Details for Selection

Standard label: Error Corrections and Prior Period Adjustments, Interim Periods of Fiscal Year
Name: us-gaap:ErrorCorrectionsAndPriorPeriodAdjustmentsInterimPeriodsOfFiscalYear
Documentation: Disclosure made in interim financial reports about error corrections and adjustments related to prior interim periods of the current fiscal year, which includes: (a) the effect on income from continuing operations, net income, and related per share amounts for each prior interim period of the current fiscal year, and (b) income from continuing operations, net income, and related per share amounts for each restated prior interim period. Disclosure also includes the effect of the adjustment on the balance of retained earnings (or other applicable equity accounts) for any period presented.
Data type: Text/String (xbrli:stringItemType)
Period type: For period (duration)
Balance type:
Object class: [Concept]