Upon demonstrating the technical feasibility and commercial viability of extracting mineral resources, all expenditures incurred to that date for the mine are reclassified to mining properties. Expenditures capitalized to mining properties include all costs related to obtaining or expanding access to resources including extensions of the haulage ramp and installation of underground infrastructure, and the estimated reclamation provision. Expenditures incurred with respect to a mining property are capitalized when it is probable that additional future economic benefits will flow to the Company. Otherwise, such expenditures are classified as a cost of sales.
Plant and equipment are recorded at historical cost less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. Historical costs include expenditures that are directly attributable to bringing the asset to a location and condition necessary to operate in a manner intended by management. Such costs are accumulated as construction in progress until the asset is available for use, at which point the asset is classified as plant, equipment and mining properties and depreciation commences.
After the date that management’s intended production levels have been achieved, mining properties are depleted using the straight-line method over the estimated remaining life of the mine. The Company estimates the remaining life of its producing mineral properties on an annual basis using a combination of quantitative and qualitative factors including historical results, mineral resource estimates, and management’s intent to operate the property.
The Company does not have sufficient reserve information to form a basis for the application of the units-of-production method for depreciation and depletion.
As at December 31, 2017, December 31, 2016, and January 1, 2016, the Company estimated a remaining mine life for San Gonzalo of 0.8 years, 1.8 years, and 2.8 years, respectively.
As at December 31, 2017 and 2016, the Company estimated a remaining mine life for the Avino Mine of 10.3 and 11.3 years, respectively.
Accumulated mill, machinery, plant facilities, and certain equipment are depreciated using the straight-line method over their estimated useful lives, not to exceed the life of the mine for any assets that are inseparable from the mine. When parts of an item of plant and equipment have different useful lives, they are accounted for as separate items (or components) of plant and equipment.
Plant and equipment are depreciated using the following annual rates and methods:
Office equipment, furniture, and fixtures | 20% declining balance | |
Computer equipment | 30% declining balance | |
Mine machinery and transportation equipment | 20% declining balance | |
Mill machinery and processing equipment | 20 years straight line | |
Buildings | 20 years straight line |