
XBRL Definition Relations | Knowledge Graph

Line Label Object Class Period Type Balance Report ElementName
1 Revenues Network


2 Revenues Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:Revenues
3 Amortization of Lease Incentives Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit us-gaap:AmortizationOfLeaseIncentives
4 Direct Financing Lease, Revenue Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:DirectFinancingLeaseRevenue
5 Direct Financing Lease, Variable Lease Income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:DirectFinancingLeaseVariableLeaseIncome
6 Direct Financing Lease, Interest Income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:DirectFinancingLeaseInterestIncome
7 Sales-type Lease, Revenue Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:SalesTypeLeaseRevenue
8 Sales-type Lease, Variable Lease Income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:SalesTypeLeaseVariableLeaseIncome
9 Sales-type Lease, Interest Income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:SalesTypeLeaseInterestIncome
10 Operating Lease, Lease Income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:OperatingLeaseLeaseIncome
11 Sublease Income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:SubleaseIncome
12 Revenue from Related Parties Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:RevenueFromRelatedParties
13 Sale of Trust Assets to Pay Expenses Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:SaleOfTrustAssetsToPayExpenses
14 Insurance Commissions and Fees Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InsuranceCommissionsAndFees
15 Contractually Specified Servicing Fee, Late Fee, and Ancillary Fee Earned in Exchange for Servicing Financial Asset Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:ContractuallySpecifiedServicingFeesLateFeesAndAncillaryFeesEarnedInExchangeForServicingFinancialAssets
16 Contractually Specified Servicing Fees, Amount Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:ContractuallySpecifiedServicingFeesAmount
17 Late Fee Income Generated by Servicing Financial Assets, Amount Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:LateFeeIncomeGeneratedByServicingFinancialAssetsAmount
18 Ancillary Fee Income Generated by Servicing Financial Assets, Amount Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:AncillaryFeeIncomeGeneratedByServicingFinancialAssetsAmount
19 Insurance Agency Management Fee Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InsuranceAgencyManagementFee
20 Gain (Loss) on Disposition of Assets for Financial Service Operations Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:GainsLossesOnSalesOfAssets
21 Gain (Loss) on Securitization of Financial Assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:GainLossOnSecuritizationOfFinancialAssets
22 Gain (Loss) on Sales of Loans, Net Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:GainLossOnSalesOfLoansNet
23 Gain (Loss) on Sales of Consumer Loans Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:GainLossOnSalesOfConsumerLoans
24 Gain (Loss) on Sale of Mortgage Loans Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:GainLossOnSaleOfMortgageLoans
25 Gain (Loss) on Sales of Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:GainLossOnSalesOfMortgageBackedSecuritiesMBS
26 Gain (Loss) on Sale of Insurance Block Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:GainLossOnSaleOfInsuranceBlock
27 Gain (Loss) on Sale of Derivatives Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:GainLossOnSaleOfDerivatives
28 Gains (Losses) on Sales of Credit Card Portfolio Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:GainsLossesOnSalesOfCreditCardPortfolio
29 Gain (Loss) on Disposition of Other Financial Assets Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:GainLossOnDispositionOfOtherFinancialAssets
30 Premiums Earned, Net Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:PremiumsEarnedNet
31 Net Investment Income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:NetInvestmentIncome
32 Interest and Fee Income, Loans and Leases Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansAndLeases
33 Interest and Fee Income, Loans and Leases Held-for-sale Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansAndLeasesHeldForSale
34 Interest and Fee Income, Loans Held-for-sale, Mortgages Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansHeldForSaleMortgages
35 Interest and Fee Income, Nonmortgage Loans and Leases Held-for-sale Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestAndFeeIncomeNonmortgageLoansAndLeasesHeldForSale
36 Interest and Fee Income, Other Loans Held-for-sale Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestAndFeeIncomeOtherLoansHeldForSale
37 Interest and Fee Income, Loans and Leases Held-in-portfolio Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansAndLeasesHeldInPortfolio
38 Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Commercial Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansCommercial
39 Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Commercial, Industrial, and Agricultural Loans Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansCommercialIndustrialAndAgriculturalLoans
40 Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Commercial and Residential, Real Estate Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansCommercialAndResidentialRealEstate
41 Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Commercial, Real Estate Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansCommercialRealEstate
42 Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Real Estate Construction Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansRealEstateConstruction
43 Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Trade Financing Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansTradeFinancing
44 Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Lease Financing Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansLeaseFinancing
45 Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Consumer Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansConsumer
46 Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Consumer, Real Estate Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansConsumerRealEstate
47 Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Consumer, Home Equity Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansConsumerHomeEquity
48 Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Consumer Installment, Automobiles, Marine, and Other Vehicles Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansConsumerInstallmentAutomobilesMarineAndOtherVehicles
49 Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Consumer Installment, Credit Card Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansConsumerInstallmentCreditCard
50 Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Other Consumer Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansOtherConsumer
51 Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Foreign Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansForeign
52 Amortization of Deferred Loan Origination Fees, Net Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:AmortizationOfDeferredLoanOriginationFeesNet
53 Interest and Fee Income, Other Loans Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestAndFeeIncomeOtherLoans
54 Interest Income and Fees, Bankers Acceptances, Certificates of Deposit and Commercial Paper Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestIncomeAndFeesBankersAcceptancesCertificatesOfDepositAndCommercialPaper
55 Interest Income, Purchased Receivables Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestIncomePurchasedReceivables
56 Interest Income, Deposits with Financial Institutions Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestIncomeDepositsWithFinancialInstitutions
57 Interest Income, Domestic Deposits Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestIncomeDomesticDeposits
58 Interest Income, Money Market Deposits Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestIncomeMoneyMarketDeposits
59 Interest Income, Other Domestic Deposits Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestIncomeOtherDomesticDeposits
60 Interest Income, Foreign Deposits Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestIncomeForeignDeposits
61 Interest Income, Federal Funds Sold and Securities Purchased under Agreements to Resell Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestIncomeFederalFundsSoldAndSecuritiesPurchasedUnderAgreementsToResell
62 Interest Income, Federal Funds Sold Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestIncomeFederalFundsSold
63 Interest Income, Securities Purchased under Agreements to Resell Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestIncomeSecuritiesPurchasedUnderAgreementsToResell
64 Interest Income, Operating Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestIncomeOperating
65 Interest Income, Securities, Operating, Taxable Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestIncomeSecuritiesTaxable
66 Interest Income, Securities, Operating, Tax Exempt Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestIncomeSecuritiesTaxExempt
67 Interest Income, Securities, Operating, Tax Advantaged Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InterestIncomeSecuritiesTaxAdvantaged
68 Dividend Income, Operating Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:DividendIncomeOperating
69 Dividend Income, Securities, Operating, Taxable Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:DividendIncomeSecuritiesOperatingTaxable
70 Dividend Income, Securities, Operating, Tax Exempt Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:DividendIncomeSecuritiesOperatingTaxExempt
71 Dividend Income, Securities, Operating, Tax Advantaged Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:DividendIncomeSecuritiesOperatingTaxAdvantaged
72 Other Interest and Dividend Income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherInterestAndDividendIncome
73 Insurance Investment Income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InsuranceInvestmentIncome
74 Realized Investment Gains (Losses) Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:RealizedInvestmentGainsLosses
75 Investment Banking Revenue Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:InvestmentBankingRevenue
76 Underwriting Income (Loss) Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:UnderwritingIncomeLoss
77 Principal Transactions Revenue, Net Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:PrincipalTransactionsRevenue
78 Trading Gain (Loss) Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:TradingGainsLosses
79 Trading Activity, Gain Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:TradingActivityGain
80 Trading Activity, Loss Concept (Monetary) For Period Debit us-gaap:TradingActivityLoss
81 Principal Investment Gain (Loss) Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:PrincipalInvestmentGainsLosses
82 Market Data Revenue Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:MarketDataRevenue
83 Revenues, Excluding Interest and Dividends Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:RevenuesExcludingInterestAndDividends
84 Brokerage Commissions Revenue Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:BrokerageCommissionsRevenue
85 Other Operating Income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherOperatingIncome
86 Other Income Concept (Monetary) For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherIncome

Last updated: 7/29/2021 1:43:07 PM