

Line Axiom From Term Predicate To Term Commentary Image Status
1 Each ReportSet has one to many Reports. ReportSet has-part Report A report set is made up of one to many reports. Draft
2 Each Report has one to many Structures. Report has-part Structure A report is made up of one to many structures. Another term for structure is fragment of the report. Draft
3 Each Structure has one to many FactSets. Structure has-part FactSet A structure has one to many fact sets. For example, a balance sheet structure has two fact sets: the assets roll up and the liabilities and equity roll up. Draft
4 Each FactSet has one to many Facts. FactSet has-part Fact A fact set has one to many facts within that set. Draft
5 Each Fact has one to many Aspects. Fact has-part Aspect A fact is described by one to many aspects. Actually, since there are three required core aspects; a fact has at least the three core aspects but could have more noncore aspects. Draft
6 Each Fact has exactly one FactValue. Fact has-part FactValue A fact must have exactly one fact value. Draft
7 Each Fact has one to many ParentheticalExplanations. Fact has-part ParentheticalExplanation A fact may have zero to many parenthetical explanations (i.e. XBRL footnotes). Draft
8 Each NumericFactValue is a type of FactValue. NumericFactValue type-of FactValue A fact value could be numeric. Draft
9 Each NonnumericFactValue is a type of FactValue. NonnumericFactValue type-of FactValue A fact value could be nonnumeric. Draft
10 Units is a property of a NumericFactValue. Units property-of NumericFactValue Units is a property of numeric fact values. Draft
11 Rounding is a property of a NumericFactValue. Rounding property-of NumericFactValue Rounding is a property of numeric fact values. Draft
12 Prose is a type of NonnumericFactValue. Prose type-of NonnumericFactValue Prose is a type of nonnumeric fact value. Draft
13 An InformationModelDefinition is a property of a Stucture. InformationModelDefinition has-part Structure A structure has a model. (InformationModelDefinition should be changed to InformationStructrureDefinition) ISSUE!
14 A ReportElement is a part of a ReportElementSet. ReportElementSet has-part ReportElement A report element set is comprised of the report elements that make up that set. Draft
15 A Network is a type of ReportElement. Network type-of ReportElement A network is a type of report element. Draft
16 A Hypercube is a type of ReportElement. Hypercube type-of ReportElement A hypercube is a type of report element. Draft
17 An Dimension is a type of ReportElement. Dimension type-of ReportElement A dimension is a type of report element. Draft
18 A Member is a type of ReportElement. Member type-of ReportElement A member is a type of report element. Draft
19 A LineItems is a type of ReportElement. LineItems type-of ReportElement A line items is a type of report element. A line items is effectively a dimension. Draft
20 A Concept is a type of ReportElement. Concept type-of ReportElement A concept is a type of report element. Draft
21 An Abstract is a type of ReportElement. Abstract type-of ReportElement An abstract is a type of report element. Draft
22 A ConceptArrangementPattern is a part of an InformationModelDefinition. InformationModelDefinition has-part ConceptArrangementPattern A concept arragnement pattern is a property of an information model definition. (QUESTION: Is this a property or a part?) ISSUE!
23 A TextBlock is a type of ConceptArrangmentPattern. TextBlock type-of ConceptArrangementPattern A text block is a type of concept arrangment pattern. Draft
24 A Set is a type of ConceptArrangmentPattern. Set type-of ConceptArrangementPattern A set is a type of concept arrangment pattern. Draft
25 A RollUp is a type of ConceptArrangmentPattern. RollUp type-of ConceptArrangementPattern A roll up block is a type of concept arrangment pattern. Draft
26 A RollForward is a type of ConceptArrangmentPattern. RollForward type-of ConceptArrangementPattern A roll forward is a type of concept arrangment pattern. Draft
27 A Variance is a type of ConceptArrangmentPattern. Variance type-of ConceptArrangementPattern A variance is a type of concept arrangment pattern. Draft
28 An Adjustment is a type of ConceptArrangmentPattern. Adjustment type-of ConceptArrangementPattern A adjustment is a type of concept arrangment pattern. Draft
29 Arithmetic is a type of ConceptArrangmentPattern. Arithmetic type-of ConceptArrangementPattern A arithmetic is a type of concept arrangment pattern. Draft
30 A Level1NoteTextBlock is a type of TextBlock. Level1NoteTextBlock type-of TextBlock A level 1 note text block is a type of text block. Draft
31 A Level2PolicyTextBlock is a type of TextBlock. Level2PolicyTextBlock type-of TextBlock A level 2 policy text block is a type of text block. Draft
32 A Level3DisclosureTextBlock is a type of TextBlock. Level3DisclosureTextBlock type-of TextBlock A level 3 disclosure text block is a type of text block. Draft
33 A MemberArrangmentPattern is a part of an InformationModelDescription. InformationModelDefinition has-part MemberArrangementPattern A member arrangement pattern is a property of an information model description. ISSUE!
34 A MemberAggregation is a type of MemberArrangmentPattern. MemberAggregation type-of MemberArrangementPattern A member aggregation is a type of member arrangment pattern. ISSUE!
35 A MemberNonaggretation is a type of MemberArrangmentPattern. MemberNonaggregation type-of MemberArrangementPattern A member nonaggregation is a type of member arrangment pattern. ISSUE!
36 A MemberFlatList is a type of MemberArrangmentPattern. MemberFlatList type-of MemberArrangementPattern A member flat list is a type of member arrangment pattern. ISSUE!
37 A MathematicalRule is a type of Rule. MathematicalRule type-of Rule A mathematical rule is a type of rule. Create example
38 A StructuralRule is a type of Rule. StructuralRule type-of Rule A structural rule is a type of rule. Create example
39 A ConsistencyRule is a type of Rule. ConsistencyTypeRule type-of Rule A consistency rule is a type of rule. Create example
40 A TypeClassRule is a type of Rule. TypeClassRule type-of Rule A type/class rule is a type of rule. Create example
41 A CoreAspect is a type of Aspect. CoreAspect type-of Aspect A core aspect is a type of aspect. These aspects are hard coded into XBRL. Draft
42 A NoncoreAspect is a type of Aspect. NoncoreAspect type-of Aspect A noncore aspect is a type of aspect. These aspects can be created by a taxonomy. Draft
43 A ReportingEntityAspect is a type of CoreAspect. ReportingEntityAspect type-of CoreAspect A reporting entity aspect is a type of core aspect. Draft
44 A CalendarPeriodAspect is a type of CoreAspect. CalendarPeriodAspect type-of CoreAspect A calendar period aspect is a type of core aspect. Draft
45 A ConceptAspect is a type of Core Aspect. ConceptAspect type-of CoreAspect A concept aspect is a type of core aspect. Draft
46 A Stock is a type of CalendarPeriodAspect. Stock type-of CalendarPeriodAspect A stock is a type of calendar period. Draft
47 A Flow is a type of CalendarPeriodAspect. Flow type-of CalendarPeriodAspect A flow is a type of calendar period. Draft
48 A Disclosure is a property of a FactSet. Disclosure property-of FactSet A disclosure is a property of a fact set. Draft
49 A ReportingScheme is a property of a Report. ReportingScheme property-of Report A reporting scheme is a property of a report. Draft
50 A ReportingStyle is a property of a Report. ReportingStyle property-of Report A reporting style is a property of a report. Draft
51 A Disclosure has zero to many Templates. Disclosure has-many Template A disclosure may have zero to many templates. Draft
52 A Disclosure has zero to many Exemplars. Disclosure has-many Exemplar A disclosure may have zero to many examplars. Draft
53 A Topic has zero to many Disclosures. Topic has-many Disclosure A topic may contain one to many disclosures. (Why would you have a topic but no disclosures in the topic?) Draft
54 A ReportingChecklistRule is a type of Rule. ReportingChecklistRule type-of Rule A reporting checklist rule is a type of rule. Create example
55 A DisclosureMechanicsRule is a type of MechanicalRule. DisclosureMechanicsRule type-of Rule A disclosure mechanics rule is a type of rule. Create example
56 A MappingRule is part of a ConsistencyCrosscheckRule. MappingTypeRule type-of Rule A mapping rule is a type of rule. Create example
57 An ImputeRule is part of a ConsistencyCrosscheckRule. ImputeTypeRule type-of Rule An impute rule is a type of rule. Create example
58 A Report has property StructureArrangementPattern. StructureArrangementPattern property-of Report A report has a property which explains the arrangment of the structures. For example, a balance sheet comes first, then an income statement, then the cash flow statement, etc. Sequences the report. Draft
59 Each InformationModelDefinition has zero to many Rules. InformationModelDefinition has-part Rule An information model definition has zero to many rules. Draft
60 A RollForwardInfo is a type of ConceptArrangmentPattern. RollForwardInfo type-of ConceptArrangementPattern A roll forward info is a type of concept arrangement pattern. Draft
61 A TextualValue is a type of NonnumericFactValue. TextualValue type-of NonnumericFactValue A textual value is a type of nonnumeric fact value. ISSUE!
62 Text is a type of NonnumericFactValue. Text type-of NonnumericFactValue Text is a type of nonnumeric fact value. ISSUE!
63 A ReportElementSet is a part of an InformationModelDefinition. InformationModelDefinition has-part ReportElementSet A report element set is part of an information model definition. Draft
64 Each FactSet has property Grain. Grain property-of FactSet A fact set has the property of grain. Grain is the level of the information being reported. Draft
65 A Hypercube is equivalent to a Table. Table equivalent-class Hypercube The term table is a synonomy for the term hypercube. Draft
66 A Dimension is equivalent to an Axis. Axis equivalent-class Dimension The term axis is a synonomy for the term dimension. Draft
67 A Structure is defined by a Hypercube. Structure defined-by Hypercube A structure is defined, in part, by a hypercube. ISSUE!
68 A Structure is defined by a Network. Structure defined-by Network A structure is defined, in part, by a network. ISSUE!
69 An Aspect is equivalent to an Dimension. Aspect equivalent-class Dimension An aspect is a synonomy for the term dimension. Draft
70 A Rendering is a property of a Stucture. Rendering property-of Structure A rendering is a property of a structure. Draft

Last updated: 5/3/2020 7:42:29 AM

Public Domain