Business Rules Summary

Assertions Summary

Defined Executed Pass Fail
Existence assertions 0 0 0 0
Value assertions 9 12 12 0
Consistency assertions 0 0 0 0
Total all assertions 9 12 12 0

Formulae Summary

Defined Executed Facts created
Formulae 0 0 0

Calculations Summary

Defined Executed Pass Inconsistent
Calculations 5 7 7 0

Reporting Entity Specific Rules Summary

Defined Executed Pass Inconsistent
Reporting Entity Specific Rules 2 14 14 0

Total Validations Summary

Severity Signal Count

XBRL Cloud: Business Report
Component: (Network and Table)
11-Statement of Financial Position
Table Balance Sheet [Hypercube]

Assertion Report

Value Assertions

# Label Result Rule
1 $Assets = ($Liabilities + $Equity)
Pass $Assets = ($Liabilities + $Equity)
2 $Assets = ($Liabilities + $Equity)
Pass $Assets = ($Liabilities + $Equity)

Component: (Network and Table)
12-Statement of Net Assets
Table Fund Balance [Hypercube]

XBRL Calculations

12-Statement of Net Assets
Reporting Entity GH259400TOMPUOLS65II (
Period 2020-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Fund Balance [Roll Up]
Fund Balance, With Donor Restrictions 3,000  + 3,000  3,000  CR INF
Fund Balance, Without Donor Restrictions 500  + 500  500  CR INF
Fund Balance 3,500  3,500  3,500  CR INF OK
12-Statement of Net Assets
Reporting Entity GH259400TOMPUOLS65II (
Period 2019-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Fund Balance [Roll Up]
Fund Balance, With Donor Restrictions + CR INF
Fund Balance, Without Donor Restrictions + CR INF
Fund Balance CR INF OK
12-Statement of Net Assets
Reporting Entity GH259400TOMPUOLS65II (
Period 2020-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Net Assets [Roll Up]
Assets 3,500  + 3,500  3,500  DR INF
(Liabilities) - CR INF
Net Assets 3,500  3,500  3,500  DR INF OK
12-Statement of Net Assets
Reporting Entity GH259400TOMPUOLS65II (
Period 2019-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Net Assets [Roll Up]
Assets + DR INF
(Liabilities) - CR INF
Net Assets DR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
21-Statement of Comprehensive Income
Table Comprehensive Income Statement [Hypercube]

XBRL Calculations

21-Statement of Comprehensive Income
Reporting Entity GH259400TOMPUOLS65II (
Period 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Comprehensive Income [Roll Up]
Revenues 7,000  + 7,000  7,000  CR INF
(Expenses) (3,000) - 3,000  3,000  DR INF
Gains 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  CR INF
(Losses) (2,000) - 2,000  2,000  DR INF
Comprehensive Income 3,000  3,000  3,000  CR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
22-Statement of Comprehensive Income (Alternative)
Table Comprehensive Income Statement [Hypercube]

XBRL Calculations

22-Statement of Comprehensive Income (Alternative)
Reporting Entity GH259400TOMPUOLS65II (
Period 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Comprehensive Income [Roll Up]
Income from Normal Activities of Entity 2,000  + 2,000  2,000  CR INF
Income from Peripheral or Incidental Transactions of Entity 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  CR INF
Comprehensive Income 3,000  3,000  3,000  CR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
23-Statement of Changes in Net Assets
Table Changes in Net Assets [Hypercube]

XBRL Calculations

23-Statement of Changes in Net Assets
Reporting Entity GH259400TOMPUOLS65II (
Period 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Change in Net Assets [Roll Up]
Revenues 7,000  + 7,000  7,000  CR INF
(Expenses) (3,000) - 3,000  3,000  DR INF
Gains 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  CR INF
(Losses) (2,000) - 2,000  2,000  DR INF
Change in Net Assets 3,000  3,000  3,000  CR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
31-Statement of Changes in Equity
Table Changes in Equity [Hypercube]

Assertion Report

Value Assertions

# Label Result Rule
1 $Equity_BalanceStart + $ComprehensiveIncome + $InvestmentsByOwners - $DistributionsToOwners = $Equity_BalanceEnd
Pass $Equity_BalanceStart + $ComprehensiveIncome + $InvestmentsByOwners - $DistributionsToOwners = $Equity_BalanceEnd

Roll Forward Computations

Reporting Entity GH259400TOMPUOLS65II (
Period 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Equity, Ending Balance [Roll Forward]
Equity, Beginning Balance + CR INF
Comprehensive Income 3,000  + 3,000  3,000  CR INF
Investments by Owners 1,000  + 1,000  1,000  CR INF
(Distributions to Owners) (500) - 500  500  DR INF
Equity, Ending Balance 3,500  + 3,500  3,500  CR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
32-Statement of Changes in Fund Balance
Table Changes in Fund Balance [Hypercube]

Assertion Report

Value Assertions

# Label Result Rule
1 $FundBalance_BalanceStart + $ChangeInNetAssets + $OtherIncreasesDecreasesInFundBalance = $FundBalance_BalanceEnd
Pass $FundBalance_BalanceStart + $ChangeInNetAssets + $OtherIncreasesDecreasesInFundBalance = $FundBalance_BalanceEnd

Roll Forward Computations

Reporting Entity GH259400TOMPUOLS65II (
Period 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31
Unit USD
Label Rendered Reported Calculated Balance Decimals Message
Fund Balance, Ending Balance [Roll Forward]
Fund Balance, Beginning Balance + CR INF
Change in Net Assets 3,000  + 3,000  3,000  CR INF
Other Increases (Decreases) in Fund Balance 500  + 500  500  CR INF
Fund Balance, Ending Balance 3,500  + 3,500  3,500  CR INF OK

Component: (Network and Table)
(Component not specified)
Table (Implied)

Assertion Report

Value Assertions

# Label Result Rule
1 $ComprehensiveIncome = ($Revenues - $Expenses + $Gains - $Losses)
Pass $ComprehensiveIncome = ($Revenues - $Expenses + $Gains - $Losses)
2 $FundBalance = ($FundBalanceWithDonorRestrictions + $FundBalanceWithoutDonorRestrictions)
Pass $FundBalance = ($FundBalanceWithDonorRestrictions + $FundBalanceWithoutDonorRestrictions)
3 $FundBalance = ($FundBalanceWithDonorRestrictions + $FundBalanceWithoutDonorRestrictions)
Pass $FundBalance = ($FundBalanceWithDonorRestrictions + $FundBalanceWithoutDonorRestrictions)
4 $NetAssets = ($Assets - $Liabilities)
Pass $NetAssets = ($Assets - $Liabilities)
5 $NetAssets = ($Assets - $Liabilities)
Pass $NetAssets = ($Assets - $Liabilities)
6 $ChangeInNetAssets = ($Revenues - $Expenses + $Gains - $Losses)
Pass $ChangeInNetAssets = ($Revenues - $Expenses + $Gains - $Losses)
7 0 = (Equity{T0} + (Revenue{P1} - Expenses{P1} + Gains{P1} - Losses{P1}) + (InvestmentsByOwners{P1} - DistributionsToOwners{P1})) + Liabilities{T1} - Assets{T1}
Pass 0= (($Equity_BalanceStart + (($Revenues - $Expenses) + ($Gains - $Losses)) + ($InvestmentsByOwners - $DistributionsToOwners)) + ($Liabilities_BalanceEnd - $Assets_BalanceEnd))
8 $ComprehensiveIncome = ($IncomeFromNormalActivitiesOfEntity + $IncomeFromPeripheralOrIncidentalTransactionsOfEntity)
Pass $ComprehensiveIncome = ($IncomeFromNormalActivitiesOfEntity + $IncomeFromPeripheralOrIncidentalTransactionsOfEntity)