US GAAP Taxonomy and SEC XBRL Reporting Metapatterns (2010-09-30)

Example XBRL taxonomies, XBRL instances, and other information to help understand the US GAAP Taxonomy Information Models


Extraction Tool Prototype (ZIPPED Excel Spreadsheet)

For more information on US GAAP Taxonomy Information Models, see this blog post. For more information on how the US GAAP Taxonomy information models map to the more general Business Reporting Logical Model, see here.

Number Item Item Description Other
1. Hierarchy

Used to model a hierarchy such as accounting policies, certain types of disclosures, etc. Contains no computations.

Equivalent to the BRLM Hierarchy. See here for more information.

2. Roll Up

Used to model a roll up. A Roll Up is a computation in the form: A + B + n = Total. For example, a balance sheet, income statement, and certain types of disclosures.

Equivalent to the BRLM Roll Up. See here for more information.

3. Roll Forward

Used to model a roll forward. Sometimes also called a movement analysis. A Roll Forward is a computation in the form: Beginning Balance + Changes = Ending Balance. For example, a cash flow statement, statement of changes in equity, and certain types of disclosures.

Equivalent to the BRLM Roll Forward.

4. Compound Fact

Not 100% certain that this is a meta pattern. (I think I am starting to see another "layer".) Models a compound fact, or facts which are used together and are "connected". For example, director's and their compensation or subsequent events.

Equivalent to the BRLM Compound Fact. See here for more information.

5. Adjustment

Used to model an adjustment. An Adjustment is a computation in the form: Origionally Stated Balance + Adjustment = Restated Balance. A prior period adjustment due to an accounting error or change in accounting policies is an example.

Equivalent to the BRLM Adjustment. See here for more information.

6. Variance

Used to model an variance. An Variance is a computation in the form: Actual - Budgeted = Variance.

Equivalent to the BRLM Variance. See here for more information.

7. Other Relations

Used to model other relations where computations exist. For example, the computation of weighted average shares or earnings per share are examples.

Equivalent to the BRLM Variance. See here for more information.


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