Intelligent Business Document

Source XBRL Instance: XBRL Instance

Fact Groups: Fact Groups HTML

Fact Groups: Fact Groups XML

Relations: Relations HTML

Relations: Relations XML

Fact Group (Combination of Network and Hypercube)
Hypercube: pattern:PropertyPlantEquipmentByComponentHypercube


Slicers (applies to each fact value in each table cell)
brm:ReportingEntityMeasure SAMP (
frm:LegalEntityMeasure pattern:SampleCompanyMember
frm:BusinessSegmentMeasure frm:ConsolidatedGroupDomain
brm:Units iso4217:USD


* brm:CalendarTimeMeasure
brm:ConceptMeasure 2009-12-31 2010-12-31
Property, Plant and Equipment, by Component [Concepts] * *
Property, Plant and Equipment, Net [Roll Up] * *
Land 1,147,000 5,347,000
Buildings, Net 366,375,000 244,508,000
Furniture and Fixtures, Net 34,457,000 34,457,000
Computer Equipment, Net 5,313,000 4,169,000
Other Property, Plant and Equipment, Net 6,149,000 6,702,000
Property, Plant and Equipment, Net, Total 413,441,000 295,183,000