Details for Selection

Standard label: Disposal Group, Not Discontinued Operation, Loss (Gain) on Write-down
Name: us-gaap:DisposalGroupNotDiscontinuedOperationLossGainOnWriteDown
Documentation: The loss (gain) resulting from the write-down of the carrying value of assets classified as a disposal group, but one which is not further classified as a discontinued operation, to fair value less cost to sell. A (gain) results from a subsequent increase in fair value less cost to sell, but not in excess of the cumulative loss previously recognized. For example, the write-down of a disposal group subject to a plan of sale, which was not sold in the current period, to its held-for-sale value. The loss (gain) is included in income from continuing operations before income taxes in the income statement.
Data type: Monetary (xbrli:monetaryItemType)
Period type: For period (duration)
Balance type: Debit
Object class: [Concept]