InflaRx N.V. | CIK:0001708688 | 3

  • Filed: 3/29/2018
  • Entity registrant name: InflaRx N.V. (CIK: 0001708688)
  • Generator: Novaworks Software
  • SEC filing page:
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  • ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForEmployeeBenefitsExplanatory

    Short-term employee benefits

    Short-term employee benefit obligations are measured on an undiscounted basis and are expensed as the related service is provided. A liability is recognized for the amount expected to be paid under a short-term cash bonus, if the Group has a present legal or constructive obligation to pay this amount as a result of past service provided by the employee, and the obligation can be estimated reliably.


    Share-based payment transactions

    The grant-date fair value of equity-settled share-based payment arrangements granted to employees is generally recognized as an expense, with a corresponding increase in equity, over the vesting period of the awards. The amount recognized as an expense is adjusted to reflect the number of awards for which the related service and non-market performance conditions are expected to be met, such that the amount ultimately recognized is based on the number of awards that meet the related service and non-market performance conditions at the vesting date. For share-based payment awards with immediate vesting, the grant-date fair value of the share-based payment is measured to reflect such conditions and there is no reconciliation for differences between expected and actual outcomes.