group can no longer withdraw the offer of those benefits or when the Group recognizes costs for a restructuring that involves the payment of termination benefits.

    5.Share-based payment transactions

    The grant date fair value of share-based payment awards (equity awards), which include stock options and restricted share units (hereinabove and hereinafter - RSU) granted to employees is recognized as salary expense, with a corresponding increase in equity, over the vesting periods of the awards. The amount recognized as an expense in respect of share-based payment awards that are conditional upon meeting employee service is adjusted to reflect the number of awards that are expected to vest.

    For share-based payment awards with market performance vesting conditions, the grant date fair value of the share-based payment awards is measured to reflect such conditions, and therefore the Group recognizes an expense in respect of the awards whether or not the conditions have been met.

    When the Company reduces the exercise price of options granted during the vesting period, the incremental fair value granted, which is the difference between the fair value of the re-priced options and the original options, both estimated as at the date of modification, is included in the measurement of the amount recognized for services received over the period from the modification date until the date when the modified options vest, in addition to the amount based on the grant date fair value of the original options, which is recognized over the remainder of the original vesting period. When a modification includes a reduction in exercise price and a reduction in the number of granted instruments, the fair value of the re-priced options is based on the reduced number of granted instruments.