Details for Selection

Standard label: Notes, Loans and Financing Receivable, Gross
Name: us-gaap:NotesReceivableGross
Documentation: For an unclassified balance sheet, an amount representing an agreement for an unconditional promise by the maker to pay the Company (holder) a definite sum of money at a future date(s). Such amount may include accrued interest receivable in accordance with the terms of the note. The note also may contain provisions and related items including a discount or premium, payable on demand, secured, or unsecured, interest bearing or noninterest bearing, among a myriad of other features and characteristics. This amount does not include amounts related to receivables held-for-sale.
Data type: Monetary (xbrli:monetaryItemType)
Period type: As of (instant)
Balance type: Debit
Object class: [Concept]