Ternium S.A. | CIK:0001342874 | 3

  • Filed: 4/24/2018
  • Entity registrant name: Ternium S.A. (CIK: 0001342874)
  • Generator: Workiva (WebFilings)
  • SEC filing page: http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1342874/000134287418000009/0001342874-18-000009-index.htm
  • XBRL Instance: http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1342874/000134287418000009/tx-20171231.xml
  • XBRL Cloud Viewer: Click to open XBRL Cloud Viewer
  • EDGAR Dashboard: https://edgardashboard.xbrlcloud.com/edgar-dashboard/?cik=0001342874
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  • ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForIntangibleAssetsAndGoodwillExplanatory

    Information system projects
    Generally, costs associated with developing or maintaining computer software programs are recognized as an expense as incurred. However, costs directly related to the acquisition and implementation of information systems are recognized as intangible assets if they have a probable economic benefit exceeding the cost beyond one year and comply with the recognition criteria of IAS 38.
    Information system projects recognized as assets are amortized using the straight-line method over their useful lives, not exceeding a period of 3 years. Amortization charges are included in cost of sales, selling, general and administrative expenses.
    Mining assets
    Mining assets include:
    Mining licenses acquired;
    Capitalized exploration and evaluation costs, reclassified from exploration and evaluation costs (see note 4 (e) 3); and
    Capitalized developmental stripping costs (see note 4 (u)).
    Mining licenses were recognized as separate intangible assets upon the acquisition of the investment in Mexico and comprise the right to exploit the mines and are recognized at its fair value at acquisition date less accumulated amortization.
    These mining concessions were granted for a 50-year period; following the expiration of the initial concession term, the concessions are renewable for an additional 50-year term in accordance with, and subject to the procedures set forth in, applicable Mexican mining law.
    Amortization charge is calculated by using the unit-of-production method, on the basis of actual mineral extracted in each period compared to the estimated mineral reserves, and is included in cost of sales. Any change in the estimation of reserves is accounted for prospectively. The resulting amortization rate for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015, is approximately 7%, 7% and 10% per year, respectively.
    Exploration and evaluation costs
    Exploration and evaluation activities involve the search for iron ore resources, the determination of technical feasibility and the assessment of commercial viability of an identified resource.
    Exploration and evaluation costs are measured at cost. Costs directly associated with exploration and evaluation activities are capitalized as intangible assets until the determination of reserves is evaluated. The costs associated to the acquisition of machinery and equipment are recognized as property, plant and equipment. If it is determined that commercial discovery has been achieved, costs incurred are reclassified into Mining assets and amortization starts once production begins.
    Exploration costs are tested for impairment when there are indicators that impairment exists. Indicators of impairment include, but are not limited to:
    Rights to explore in an area have expired or will expire in the near future without renewal;
    No further exploration and evaluation is planned or budgeted;
    A decision to discontinue exploration and evaluation in an area because of the absence of commercial reserves; and
    Sufficient data exists to indicate that the book value will not be fully recovered from future development and production.
    When analyzing the existence of impairment indicators, the exploration and evaluation areas from the mining cash-generating units will be evaluated.
    Goodwill represents the excess of the acquisition cost over the fair value of Ternium's participation in acquired companies' net assets at the acquisition date. Under IFRS 3, goodwill is considered to have an indefinite life and not amortized, but is subject to annual impairment testing.
    Goodwill is allocated to Cash-generating units ("CGU") for the purpose of impairment testing. The allocation is made to those cash-generating units expected to benefit from the business combination which generated the goodwill being tested. The impairment losses on goodwill cannot be reversed.
    As of December 31, 2017 and 2016, the carrying amount of goodwill allocated to the Mexico CGUs was USD 662.3 million, of which USD 619.8 million corresponds to steel operations and USD 42.5 million to mining operations.
    Research and development
    Research expenditures are recognized as expenses as incurred. Development costs are recorded as cost of sales in the income statement as incurred because they do not fulfill the criteria for capitalization. Research and development expenditures for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015 totaled USD 9.8 million, USD 9.2 million and USD 6.2 million, respectively.
    Customer relationships acquired in a business combination
    In accordance with IFRS 3 and IAS 38, Ternium has recognized the value of customer relationships separately from goodwill in connection with the acquisitions of Grupo Imsa and Ternium Colombia S.A.S. (formerly Ferrasa S.A.S.). These customer relationships were amortized using the straight-line method over a useful life of approximately 10 years. As of December 31, 2017, these assets are fully amortized.
    In accordance with IFRS 3 and IAS 38, Ternium has recognized the value of customer relationships in connection with the acquisition of Ternium Staal B.V. The value of the slab commitment agreement by which Ternium Investments S.à r.l. is entitled to invoice, under certain conditions, the price difference between slabs and hot rolled coils will be amortized using the units of slabs sold method.
    Trademarks acquired in a business combination
    In accordance with IFRS 3 and IAS 38, Ternium has recognized the value of trademarks separately from goodwill in connection with the acquisitions of Grupo Imsa and Ternium Colombia S.A.S. (formerly Ferrasa S.A.S.). As of December 31, 2017, these assets are fully amortized.
    Trademarks are amortized using the straight-line method over a useful life of between 5 to 10 years.