Accelerated Share Repurchases [Table] |
A table reflecting activity in an accelerated share repurchase (ASR) program. |
us-gaap:AcceleratedShareRepurchasesTable |
Accounting Changes and Error Corrections Disclosures [Table] |
Accounting Changes and Error Corrections Disclosures |
added:AccountingChangesErrorCorrectionsDisclosuresTable |
Accounts Payable Components [Table] |
Information about Accounts Payable Components |
added:AccountsPayableComponentsTable |
Accounts Payable Disclosures [Table] |
Accounts Payable Disclosures |
added:AccountsPayableDisclosuresTable |
Asset Retirement Obligation [Table] |
Information about Asset Retirement Obligation |
added:AssetRetirementObligationTable |
Auction Market Preferred Securities, Stock Series [Table] |
Schedule of information pertaining to auction market preferred securities, including liquidation preference, liquidation value, par value, rate setting interval, redemption requirements, dividend distributions, roll forward of shares outstanding, shares authorized, aggregate value of auction market preferred securities, variable interest rate earned, and other information necessary to a fair presentation. If redeemable, the auction market preferred securities are redeemable solely at the option of the issuer. |
us-gaap:AuctionMarketPreferredSecuritiesStockSeriesTable |
Balance Sheet Parenthetical [Table] |
Parenthetical information for balance sheet |
added:BalanceSheetParentheticalTable |
Balance Sheet, Classified [Table] |
Classified balance sheet |
added:BalanceSheetClassifiedTable |
Business Combination Disclosures [Table] |
Business Combination Disclosures |
added:BusinessCombinationDisclosuresTable |
Business Combination, Separately Recognized Transactions [Table] |
Schedule detailing the disclosures related to transactions that are recognized separately from the acquisition of assets and assumptions of liabilities in the business combination by type of transaction. |
us-gaap:BusinessCombinationSeparatelyRecognizedTransactionsTable |
Cash and Cash Equivalents Components [Table] |
Information about Cash and Cash Equivalents Components |
added:CashCashEquivalentsComponentsTable |
Cash and Cash Equivalents Disclosures [Table] |
Cash and Cash Equivalents Disclosures |
added:CashCashEquivalentsDisclosuresTable |
Cash Flow Statement, Indirect Method [Table] |
Cash Flow Statement, Indirect Method |
added:CashFlowStatementIndirectMethodTable |
Class of Treasury Stock [Table] |
Different classes of treasury stock along with the different attributes of the treasury stock. |
us-gaap:ClassOfTreasuryStockTable |
Class of Warrant or Right [Table] |
Disclosure for warrants or rights issued, which includes the title of issue of securities called for by warrants and rights outstanding, the aggregate amount of securities called for by warrants and rights outstanding, the date from which the warrants or rights are exercisable, and the price at which the warrant or right is exercisable. |
us-gaap:ClassOfWarrantOrRightTable |
Classes of Common Stock [Table] |
Information for each class of common stock |
added:ClassesCommonStockTable |
Classes of Preferred Stock [Table] |
Information for each class of preferred stock |
added:ClassesPreferredStockTable |
Classes of Temporary Equity [Table] |
Information for each class of temporary equity |
added:ClassesTemporaryEquityTable |
Classes of Treasury Stock [Table] |
Information for each class of treasury stock |
added:ClassesTreasuryStockTable |
Commitments and Contingencies Disclosures [Table] |
Commitments and Contingencies Disclosures |
added:CommitmentsContingenciesDisclosuresTable |
Compensation Related Costs and Share-based Payments Components [Table] |
Compensation Related Costs and Share-based Payments Components |
added:CompensationRelatedCostsShare-basedPaymentsComponentsTable |
Compensation Related Costs and Share-based Payments Components, Other Disclosures [Table] |
Compensation Related Costs and Share-based Payments Components, Other Disclosures |
added:CompensationRelatedCostsShare-basedPaymentsComponentsOtherDisclosuresTable |
Compensation Related Costs and Share-based Payments Disclosures [Table] |
Compensation Related Costs and Share-based Payments Disclosures |
added:CompensationRelatedCostsShare-basedPaymentsDisclosuresTable |
Compensation Related Costs, General [Table] |
Information about Compensation Related Costs, General |
added:CompensationRelatedCostsGeneralTable |
Component of Other Expense, Nonoperating [Table] |
Provides a description and amount of each detail component of other nonoperating expenses. The description provided may include: (a) losses on securities (net of profits) and (b) miscellaneous income deductions. |
us-gaap:ComponentOfOtherExpenseNonoperatingTable |
Component of Other Income, Nonoperating [Table] |
Provides a description and amount of each detailed component of other nonoperating income. May include: (a) dividends, (b) interest on securities, (c) profits on securities (net of losses), and (d) miscellaneous other income items. |
us-gaap:ComponentOfOtherIncomeNonoperatingTable |
Component of Other Operating Cost and Expense [Table] |
Table of each detailed component of other operating costs and expenses that are applicable to sales and revenues, but not included in the cost of sales in the Income Statement. |
us-gaap:ComponentOfOtherOperatingCostAndExpenseTable |
Concentration Risk [Table] |
Describes the nature of a concentration, a benchmark to which it is compared, and the percentage that the risk is to the benchmark. |
us-gaap:ConcentrationRiskTable |
Concentration Risks, Types, No Concentration Percentage [Table] |
Information about Concentration Risks, Types, No Concentration Percentage |
added:ConcentrationRisksTypesNoConcentrationPercentageTable |
Consolidation, Less than Wholly Owned Subsidiary, Parent Ownership Interest, Change Due to Net Income Attributable to Parent and Effects of Changes, Net [Table] |
Consolidation, Less than Wholly Owned Subsidiary, Parent Ownership Interest, Change Due to Net Income Attributable to Parent and Effects of Changes, Net |
added:ConsolidationLessThanWhollyOwnedSubsidiaryParentOwnershipInterestChangeDueToNetIncomeAttributableToParentEffectsChangesNetTable |
Consolidation, Less than Wholly Owned Subsidiary, Parent Ownership Interest, Effects of Changes, Net [Table] |
Summarization of information required and determined to be disclosed concerning the effects of any changes in a parent's ownership interest in a subsidiary on the equity attributable to the parent which may have occurred during the period. The changes represented by this element did not result in the deconsolidation of the subsidiary. |
us-gaap:ConsolidationLessThanWhollyOwnedSubsidiaryParentOwnershipInterestEffectsOfChangesNetTable |
Conversion of Stock [Table] |
This table may be used to disclose all the information related to converting stock into another financial instrument(s) in a noncash (or part noncash) transaction. It may include a description sufficient information to understand the nature and purpose of the conversion, as well as the financial instruments converted from and to (for example, preferred, common, treasury, etc.) the amounts converted, the new shares issued, and the value of the new shares issued, if applicable. Noncash is defined as transactions during a period that do not result in cash receipts or cash payments in the period. "Part noncash" refers to that portion of the transaction not resulting in cash receipts or cash payments in the period. |
us-gaap:ConversionOfStockTable |
Debt Conversion [Table] |
A table that contains information on an original debt issue that has been converted in a noncash (or part noncash) transaction during the accounting period. "Part noncash" refers to that portion of the transaction not resulting in cash receipts or cash payments in the period. |
us-gaap:DebtConversionTable |
Debt Disclosure [Table] |
Debt Disclosure |
added:DebtDisclosureTable |
Deferred Costs, Capitalized, Prepaid, and Other Assets Disclosure [Table] |
Deferred Costs, Capitalized, Prepaid, and Other Assets Disclosure |
added:DeferredCostsCapitalizedPrepaidOtherAssetsDisclosureTable |
Deferred Revenue Arrangement, by Type [Table] |
Schedule of deferred revenue disclosure which includes the type of arrangements and the corresponding amount that comprise the current and noncurrent balance of deferred revenue as of the balance sheet date. |
us-gaap:DeferredRevenueArrangementByTypeTable |
Deferred Revenue Disclosure [Table] |
Deferred Revenue Disclosure |
added:DeferredRevenueDisclosureTable |
Deferred Tax Liability Not Recognized [Table] |
A deferred tax liability not recognized because of the exceptions to comprehensive recognition of deferred taxes, including a description of the temporary difference, events that would cause the temporary difference to become taxable, the cumulative amount of the temporary difference and the amount not recognized as a deferred tax liability or a statement that the determination of the amount of the deferred tax liability is not practicable. |
us-gaap:DeferredTaxLiabilityNotRecognizedTable |
Defined Benefit Plans and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans Disclosures [Table] |
Disclosures and provisions pertaining to defined benefit pension plans or other postretirement defined benefit plans. The arrangements are generally based on terms and conditions stipulated by the entity, and which contain a promise by the employer to pay certain amounts or awards at designated future dates, including a period after retirement, upon compliance with stipulated requirements. Excludes disclosures pertaining to defined contribution plans. |
us-gaap:DefinedBenefitPlansAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansDisclosuresTable |
Deteriorated Loans Transferred in [Table] |
Information about Deteriorated Loans Transferred in |
added:DeterioratedLoansTransferredInTable |
Development Stage Enterprise General Disclosures [Table] |
Development Stage Enterprise General Disclosures |
added:DevelopmentStageEnterpriseGeneralDisclosuresTable |
Dividends Payable [Table] |
A table that contains information regarding dividends that have been declared but not paid as of the financial reporting date. This information may contain the amount, amount per share, declared date, and date to be paid. |
us-gaap:DividendsPayableTable |
Document Information [Table] |
Container to support the formal attachment of each official or unofficial, public or private document as part of a submission package. |
dei:DocumentInformationTable |
Earnings Per Share [Table] |
Information about Earnings Per Share |
added:EarningsPerShareTable |
Earnings Per Share Disclosures [Table] |
Earnings Per Share Disclosures |
added:EarningsPerShareDisclosuresTable |
Entities [Table] |
Container to assemble all relevant information about each entity associated with the document instance |
dei:EntitiesTable |
Entity Addresses [Table] |
Container of address information for the entity |
dei:EntityAddressesTable |
Entity Contact Personnel [Table] |
Container of the Contact Personnel Information |
dei:EntityContactPersonnelTable |
Entity Listings [Table] |
Container for exchange listing information for an entity |
dei:EntityListingsTable |
Entity Location [Table] |
The Entity location table associates entities with primary and other locations. The domain members may be countries, states, provinces and groupings of these and other geographic codes. |
dei:EntityLocationTable |
Entity North American Industry Classifications [Table] |
Table associating entities with their North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code. |
dei:EntityNorthAmericanIndustryClassificationsTable |
Entity Phone Fax Numbers [Table] |
Container of the phone or fax numbers for the entity |
dei:EntityPhoneFaxNumbersTable |
Entity Sector Industry Classifications [Table] |
Table associating entities with their Standard Industry Classification ("SIC"). |
dei:EntitySectorIndustryClassificationsTable |
Environmental Loss Contingency Disclosure [Table] |
Environmental Loss Contingency Disclosure |
added:EnvironmentalLossContingencyDisclosureTable |
Extraordinary Items [Table] |
A listing or table reflecting each extraordinary item, and the pretax, net of tax and EPS effect per item. |
us-gaap:ExtraordinaryItemsTable |
Financing Receivables Disclosures [Table] |
Financing Receivables Disclosures |
added:FinancingReceivablesDisclosuresTable |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets Acquired as Part of Business Combination [Table] |
A table containing detailed characteristics of finite-lived intangible assets acquired during a business combination. Finite-lived intangible assets are assets that have no physical form, but have expected future economic benefit, and are expected to be used over a defined period. Acquired finite-lived intangible assets are disclosed by major class (assets that can be grouped together because they are similar, either by their nature or by their use in operations of the Entity) and in total. Additionally, any significant residual value (the expected value of the asset at the end of its useful life) and the weighted-average amortization period are also disclosed. |
us-gaap:FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAcquiredAsPartOfBusinessCombinationTable |
Foreign Currency Transaction Disclosure [Table] |
Foreign Currency Transaction Disclosure |
added:ForeignCurrencyTransactionDisclosureTable |
Foreign Currency Translation [Table] |
Information about Foreign Currency Translation |
added:ForeignCurrencyTranslationTable |
Forward Contract Indexed to Issuer's Equity [Table] |
Disclosures surrounding freestanding forward contracts issued by an entity that is indexed to, and potentially settled in an Entity's own stock along with the different characteristics of those forward contracts such as, forward contract rate, number of shares, indexed shares, settlement date(s), settlement alternatives, classification, and redemption requirements as applicable. |
us-gaap:ForwardContractIndexedToIssuersEquityTable |
Fresh-Start Adjustments [Table] |
Description and amount of adjustment to historical balance sheet to arrive at fresh-start amount. |
us-gaap:FreshStartAdjustmentsTable |
Gain Contingencies [Table] |
Sets forth the existing conditions, situations, or sets of circumstances involving uncertainties as of the balance sheet date (or before issuance of the financial statements) that might result in a gain, typically reflecting care to avoid misleading implications as to the likelihood of realization, and previously disclosed contingent gains that were recognized as income in the period. |
us-gaap:GainContingenciesTable |
Goodwill and Intangible Assets Disclosures [Table] |
Goodwill and Intangible Assets Disclosures |
added:GoodwillIntangibleAssetsDisclosuresTable |
Impaired Assets to be Disposed of by Method Other than Sale [Table] |
When an entity determines it will dispose of a long-lived asset by a method other than sale (for example, by abandonment, distribution in a spin-off), impairment of such assets is separately disclosed from those assets held and used. |
us-gaap:ImpairedAssetsToBeDisposedOfByMethodOtherThanSaleTable |
Income Statement [Table] |
Income statement |
added:IncomeStatementTable |
Income Statement Parenthetical [Table] |
Income Statement Parenthetical |
added:IncomeStatementParentheticalTable |
Income Statement, Attributable to Parent and Noncontrolling Interest [Table] |
Income Statement, Attributable to Parent and Noncontrolling Interest |
added:IncomeStatementAttributableToParentNoncontrollingInterestTable |
Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Additional Disclosures by Disposal Groups, Including Discontinued Operations [Table] |
Schedule addressing individual disposal groups, including those classified as components of the entity (discontinued operations). May include the facts and circumstances leading to the expected or completed disposal or to changes in the plan of sale, manner and timing of disposal, the gain (loss) recognized in the income statement and the income statement caption that includes that gain (loss), amounts of revenues and pretax profit or loss reported as a discontinued operation, the classification and carrying value of the assets and liabilities comprising the disposal group, and the segment in which the disposal group was reported. Also includes the nature and amount of adjustments to amounts previously reported in discontinued operations such as resolution of contingencies arising from the disposal transaction or the operations of the component prior to disposal. |
us-gaap:IncomeStatementBalanceSheetAndAdditionalDisclosuresByDisposalGroupsIncludingDiscontinuedOperationsTable |
Income Statement, Excluding Gross Margin [Table] |
Income Statement, Excluding Gross Margin |
added:IncomeStatementExcludingGrossMarginTable |
Income Tax Contingency [Table] |
A listing of tax positions taken in the tax returns filed or to be filed for which it is more likely than not that the tax position will not be sustained upon examination by taxing authorities (i.e., uncertain tax positions) and other types of income tax contingencies. Required disclosure includes: (1) the policy on classification of interest and penalties; (2) a tabular reconciliation of the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits at the beginning and end of the period; the total amount(s) of: (3) unrecognized tax benefits that, if recognized, would affect the effective tax rate, and (4) interest and penalties recognized in each of the income statement and balance sheet; (5) for positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts unrecognized will significantly change within 12 months of the reporting date the: (i) nature of the uncertainty, (ii) nature of the event that could occur that would cause the change, and (iii) an estimate of the range of the reasonably possible change or a statement that an estimate of the range cannot be made; and (6) a description of tax years that remain subject to examination by major tax jurisdictions. |
us-gaap:IncomeTaxContingencyTable |
Income Tax Disclosures [Table] |
Income Tax Disclosures |
added:IncomeTaxDisclosuresTable |
Income Tax Examination [Table] |
A summary of income tax examinations that an enterprise is currently subject to or that have been completed in the current period typically including a description of the examination, the jurisdiction conducting the examination, the tax year(s) under examination, the likelihood of an unfavorable settlement, the range of possible losses, the liability recorded, the Increase or Decrease in the liability from the prior period, and any penalties and interest that have been incurred or accrued. |
us-gaap:IncomeTaxExaminationTable |
Income Tax Holiday [Table] |
Income tax-exemptions and reductions which may be granted by a taxing authority for a specified period. Such "tax holidays" are typically granted to induce business investment in the tax jurisdiction. |
us-gaap:IncomeTaxHolidayTable |
Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets Acquired as Part of Business Combination [Table] |
A table containing detailed information about the characteristics and cost, by total and major class, of indefinite-lived intangible assets acquired as part of a business combination. Indefinite-lived intangible assets are assets that have no physical form, but have expected future economic benefit. The future benefit is not expected to diminish over a stated period of time. Acquired indefinite-lived intangible assets are disclosed by major class (assets that can be grouped together because they are similar, either by their nature or by their use in operations of the entity) and in total. |
us-gaap:IndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAcquiredAsPartOfBusinessCombinationTable |
Interim Period, Costs Not Allocable [Table] |
Schedule detailing the costs and expenses incurred during an interim period that cannot be readily identified with the activities or benefits of other interim periods and are charged to the interim period in which incurred. |
us-gaap:InterimPeriodCostsNotAllocableTable |
Inventory Components [Table] |
Information about Inventory Components |
added:InventoryComponentsTable |
Inventory Disclosures [Table] |
Inventory Disclosures |
added:InventoryDisclosuresTable |
Investments in Debt and Marketable Equity Securities Disclosures [Table] |
Investments in Debt and Marketable Equity Securities Disclosures |
added:InvestmentsInDebtMarketableEquitySecuritiesDisclosuresTable |
Investments, All Other Investments Disclosures [Table] |
Investments, All Other Investments Disclosures |
added:InvestmentsAllOtherInvestmentsDisclosuresTable |
Leases of Lessee Disclosures [Table] |
Leases of Lessee Disclosures |
added:LeasesLesseeDisclosuresTable |
Leases of Lessor Disclosures [Table] |
Leases of Lessor Disclosures |
added:LeasesLessorDisclosuresTable |
Line of Credit Facility [Table] |
A table or schedule providing information pertaining to short-term or long-term contractual arrangements with lenders, including letters of credit, standby letters of credit, and revolving credit arrangements, under which borrowings can be made up to maximum amount as of any point in time conditional on satisfaction of specified terms before, as of and after the date of drawdowns on the line. |
us-gaap:LineOfCreditFacilityTable |
Loans and Leases Receivable Disclosure [Table] |
Loans and Leases Receivable Disclosure |
added:LoansLeasesReceivableDisclosureTable |
Long-term Contracts or Programs Disclosure [Table] |
Long-term Contracts or Programs Disclosure |
added:Long-termContractsOrProgramsDisclosureTable |
Long-term Purchase Commitment [Table] |
Schedule setting forth key provisions of an arrangement under which the entity has agreed to purchase goods or services over a period of time greater than one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer, including the item for which expenditures will be made, minimum quantities, milestones, time period and committed amount. |
us-gaap:LongTermPurchaseCommitmentTable |
Loss Contingencies [Table] |
Discloses the specific components (such as the nature, name, and date) of the loss contingency and gives an estimate of the possible loss or range of loss, or states that a reasonable estimate cannot be made. Excludes environmental contingencies, warranties and unconditional purchase obligations. |
us-gaap:LossContingenciesTable |
New Accounting Pronouncement, Early Adoption [Table] |
Schedule detailing the financial statement line items and the effect of the guidance on financial statement line items by guidance implemented if the entity elects earlier application. |
us-gaap:NewAccountingPronouncementEarlyAdoptionTable |
New Accounting Pronouncements or Change in Accounting Principle [Table] |
Summarization of the changes in an accounting principle or a new accounting pronouncement, including the line items affected by the change and the financial effects of the change on those particular line items. |
us-gaap:NewAccountingPronouncementsOrChangeInAccountingPrincipleTable |
Noncash or Part Noncash Acquisitions [Table] |
The process of acquiring assets or a business through noncash (or part noncash) transactions. Noncash is defined as information about all investing and financing activities of an enterprise during a period that affect recognized assets or liabilities but that do not result in cash receipts or cash payments in the period. "Part noncash" refers to that portion of the transaction not resulting in cash receipts or cash payments in the period. |
us-gaap:NoncashOrPartNoncashAcquisitionsTable |
Noncash or Part Noncash Divestitures [Table] |
A table that contains information regarding the sale of an asset or business through a noncash (or part noncash) transaction. At a minimum, the table includes sufficient information to provide an understanding of the nature and purpose of the divesture, as well as the asset divested of and the noncash consideration received (that is, debt, stock, and so forth.) Noncash is defined as transactions during a period that affect recognized assets or liabilities but that do not result in cash receipts or cash payments in the period. "Part noncash" refers to that portion of the transaction not resulting in cash receipts or cash payments in the period. |
us-gaap:NoncashOrPartNoncashDivestituresTable |
Noncontrolling Interest [Table] |
Schedule of noncontrolling interest disclosure which includes the name of the subsidiary, the ownership percentage held by the parent, the ownership percentage held by the noncontrolling owners, the amount of the noncontrolling interest, the location of this amount on the balance sheet (when not reported separately), an explanation of the increase or decrease in the amount of the noncontrolling interest, the noncontrolling interest share of the net Income or Loss of the subsidiary, the location of this amount on the income statement (when not reported separately), the nature of the noncontrolling interest such as background information and terms, the amount of the noncontrolling interest represented by preferred stock, a description of the preferred stock, and the dividend requirements of the preferred stock. |
us-gaap:MinorityInterestTable |
Noncontrolling Interest Disclosure [Table] |
Noncontrolling Interest Disclosure |
added:NoncontrollingInterestDisclosureTable |
Nonmonetary Transaction, by Type [Table] |
Transactions involving exchanges with other entities that involve principally nonmonetary assets or liabilities or relate to a transfer of nonmonetary assets for which the Entity receives no assets in return. |
us-gaap:NonmonetaryTransactionByTypeTable |
Operating Loss Carryforwards [Table] |
Schedule reflecting pertinent information, such as tax authority, amounts, and expiration dates, of net operating loss carryforwards, including an assessment of the likelihood of utilization. |
us-gaap:OperatingLossCarryforwardsTable |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity [Table] |
Freestanding contracts issued by an Entity that are indexed to, and potentially settled in, an Entity's own stock by the different attributes of these freestanding contracts, including the strike price, number of shares, and settlement dates. |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquityTable |
Option Indexed to Issuer's Equity, Equity [Table] |
Different types of options indexed to an issuer's equity along with the different attributes of those options. |
us-gaap:OptionIndexedToIssuersEquityEquityTable |
Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements [Table] |
Information about Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements |
added:OrganizationConsolidationPresentationFinancialStatementsTable |
Other Income and Expenses Disclosures [Table] |
Other Income and Expenses Disclosures |
added:OtherIncomeExpensesDisclosuresTable |
Other Liabilities Disclosures [Table] |
Other Liabilities Disclosures |
added:OtherLiabilitiesDisclosuresTable |
Other Significant Noncash Transactions [Table] |
This table may contain information related to other significant noncash investing and financing activities that occurred during the accounting period and are not otherwise listed in the existing taxonomy. Noncash is defined as transactions during a period that do not result in cash receipts or cash payments in the period. "Part noncash" refers to that portion of a transaction not resulting in cash receipts or cash payments in the period. |
us-gaap:OtherSignificantNoncashTransactionsTable |
Other Tax Carryforward [Table] |
A listing of other tax carryforwards available to reduce future taxable income including descriptions, amounts, expiration dates, limitations on use and the related deferred tax assets and valuation allowances. |
us-gaap:OtherTaxCarryforwardTable |
Participating Mortgage Loans [Table] |
A table or schedule that describes the terms of and includes the amount of a participation in a loan arrangement. |
us-gaap:ParticipatingMortgageLoansTable |
Partners' Capital Disclosures [Table] |
Partners' Capital Disclosures |
added:PartnersCapitalDisclosuresTable |
Pension and Other Postretirement Benefits Disclosure [Table] |
Pension and Other Postretirement Benefits Disclosure |
added:PensionOtherPostretirementBenefitsDisclosureTable |
Postemployment Benefits [Table] |
Information about Postemployment Benefits |
added:PostemploymentBenefitsTable |
Product Liability Contingency [Table] |
Information and financial data about the reasonably possible loss or the recognized and additional reasonably possible loss from product liability related to an individual product. |
us-gaap:ProductLiabilityContingencyTable |
Property Subject to or Available for Operating Lease, by Major Property Class [Table] |
A listing by major property class of the amount of lessor property under a leasing agreement, and available for lease (not currently under lease), at cost, between the lessor and the lessee as of the balance sheet date. |
us-gaap:PropertySubjectToOrAvailableForOperatingLeaseByMajorPropertyClassTable |
Property, Plant and Equipment Disclosures [Table] |
Property, Plant and Equipment Disclosures |
added:PropertyPlantEquipmentDisclosuresTable |
Prospective Adoption of New Accounting Pronouncements [Table] |
Table of comparison between amounts disclosed under previous guidance and new guidance. |
us-gaap:ProspectiveAdoptionOfNewAccountingPronouncementsTable |
Purchase Commitment, Excluding Long-term Commitment [Table] |
Summarization of information required or determined to be disclosed about arrangements in which the entity has agreed to expend funds to procure goods or services from one or more suppliers. Such disclosure may include identification of the goods or services to be purchased, identity of the seller, pricing, effects on pricing for failing to reach minimum quantities required to be purchased (such as penalties), cancellation rights, and termination provisions. |
us-gaap:PurchaseCommitmentExcludingLongtermCommitmentTable |
Receivables Disclosures [Table] |
Receivables Disclosures |
added:ReceivablesDisclosuresTable |
Receivables Held-for-sale [Table] |
Information about Receivables Held-for-sale |
added:ReceivablesHeld-for-saleTable |
Reconciliation of Assets from Segment to Consolidated [Table] |
Identification, description, and amounts of all significant reconciling items in the reconciliation of total assets from reportable segments to the entity's consolidated assets. |
us-gaap:ReconciliationOfAssetsFromSegmentToConsolidatedTable |
Reconciliation of Operating Profit (Loss) from Segments to Consolidated [Table] |
Identification, description, and amounts of all significant reconciling items in the reconciliation of total profit or loss from reportable segments to the entity's consolidated income before income taxes, extraordinary items, and discontinued operations. |
us-gaap:ReconciliationOfOperatingProfitLossFromSegmentsToConsolidatedTable |
Reconciliation of Other Significant Reconciling Items from Segments to Consolidated [Table] |
Identification, description, and amounts of all significant reconciling items in the reconciliation of a significant segment item of information disclosed (for example, liabilities) other than profit (loss), revenues, or assets, between reportable segments in total and the entity's consolidated total for that significant segment item disclosed. |
us-gaap:ReconciliationOfOtherSignificantReconcilingItemsFromSegmentsToConsolidatedTable |
Reconciliation of Revenue from Segments to Consolidated [Table] |
Identification, description, and amounts of all significant reconciling items in the reconciliation of total revenues from reportable segments to the entity's consolidated revenues. |
us-gaap:ReconciliationOfRevenueFromSegmentsToConsolidatedTable |
Recorded Unconditional Purchase Obligation [Table] |
Describes each recorded unconditional purchase obligation arrangement to purchase goods and services that extend over multiple periods, any assets pledged to secure payment, and the fixed or determinable amount of payments due in each of the next five years and thereafter. |
us-gaap:RecordedUnconditionalPurchaseObligationTable |
Redeemable Noncontrolling Interest, by Legal Entity [Table] |
Schedule of redeemable noncontrolling interest (as defined) included in the statement of financial position as either a liability or temporary equity. As of the date of the statement of financial position, such redeemable noncontrolling interest is currently redeemable, as defined, for cash or other assets of the entity at (1) at a fixed or determinable price on a fixed or determinable date, (2) at the option of the holder of the noncontrolling interest, or (3) upon occurrence of an event that is not solely within the control of the entity. |
us-gaap:RedeemableNoncontrollingInterestByLegalEntityTable |
Registration Payment Arrangement [Table] |
Discloses information about each registration payment arrangement or each group of similar arrangements. |
us-gaap:RegistrationPaymentArrangementTable |
Reorganization under Chapter 11 of US Bankruptcy Code Disclosure [Table] |
Reorganization under Chapter 11 of US Bankruptcy Code Disclosure |
added:ReorganizationUnderChapter11USBankruptcyCodeDisclosureTable |
Research, Development, and Computer Software [Table] |
Information about Research, Development, and Computer Software |
added:ResearchDevelopmentComputerSoftwareTable |
Restrictions on Dividends, Loans and Advances Disclosures [Table] |
Restrictions on Dividends, Loans and Advances Disclosures |
added:RestrictionsOnDividendsLoansAdvancesDisclosuresTable |
Restructuring and Related Activities Disclosure [Table] |
Restructuring and Related Activities Disclosure |
added:RestructuringRelatedActivitiesDisclosureTable |
Revenue from External Customers by Products and Services [Table] |
Tabular presentation of the description and amount of revenues from a product or service, or a group of similar products or similar services, reported from external customers during the period, if the information is not provided as part of the reportable operating segment information. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfEntityWideInformationRevenueFromExternalCustomersByProductsAndServicesTable |
Revenue Recognition, Milestone Method [Table] |
Schedule detailing the characteristics of milestone payments recognized under the milestone method by arrangement. For each arrangement that includes a milestone payment, this includes: (1) a description of the overall arrangement; (2) a description of each milestone and related contingent consideration; (3) a determination of whether each milestone is considered substantive; (4) the factors the entity considered in determining whether each milestone or milestones are substantive; and (5) the amount of contingent consideration recognized during the period for each milestone. |
us-gaap:RevenueRecognitionMilestoneMethodTable |
Revenue Recognition, Multiple-deliverable Arrangements [Table] |
Summarization of information required and determined to be disclosed concerning the recognition of revenue arrangements under which the entity does or will perform multiple revenue-generating activities, categorized by type of arrangement, including certain revenue arrangements that include software elements. This item does not include multiple-deliverable arrangements for industries that prepare disclosures under specific requirements (for instance, construction-type and production-type contracts) otherwise provided for in the taxonomy. |
us-gaap:RevenueRecognitionMultipleDeliverableArrangementsTable |
Revenue Recognition, Multiple-deliverable Arrangements, by Type of Arrangement and Product [Table] |
Information about Revenue Recognition, Multiple-deliverable Arrangements, by Type of Arrangement and Product |
added:RevenueRecognitionMultiple-deliverableArrangementsByTypeArrangementProductTable |
Sale Leaseback Transaction [Table] |
A summary of the elements of a transaction involving the entity's sale of property to another party and the lease of the property back to the entity. |
us-gaap:SaleLeasebackTransactionTable |
Sale Leaseback Transaction Disclosures [Table] |
Information about Sale Leaseback Transaction Disclosures |
added:SaleLeasebackTransactionDisclosuresTable |
Schedule of Accounts, Notes, Loans and Financing Receivable [Table] |
Schedule itemizing specific types of trade accounts and notes receivable, and for each the gross carrying value, allowance, and net carrying value as of the balance sheet date. Presentation is categorized by current, noncurrent and unclassified receivables. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfAccountsNotesLoansAndFinancingReceivableTable |
Schedule of Acquired Finite-Lived Intangible Asset by Major Class [Table] |
Tabular disclosure of the major classes of acquired finite-lived intangible assets showing the amount, any significant residual value, weighted average amortization period, and other characteristics. A major class is composed of intangible assets that can be grouped together because they are similar, either by nature or by their use in the operations of the company. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfAcquiredFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetByMajorClassTable |
Schedule of Acquired Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets by Major Class [Table] |
Tabular disclosure of major classes of indefinite-lived intangible assets acquired showing attributes such as amounts and totals. Indefinite-lived intangible assets are assets that have no physical form, but have expected future economic benefit. Indefinite-lived assets are assets that are not subject to amortization. Acquired indefinite-lived intangible assets are disclosed by major class (assets that can be grouped together because they are similar, either by their nature or by their use in operations of the entity) and in total. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfAcquiredIndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassTable |
Schedule of Antidilutive Securities Excluded from Computation of Earnings Per Share [Table] |
Schedule for securities (including those issuable pursuant to contingent stock agreements) that could potentially dilute basic earnings per share (EPS) in the future that were not included in the computation of diluted EPS because to do so would increase EPS amounts or decrease loss per share amounts for the period presented, by Antidilutive Securities. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfAntidilutiveSecuritiesExcludedFromComputationOfEarningsPerShareTable |
Schedule of Assets Disposed of by Method Other than Sale, in Period of Disposition [Table] |
In the period of disposition, for each asset to be disposed of by a method other than sale, this table may disclose: a description of the disposed asset, the loss realized at the time of disposition of the asset, the income statement classification of the loss on disposition, the method of disposal (for example, abandonment, distribution in a spin-off) and the segment classification of the disposed asset. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfAssetsDisposedOfByMethodOtherThanSaleInPeriodOfDispositionTable |
Schedule of Available-for-sale Securities [Table] |
Summarization of information required and determined to be disclosed concerning Available-for-sale Securities which consist of all investments in certain debt and equity securities neither classified as trading or held-to-maturity securities. A debt security represents a creditor relationship with an enterprise. Debt securities include, among other items, US Treasury securities, US government securities, municipal securities, corporate bonds, convertible debt, commercial paper, and all securitized debt instruments. An equity security represents an ownership interest in an enterprise or the right to acquire or dispose of an ownership interest in an enterprise at fixed or determinable prices. Equity securities include, among other things, common stock, certain preferred stock, warrant rights, call options, and put options, but do not include convertible debt. An entity may opt to provide the reader with additional narrative text to better understand the nature of investments in debt and equity securities which are categorized as Available-for-sale. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfAvailableForSaleSecuritiesTable |
Schedule of Business Acquisitions by Acquisition, Contingent Consideration [Table] |
Schedule of information about a contingent payment arrangement including the terms that will result in payment and the accounting treatment that will be followed if such contingency occurs, including the potential impact on earnings per share if the contingency is to be settled in shares of common stock of the entity. The description also may include the period over which amounts are expected to be paid, and changes in the amount since the previous reporting period. This also includes contingent options and commitments. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfBusinessAcquisitionsByAcquisitionContingentConsiderationTable |
Schedule of Business Acquisitions by Acquisition, Equity Interest Issued or Issuable [Table] |
Schedule of the equity interest (such as common shares, preferred shares, or partnership interest) issued or issuable to acquire an entity in a business combination. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfBusinessAcquisitionsByAcquisitionEquityInterestIssuedOrIssuableTable |
Schedule of Business Acquisitions, by Acquisition [Table] |
Schedule reflecting each material business combination (or series of individually immaterial business combinations) completed during the period, including background, timing, and recognized assets and liabilities. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfBusinessAcquisitionsByAcquisitionTable |
Schedule of Business Insurance Recoveries [Table] |
Schedule of Business Insurance Recoveries |
added:ScheduleBusinessInsuranceRecoveriesTable |
Schedule of Capital Leased Asssets [Table] |
Schedule of long-lived, depreciable assets that are subject to a lease meeting the criteria for capitalization and are used in the normal conduct of business to produce goods and services. Examples may include land, buildings, machinery and equipment, and other types of furniture and equipment including, but not limited to, office equipment, furniture and fixtures, and computer equipment and software. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfCapitalLeasedAsssetsTable |
Schedule of Capital Units [Table] |
This table may be used to capture the complete disclosure pertaining to an entity's capital units or capital shares, including the value of capital units or capital shares, units authorized, units outstanding and other information necessary to a fair presentation. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfCapitalUnitsTable |
Schedule of Change in Accounting Estimate [Table] |
A summarization of the nature of changes in accounting estimates, including changes that occur in interim periods. Changes in accounting estimate have the effect of adjusting the carrying amounts of existing assets or liabilities or altering the subsequent accounting for existing or future assets or liabilities. Changes in accounting estimates are a necessary consequence of assessments, in conjunction with the periodic presentation of financial statements, of the present status and expected future benefits and obligations associated with assets and liabilities. Changes in accounting estimates result from new or better information. Examples of items for which estimates are necessary are uncollectible receivables, inventory obsolescence, service lives and salvage values of depreciable assets, warranty obligations, and regulatory reviews. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfChangeInAccountingEstimateTable |
Schedule of Class of Warrant or Right [Table] |
Schedule of Class of Warrant or Right |
added:ScheduleClassWarrantOrRightTable |
Schedule of Collaborative Arrangements and Non-collaborative Arrangement Transactions [Table] |
Schedule of contractual arrangements that involve two or more parties that both: (i) actively participate in a joint operating activity and (ii) are exposed to significant risks and rewards that depend on the commercial success of the joint operating activity. Additionally, the element may include all other transactions of the entity categorized collectively, if such comparison of collaborative arrangements as a component of all transactions of the entity is desired. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfCollaborativeArrangementsAndNoncollaborativeArrangementTransactionsTable |
Schedule of Compensating Balances [Table] |
Schedule itemizing specific cash or cash equivalent items which are subject to compensating balance arrangements, along with the nature of the arrangements. Where compensating balance arrangements exist (but are not agreements which legally restrict the use of cash amounts shown on the balance sheet) disclose these arrangements and the amount involved, if determinable, for the most recent audited balance sheet required and for any subsequent unaudited balance sheet required in the notes to the financial statements. Compensating balances that are maintained under an agreement to assure future credit availability are generally disclosed in the notes to the financial statements along with the amount and terms of such agreement. For example, compensating balances are a common requirement for establishing a line of credit with a bank. Another example is a minimum balance that a bank may require the Entity to maintain on deposit with the institution as a condition for granting a loan. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfCompensatingBalancesTable |
Schedule of Cost-method Investments [Table] |
Summarization of information required and determined to be disclosed concerning all cost-method investments. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfCostMethodInvestmentsTable |
Schedule of Deferred Compensation Arrangement with Individual, Excluding Share-based Payments and Postretirement Benefits, by Title of Individual and by Type of Deferred Compensation [Table] |
Schedule, table or text reflecting arrangements that are not equity-based payments, or pension and other postretirement benefits, with individual employees. The arrangements (for example, profit sharing, deferred bonuses or certain split-dollar life insurance arrangements) are generally based on employment contracts between the entity and one or more selected officers or key employees, and which contain a promise by the employer to pay certain amounts at designated future dates, sometimes including a period after retirement, upon compliance with stipulated requirements. This type of arrangement is distinguished from broader based employee benefit plans as it is usually tailored to the employee. Disclosure also typically includes the amount of related compensation expense recognized during the reporting period and the carrying amount as of the balance sheet date of the related liability. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfDeferredCompensationArrangementWithIndividualExcludingShareBasedPaymentsAndPostretirementBenefitsByTitleOfIndividualAndByTypeOfDeferredCompensationTable |
Schedule of Deferred Compensation Arrangement with Individual, Postretirement Benefits [Table] |
Schedule, table or text reflecting pension and other postretirement benefit arrangements with individual employees, which are generally based on employment contracts between the entity and one or more selected officers or key employees, and which contain a promise by the employer to pay certain amounts at designated future dates, usually including a period after retirement, upon compliance with stipulated requirements. This type of arrangement is distinguished from broader based employee benefit plans as it is usually tailored to the employee. Disclosure also typically includes the amount of related compensation expense recognized during the reporting period and the carrying amount as of the balance sheet date of the related liability. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfDeferredCompensationArrangementWithIndividualPostretirementBenefitsTable |
Schedule of Deferred Compensation Arrangement with Individual, Share-based Payments [Table] |
Schedule, table or text reflecting equity-based arrangements (such as stock or unit options and stock or unit awards) with individual employees, which are generally based on employment contracts between the entity and one or more selected officers or key employees, and which contain a promise by the employer to pay certain equity-based awards at future dates, sometimes including a period after retirement, upon compliance with stipulated requirements. This type of arrangement is distinguished from broader based employee benefit plans as it is usually tailored to the employee. Disclosure also typically includes the amount of related compensation expense recognized during the reporting period, the number of shares or units issued during the period under such arrangements, and the carrying amount as of the balance sheet date of the related liability. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfDeferredCompensationArrangementWithIndividualShareBasedPaymentsTable |
Schedule of Deferred Finance Costs, Own-share Lending Arrangement, Issuance Costs [Table] |
Schedule of Deferred Finance Costs, Own-share Lending Arrangement, Issuance Costs |
added:ScheduleDeferredFinanceCostsOwnShareLendingArrangementIssuanceCostsTable |
Schedule of Defined Benefit Plans Disclosures [Table] |
Disclosures about an individual defined benefit pension plan or an other postretirement defined benefit plan. It may be appropriate to group certain similar plans. Also includes schedule for fair value of plan assets by major categories of plan assets by the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements in their entirety fall, segregating fair value measurements using quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1), Significant other observable inputs (Level 2), and significant unobservable inputs (Level 3). |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfDefinedBenefitPlansDisclosuresTable |
Schedule of Differences between Reported Amount and Reporting Currency Denominated Amount [Table] |
Schedule that provides the reporting currency-denominated amounts, amounts reported for financial reporting purposes and the differences between the two amounts by each relevant line item on the financial statements. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfDifferencesBetweenReportedAmountAndReportingCurrencyDenominatedAmountTable |
Schedule of Distributions Made to Member or Limited Partner [Table] |
Payment of cash or stock or units to member or limited partner of LLC or LP during an accounting period. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfDistributionsMadeToMemberOrLimitedPartnerTable |
Schedule of Earnings Per Share, Basic, by Common Class, Including Two Class Method [Table] |
The table contains disclosure pertaining to an entity's basic earnings per share. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfEarningsPerShareBasicByCommonClassTable |
Schedule of Earnings Per Share, Diluted, by Common Class, Including Two Class Method [Table] |
Complete disclosure pertaining to an entity's diluted earnings per share. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfEarningsPerShareDilutedByCommonClassTable |
Schedule of Effect of Fourth Quarter Events [Table] |
Table reflecting the descriptions and amounts of material transactions, such as business combinations, disposals of businesses (or components of an entity), extraordinary or unusual events, significant changes in accounting estimates and the aggregate effect of year-end adjustments, that occurred during the fourth quarter. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfEffectOfFourthQuarterEventsTable |
Schedule of Effects on Future Earnings and Cash Flows Resulting from Exit Plan [Table] |
A table that lists the quantified effects on future earnings and cash flows resulting from the exit plan (for example, reduced depreciation, reduced employee expense, etc.), along with the initial period in which those effects are expected to be realized. May include whether the cost savings are expected to be offset by anticipated increases in other expenses or reduced revenues. Also identifies the income statement line items to be impacted (for example, cost of sales; marketing; selling, general and administrative expenses; etc.). |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfEffectsOnFutureEarningsAndCashFlowsResultingFromExitPlanTable |
Schedule of Employee Service Share-based Compensation, Allocation of Recognized Period Costs [Table] |
Schedule that sets forth the allocation of equity-based compensation costs to a given line item on the balance sheet and income statement for the period. This may include the reporting line for the costs and the amount capitalized and expensed. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfEmployeeServiceShareBasedCompensationAllocationOfRecognizedPeriodCostsTable |
Schedule of Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) Disclosures [Table] |
Describes the details pertaining to each employee stock ownership plan. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfEmployeeStockOwnershipPlanESOPDisclosuresTable |
Schedule of Environmental Exit Cost [Table] |
Table setting forth material liabilities for remediation, site restoration, postclosure, monitoring commitments, or other exit costs that may occur on the sale, disposal or abandonment of a property as a result of unanticipated contamination of the assets. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfEnvironmentalExitCostTable |
Schedule of Equity Issued Since Inception [Table] |
This table may contain information related to the issuance of equity securities since inception for development stage enterprises. This may include the date and number of equity securities issued for cash and other consideration; the dollar amount (per share and in total) assigned to the consideration received for equity securities (whether cash or not); and for noncash issuance, the nature of the consideration and the basis for assigning the amounts. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfEquityIssuedSinceInceptionTable |
Schedule of Equity Method Investments [Table] |
Summarization of information required and determined to be disclosed concerning equity method investments in common stock. The summarized information includes: (a) the name of each investee or group of investees for which combined disclosure is appropriate, (2) the percentage ownership of common stock, (3) the difference, if any, between the carrying amount of an investment and the value of the underlying equity in the net assets and the accounting treatment of difference, if any, and (4) the aggregate value of each identified investment based on its quoted market price, if available. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfEquityMethodInvestmentsTable |
Schedule of Error Corrections and Prior Period Adjustment Restatement [Table] |
Disclosure concerning prior period adjustments to correct an error in previously issued financial statements, which includes a statement that its previously issued financial statements have been restated and a description of the nature of the error. The disclosure also includes: (1) the effect of the correction on each financial statement line item and any per-share amounts affected for each prior period presented (2) the cumulative effect of the change on retained earnings or other appropriate components of equity or net assets in the statement of financial position, as of the beginning of the earliest period presented, and (3) the effect of the prior period adjustment (both gross and net of applicable income tax) on the net income of each prior period presented in the entity's annual report for the year in which the adjustments are made. This table can be used to disclose the amounts as previously reported and the effect of the correction or other adjustment on per line item or per share amount basis. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfErrorCorrectionsAndPriorPeriodAdjustmentRestatementTable |
Schedule of Extinguishment of Debt [Table] |
A table or schedule providing information pertaining to debt extinguished, including the amount of gain (loss) on the debt extinguished, the income tax effect on the gain (loss), and the amount of gain (loss), net of the related income tax. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfExtinguishmentOfDebtTable |
Schedule of Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption [Table] |
Schedule of the description and the details of all terms for each outstanding financial instrument and each settlement option, including: a. The amount that would be paid, or the number of shares that would be issued and their fair value, determined under the conditions specified in the contract if the settlement were to occur at the reporting date b. How changes in the fair value of the issuer's equity shares would affect those settlement amounts (for example, "the issuer is obligated to issue an additional x shares or pay an additional y dollars in cash for each $1 decrease in the fair value of one share") c. The maximum amount that the issuer could be required to pay to redeem the instrument by physical settlement, if applicable d. The maximum number of shares that could be required to be issued, if applicable e. That a contract does not limit the amount that the issuer could be required to pay or the number of shares that the issuer could be required to issue, if applicable f. For a forward contract or an option indexed to the issuer's equity shares, the forward price or option strike price, the number of issuer's shares to which the contract is indexed, and the settlement date or dates of the contract, as applicable. g. The components of the liability that would otherwise be related to shareholders' interest and other comprehensive income (if any) subject to the redemption feature (for example, par value and other paid in amounts of mandatorily redeemable instruments is disclosed separately from the amount of retained earnings or accumulated deficit). |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfSharesSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionTable |
Schedule of Financing Receivable, Allowance for Credit Losses [Table] |
Schedule detailing information related to financing receivables and activity in the allowance for credit losses account by portfolio segment. A portfolio segment is a level at which an entity develops and documents a systematic methodology to determine its allowance for credit losses. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfFinancingReceivableAllowanceForCreditLossesTable |
Schedule of Financing Receivable, Recorded Investment, Credit Quality Indicator [Table] |
Schedule detailing credit quality information related to financing receivables by credit quality indicator and by class of financing receivable. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfFinancingReceivableRecordedInvestmentCreditQualityIndicatorTable |
Schedule of Financing Receivable, Troubled Debt Restructurings [Table] |
Schedule detailing information related to troubled debt restructurings by status of troubled debt restructuring with further disaggregation by class of financing receivable and portfolio segment. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfFinancingReceivableTroubledDebtRestructuringsTable |
Schedule of Financing Receivables Past Due [Table] |
Schedule detailing the recorded investment in financing receivables that are past due but not impaired and financing receivables that are 90 days past due and still accruing. The schedule also includes financing receivables on nonaccrual status. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfFinancingReceivablesPastDueTable |
Schedule of Finite-Lived Intangible Assets by Major Class [Table] |
Disclosure of the carrying value of amortizable intangibles assets, in total and by major class. Finite-lived intangible assets have a stated useful life over which their gross carrying value is amortized. A major class is composed of intangible assets that can be grouped together because they are similar, either by their nature or by their use in the operations of a company. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassTable |
Schedule of Franchisor Disclosure [Table] |
Schedule detailing quantitative disclosures related to stores, restaurants, or other units by whether or not the unit is franchised. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfFranchisorDisclosureTable |
Schedule of Gain (Loss) on Investments [Table] |
Summarization of information required and determined to be disclosed concerning realized and unrealized gains and losses reported in the statement of income which have resulted from the sale or disposal and holding of marketable securities, respectively, as well as the sale or disposal of cost method investments. Such amounts would include realized gains and losses on the sale of trading, available-for-sale, and held-to-maturity securities, unrealized gains and losses on trading securities, unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale and held-to-maturity securities transferred to the trading securities category, realized gains and losses on the sale or disposal of cost method investments, and losses recognized for other than temporary impairments (OTTI) of such investments. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfGainLossOnInvestmentsTable |
Schedule of Goodwill [Table] |
Schedule of goodwill and the changes during the year due to acquisition, sale, impairment or for other reasons. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfGoodwillTable |
Schedule of Guarantor Obligations [Table] |
Tabular disclosure about the type or nature of guarantees, for example performance, indemnification, payment and other guarantees, and related information such as term, origin and purpose, triggering event, maximum exposure, and carrying value. Represents the guarantor's disclosures which include the information about each guarantee, or each group of similar guarantees, even if the likelihood of the guarantor's need to make any payments under the guarantee is remote. This excludes disclosures for product warranties. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfGuaranteeObligationsTable |
Schedule of Held-to-maturity Securities [Table] |
Summarization of information required and determined to be disclosed concerning all investments in certain debt and equity securities for which the Company has the positive intent and ability to hold until maturity. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfHeldToMaturitySecuritiesTable |
Schedule of Impaired Financing Receivable [Table] |
Schedule detailing the recorded investment unpaid principal balance, associated allowance, average recorded investment accounting policies, and interest income recognized on the accrual and cash basis by class of financing receivable. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfImpairedFinancingReceivableTable |
Schedule of Impaired Intangible Assets [Table] |
Describes the facts and circumstances leading to the recording of each impairment charge in the period, states the amount of the impairment charge, the method of determining fair value of the associated asset, the caption in the income statement in which the impairment loss is aggregated, and the segment in which the impaired intangible asset is reported. This disclosure does not include impairment of goodwill. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfImpairedIntangibleAssetsTable |
Schedule of Impaired Long-Lived Assets Held and Used [Table] |
For a long-lived asset to be held and used by an entity, the table may include a description of the impaired long-lived asset and facts and circumstances leading to the impairment, amount of the impairment loss and where the loss is located in the income statement, method(s) for determining fair value, and the segment in which the impaired long-lived asset is reported. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfImpairedLongLivedAssetsHeldAndUsedTable |
Schedule of Incentive Distribution Made to Managing Member or General Partner [Table] |
Schedule of incentive payments in cash or stock or units paid during the accounting period to managing members or general partners of a limited liability corporation or limited partnership, as governed by the operating or partnership agreement. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfIncentiveDistributionMadeToManagingMemberOrGeneralPartnerTable |
Schedule of Incremental Effects on Balance Sheet, Application of FAS 158 Recognition Provisions [Table] |
In the year of initial application of the recognition provisions of FAS 158, schedule disclosing the incremental effects on individual asset, liability or equity line items in the year-end statement of financial position. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfIncrementalEffectsOnBalanceSheetApplicationOfSFAS158RecognitionProvisionsTable |
Schedule of Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets by Major Class [Table] |
Disclosure of the details of intangible assets not subject to amortization, excluding goodwill, in total and by major class. A major class is composed of intangible assets that can be grouped together because they are similar, either by their nature or by their use in the operations of the company. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfIndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassTable |
Schedule of Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets by Segment [Table] |
Schedule of indefinite-lived intangible assets and the changes during the year due to acquisition, sale, impairment or for other reasons in total and by segment. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfIndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsBySegmentTable |
Schedule of Intercompany Foreign Currency Balance [Table] |
Schedule of long-term intercompany foreign balances, including related intercompany entity, underlying foreign currencies and amounts of intercompany foreign currency transactions that are of a long-term investment nature (that is settlement is not planned or anticipated in the foreseeable future), as of the balance sheet date. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfIntercompanyForeignCurrencyBalanceTable |
Schedule of Interest Costs Incurred [Table] |
Schedule of Interest Costs Incurred |
added:ScheduleInterestCostsIncurredTable |
Schedule of Investment Income, Reported Amounts, by Category [Table] |
Summarization of information required and determined to be disclosed concerning investment income derived from investments in debt and equity securities consisting of interest income earned from investments in debt securities and on cash and cash equivalents, dividend income from investments in equity securities, and income or expense derived from the amortization of investment related discounts or premiums, respectively. This item does not include realized or unrealized gains or losses on the sale or holding of investments in debt and equity securities required to be included in earnings for the period or for other than temporary losses related to investments in debt and equity securities which are included in realized losses in the period recognized. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfInvestmentIncomeReportedAmountsByCategoryTable |
Schedule of Life Settlement Contracts, Fair Value Method [Table] |
Summarization of information required and determined to be disclosed concerning life settlement contracts based on the remaining life expectancy for each of the first five succeeding years from the date of the statement of financial position and thereafter, as well as in the aggregate including: (a) the number of life settlement contracts, (b) the carrying value of the life settlement contracts, and (c) the face value (death benefits) of the life insurance policies underlying the contracts. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfLifeSettlementContractsFairValueMethodTable |
Schedule of Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method [Table] |
Summarization of information required and determined to be disclosed concerning life settlement contracts including the accounting policy for life settlement contracts based on the remaining life expectancy for each of the first five succeeding years from the date of the statement of financial position and thereafter, as well as in the aggregate including: (a) the number of life settlement contracts, (b) the carrying value of the life settlement contracts, and (c) the face value (death benefits) of the life insurance policies underlying the contracts, and (d) the life insurance premiums anticipated to be paid for each of the five succeeding fiscal years to keep the life settlement contracts in force as of the date of the most recent statement of financial position presented. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfLifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodTable |
Schedule of Limited Partners' Capital Account by Class [Table] |
Disclosure of the varying rights, preferences and privileges of each class of limited partnership interest. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfLimitedPartnersCapitalAccountByClassTable |
Schedule of Long Lived Assets Held-for-sale [Table] |
Description and amounts of long lived assets held for sale. Disclosure may include the description of the facts and circumstances leading to the expected disposal, manner and timing of disposal, the carrying value of the assets held for sale, the gain (loss) recognized in the income statement and the income statement caption that includes that gain (loss). |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfLongLivedAssetsHeldForSaleTable |
Schedule of Long-Lived Assets to be Abandoned [Table] |
In the table of long-lived assets to be abandoned, a description of the asset to be abandoned and the related circumstances, including the manner and expected timing of disposition. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfLongLivedAssetsToBeAbandonedTable |
Schedule of Long-term Debt Instruments [Table] |
A table or schedule providing information pertaining to long-term debt instruments or arrangements, including identification, terms, features, collateral requirements and other information necessary to a fair presentation. These are debt arrangements that originally required repayment more than twelve months after issuance or greater than the normal operating cycle of the company, if longer. |
us-gaap:DebtInstrumentTable |
Schedule of Long-term Debt Maturities [Table] |
Schedule of Long-term Debt Maturities |
added:ScheduleLongTermDebtMaturitiesTable |
Schedule of Long-term Debt, Detail [Table] |
Schedule of Long-term Debt, Detail |
added:ScheduleLongTermDebtDetailTable |
Schedule of Operating Leased Assets [Table] |
Schedule of long-lived, depreciable assets that are subject to a operating lease agreements and are used in the normal conduct of business to produce goods and services. Examples may include land, buildings, machinery and equipment, and other types of furniture and equipment including, but not limited to, office equipment, furniture and fixtures, and computer equipment and software. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfOperatingLeasedAssetsTable |
Schedule of Other Ownership Interests [Table] |
Schedule of other units or shares or classes of ownership in a partnership. This schedule ordinarily includes a description of the ownership interest detailing special or unusual rights; the capital contributed to and the capital account balance of the other unit holders for the partnerships; number of units of other ownership interest authorized to be issued, issued, and outstanding in the partnerships; aggregate cumulative cash distributions made to, and aggregate cumulative net income shared by, the other unit holders in the partnership. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfOtherOwnershipInterestsTable |
Schedule of Other than Temporary Impairment, Credit Losses Recognized in Earnings [Table] |
Summarization of information required and determined to be disclosed as a tabular roll forward of the amount of other than temporary impairment (OTTI) related to credit losses recognized in earnings including: (a) the beginning balance of the amount related to credit losses on debt securities held by the investor at the beginning of the period for which a portion of an OTTI was recognized in other comprehensive income; (b) additions for the amount related to the credit loss for which an OTTI was not previously recognized; (c) reductions for securities sold during the period (realized); (d) reductions for securities for which the amount previously recognized in other comprehensive income was recognized in earnings because the investor intends to sell the security or more likely than not will be required to sell the security before recovery of its amortized cost basis; (e) additional increases to the amount related to the credit loss for which an OTTI was previously recognized when the investor does not intend to sell the security and it is not more likely than not that the investor will be required to sell the security before recovery of its amortized cost basis; (f) reductions for increases in cash flows expected to be collected that are recognized over the remaining life of the security; and (g) the ending balance of the amount related to credit losses on debt securities held by the entity at the end of the period for which a portion of an OTTI was recognized in other comprehensive income. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfOtherThanTemporaryImpairmentCreditLossesRecognizedInEarningsTable |
Schedule of Preferred Units [Table] |
Schedule providing details of the units of a Master Limited Partnership that have priority over limited partner units in areas including liquidation, redemption, conversion, tax status of distribution or sharing in distributions. Details include the preferred units authorized, issued and outstanding, the cumulative cash distributions made to preferred partners, the cumulative net income shared by preferred partners, and the aggregate account balances of preferred partners. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfPreferredUnitsTable |
Schedule of Product Information [Table] |
Schedule detailing quantitative information concerning products or product lines by product or product line. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfProductInformationTable |
Schedule of Property, Plant and Equipment [Table] |
Table of long-lived, physical assets that are used in the normal conduct of business to produce goods and services and not intended for resale. Examples include land, buildings, machinery and equipment, and other types of furniture and equipment including, but not limited to, office equipment, furniture and fixtures, and computer equipment and software. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfPropertyPlantAndEquipmentTable |
Schedule of Property, Plant and Equipment Useful Lives [Table] |
Schedule of Property, Plant and Equipment Useful Lives |
added:SchedulePropertyPlantEquipmentUsefulLivesTable |
Schedule of Quantifying Prior Year Misstatement Corrected in Current Year Financial Statements [Table] |
Disclose the nature of each individual error being corrected in the correcting adjustment. This disclosure would also generally include when and how each error being corrected arose and assert that the errors were immaterial to the prior amounts reported. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfQuantifyingPriorYearMisstatementCorrectedInCurrentYearFinancialStatementsTable |
Schedule of Real Estate Properties [Table] |
Schedule detailing quantitative information concerning real estate properties and units within those properties by ownership of the property. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfRealEstatePropertiesTable |
Schedule of Receivables with Imputed Interest [Table] |
Table for the detailed disclosure of receivables or notes with discounts or premiums resulting from the determination of present value in cash or noncash transactions, including description of the receivable, the effective interest rate, the face amount, amortization period and method. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfReceivablesWithImputedInterestTable |
Schedule of Related Party Transactions, by Related Party [Table] |
A tabular disclosure of related party transactions. Disclosure may include: the nature of the relationship(s), a description of the transactions, the amount of the transactions, the effects of any change in the method of establishing the terms of the transaction from the previous period, stated interest rate, expiration date, terms and manner of settlement per the agreement with the related party, revenues and expenses from related party transactions and amounts due to or from related parties. If the entity and one or more other entities are under common ownership or management control and this control affects the operating results or financial position, disclosure includes the nature of the control relationship even if there are no transactions between the entities. Disclosure may also include the aggregate amount of current and deferred tax expense for each statement of earnings presented where the entity is a member of a group that files a consolidated tax return, the amount of any tax related balances due to or from affiliates as of the date of each statement of financial position presented, the principal provisions of the method by which the consolidated amount of current and deferred tax expense is allocated to the members of the group and the nature and effect of any changes in that method. Examples of related party transactions include transactions between (a) a parent company and its subsidiary; (b) subsidiaries of a common parent; (c) and entity and its principal owners; and (d) affiliates. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfRelatedPartyTransactionsByRelatedPartyTable |
Schedule of Research and Development Arrangement, Contract to Perform for Others [Table] |
A schedule reflecting the terms of significant agreements under research and development arrangements accounted for as a contract to perform research and development for others (including royalty arrangements, purchase provisions, license agreements, and commitments to provide additional funding), aggregated by similar arrangements or individually if necessary to understand the effects on the financial statements. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfResearchAndDevelopmentArrangementContractToPerformForOthersTable |
Schedule of Research and Development Assets Acquired Other than Through Business Combination [Table] |
Disclosures of the amount of capitalized costs of a research and development nature acquired in a transaction other than a business combination, amount of costs charged to expense during the period, and identification of the income statement caption in which the charge is reflected. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfResearchAndDevelopmentAssetsAcquiredOtherThanThroughBusinessCombinationTable |
Schedule of Restricted Cash and Cash Equivalents [Table] |
Schedule itemizing specific cash or cash equivalent items which are restricted as to withdrawal or usage, along with the nature of the restrictions. Restrictions may include legally restricted deposits held as compensating balances against short-term borrowing arrangements, contracts entered into with others, or entity statements of intention with regard to particular deposits; however, time deposits and short-term certificates of deposit are not generally included in legally restricted deposits. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfRestrictedCashAndCashEquivalentsTable |
Schedule of Restructuring and Related Costs [Table] |
Table presenting the description of the restructuring costs, such as the expected cost; the costs incurred during the period; the cumulative costs incurred as of the balance sheet date; the income statement caption within which the restructuring charges recognized for the period are included; and the amount of and periodic changes to an entity's restructuring reserve that occurred during the period associated with the exit from or disposal of business activities or restructurings for each major type of cost by type of restructuring. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfRestructuringAndRelatedCostsTable |
Schedule of Retained Earnings Adjustments [Table] |
Schedule of the cumulative effect on retained earnings of adjustments, which includes changes in accounting principle, new accounting pronouncements, and correction of errors. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfRetainedEarningsAdjustmentsTable |
Schedule of Revenue by Major Customers, by Reporting Segments [Table] |
Tabular disclosure about the extent of the entity's reliance on its major customers. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfEntityWideRevenueByMajorCustomersByReportingSegmentsTable |
Schedule of Revenues from External Customers and Long-Lived Assets [Table] |
Schedule of material long-lived assets (excluding financial instruments, customer relationships with financial institutions, mortgage and other servicing rights, deferred policy acquisition costs, and deferred taxes assets) located in identified geographic areas and/or the amount of revenue from external customers attributed to that country from which revenue is material. An entity may also provide subtotals of geographic information about groups of countries. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfRevenuesFromExternalCustomersAndLongLivedAssetsTable |
Schedule of Segment Reporting Information, by Segment [Table] |
A table disclosing the profit or loss and total assets for each reportable segment of the entity. An entity discloses certain information on each reportable segment if the amounts (a) are included in the measure of segment profit or loss reviewed by the chief operating decision maker or (b) are otherwise regularly provided to the chief operating decision maker, even if not included in that measure of segment profit or loss. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfSegmentReportingInformationBySegmentTable |
Schedule of Share-based Compensation Arrangements by Share-based Payment Award [Table] |
Components of an equity-based arrangement under which compensation is awarded to employees, typically comprised of compensation expense; changes in the quantity and fair value of the shares (or other type of equity) granted, exercised, forfeited, and issued and outstanding pertaining to that plan; and cash flow effects resulting from the equity-based payment arrangement. Component disclosures are by type of award and plan name. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfShareBasedCompensationArrangementsByShareBasedPaymentAwardTable |
Schedule of Share-based Compensation, Shares Authorized under Stock Option Plans, by Exercise Price Range [Table] |
Details comprising a table providing supplementary information on outstanding and exercisable share awards as of the balance sheet date which stratifies outstanding options by ranges of exercise prices. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfShareBasedCompensationSharesAuthorizedUnderStockOptionPlansByExercisePriceRangeTable |
Schedule of Share-based Goods and Nonemployee Services Transaction [Table] |
Details pertaining to each transaction in which an entity acquires goods or services other than employee services in exchange for equity securities of the company, including the purpose of the transaction, identification and quantity of the securities issued, the accounting made, disclosure of amounts by which report lines were affected, and noncash effects on the statement of cash flows. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfShareBasedGoodsAndNonemployeeServicesTransactionTable |
Schedule of Short-term Debt [Table] |
A table or schedule providing information pertaining to borrowings under which repayment was required in less than twelve months (or normal operating cycle, if longer) after its issuance. It may include: (1) description of the short-term debt arrangement; (2) identification of the lender or type of lender; (3) repayment terms; (4) weighted average interest rate; (5) carrying amount of funds borrowed under the specified short-term debt arrangement as of the balance sheet date and measures of the maximum and average amount outstanding during the period; (6) description of the refinancing of a short-term obligation when that obligation is excluded from current liabilities in the balance sheet; and (7) amount of a short-term obligation that has been excluded from current liabilities in the balance sheet because of a refinancing of the obligation. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfShortTermDebtTable |
Schedule of Significant Acquisitions and Disposals [Table] |
Table of all disclosed information related to acquisitions and disposals, which may include methodology and assumptions, type of asset, asset classification, useful life, useful purpose, acquisition cost, method of acquisition or disposal, depreciation method, gain (loss) on disposal pretax and net of tax, date of acquisition or disposal and restrictions on amount of proceeds from donated assets. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfSignificantAcquisitionsAndDisposalsTable |
Schedule of Stock by Class [Table] |
Schedule detailing information related to equity by class of stock. Class of stock includes common, convertible, and preferred stocks which are not redeemable or redeemable solely at the option of the issuer. It also includes preferred stock with redemption features that are solely within the control of the issuer and mandatorily redeemable stock if redemption is required to occur only upon liquidation or termination of the reporting entity. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfStockByClassTable |
Schedule of Subsidiary of Limited Liability Company or Limited Partnership [Table] |
This table describes the key aspects of a subsidiary (partnership, corporation, or other entity) of the Limited Liability Company (LLC) or Limited Partnership (LP). |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfSubsidiaryOfLimitedLiabilityCompanyOrLimitedPartnershipTable |
Schedule of Subsidiary or Equity Method Investee [Table] |
Schedule of subsidiary's sales of previously unissued stock made to investors outside the consolidated group. This includes stock issued in a business combination in exchange for shares of an acquired entity. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfSubsidiaryOrEquityMethodInvesteeTable |
Schedule of Trading Securities and Other Trading Assets [Table] |
Summary of the information required to be disclosed concerning trading securities and other trading assets, which consist of all investments in certain debt and equity securities and other assets that are bought and held principally for the purpose of selling them in the near term or for debt and equity securities formerly categorized as available-for-sale or held-to-maturity which the entity held as of the date it opted to account for such securities at fair value. An enterprise may also categorize such a security as trading without the intent to sell it in the near term assuming the decision to categorize the security as trading occurred at acquisition. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfTradingSecuritiesAndOtherTradingAssetsTable |
Schedule of Variable Interest Entities [Table] |
Tabular disclosure of qualitative and quantitative information related to variable interests the entity holds, whether or not such variable interest entity (VIE) is included in the reporting entity's consolidated financial statements. Includes, but is not limited to, description of the significant judgments and assumptions made in determining whether a variable interest (as defined) held by the entity requires the variable interest entity (VIE) (as defined) to be consolidated and (or) disclose information about its involvement with the VIE, individually or in aggregate (as applicable); the nature of restrictions, if any, on the consolidated VIE's assets and on the settlement of its liabilities reported by an entity in its statement of financial position, including the carrying amounts of such assets and liabilities; the nature of, and changes in, the risks associated with involvement in the VIE; how involvement with the VIE affects the entity's financial position, financial performance, and cash flows; the lack of recourse if creditors (or beneficial interest holders) of the consolidated VIE have no recourse to the general credit of the primary beneficiary (if applicable); the terms of arrangements, giving consideration to both explicit arrangements and implicit variable interests, if any, that could require the entity to provide financial support to the VIE, including events or circumstances that could expose the entity to a loss; the methodology used by the entity for determining whether or not it is the primary beneficiary of the variable interest entity; the significant factors considered and judgments made in determining that the power to direct the activities of a VIE that most significantly impact the VIE's economic performance are shared (as defined); the carrying amounts and classification of assets and liabilities of the VIE included in the statement of financial position; the entity's maximum exposure to loss, if any, as a result of its involvement with the VIE, including how the maximum exposure is determined and significant sources of the entity's exposure to the VIE; a tabular comparison of the carrying amounts of the assets and liabilities and the entity's maximum exposure to loss; information about any liquidity arrangements, guarantees, and (or) other commitments by third parties that may affect the fair value or risk of the entity's variable interest in the VIE; whether or not the entity has provided financial support or other support (explicitly or implicitly) to the VIE that it was not previously contractually required to provide or whether the entity intends to provide that support, including the type and amount of the support and the primary reasons for providing the support; and supplemental information the entity determines necessary to provide. |
us-gaap:ScheduleOfVariableInterestEntitiesTable |
Segment Reporting Disclosures [Table] |
Segment Reporting Disclosures |
added:SegmentReportingDisclosuresTable |
Selected Quarterly Financial Information [Table] |
Selected Quarterly Financial Information |
added:SelectedQuarterlyFinancialInformationTable |
Significant Accounting Policies [Table] |
Significant Accounting Policies |
added:SignificantAccountingPoliciesTable |
Significant Change in Unrecognized Tax Benefits is Reasonably Possible [Table] |
A summary of unrecognized tax benefits for which a material change is reasonably possible in the next twelve months, typically including the nature of the uncertainty, the event(s) that could cause a material change, and an estimate of the range of the reasonably possible change or a statement that an estimate of the range cannot be made. An unrecognized tax benefit is the difference between a tax position taken in a tax return for which the resultant tax benefit has not been recognized in the financial statements because it is more likely than not, based on the technical merits of the position, that the tax position will not be sustained upon examination. |
us-gaap:SignificantChangeInUnrecognizedTaxBenefitsIsReasonablyPossibleTable |
Site Contingency [Table] |
Information and financial data about the reasonably possible loss or the recognized and additional reasonably possible loss from an environmental remediation obligation. |
us-gaap:SiteContingencyTable |
Statement of Cash Flows, Supplemental Disclosures [Table] |
Statement of Cash Flows, Supplemental Disclosures |
added:StatementCashFlowsSupplementalDisclosuresTable |
Statement of Other Comprehensive Income [Table] |
Statement of Other Comprehensive Income |
added:StatementOtherComprehensiveIncomeTable |
Statement of Shareholders' Equity and Other Comprehensive Income [Table] |
Statement of Shareholders' Equity and Other Comprehensive Income |
added:StatementShareholdersEquityOtherComprehensiveIncomeTable |
Stockholders' Equity Disclosures [Table] |
Stockholders' Equity Disclosures |
added:StockholdersEquityDisclosuresTable |
Subsequent Event [Table] |
Discloses pertinent information about one or more significant events or transactions that occurred after the balance sheet date through the date the financial statements were issued or the date the financial statements were available to be issued. |
us-gaap:SubsequentEventTable |
Subsequent Events, Summary [Table] |
Information about Subsequent Events |
added:SubsequentEventsSummaryTable |
Subsidiary or Equity Method Investee, Sale of Stock by Subsidiary or Equity Investee [Table] |
Different names of stock transactions and the different attributes of each transaction. |
us-gaap:SubsidiaryOrEquityMethodInvesteeSaleOfStockBySubsidiaryOrEquityInvesteeTable |
Supply Commitment [Table] |
Summarization of information required or determined to be disclosed about arrangements in which the entity has committed resources to supply goods or services to a customer. May include identification of the goods or services to be furnished, identity of the purchasing party, pricing, effects on pricing for failing to deliver the [minimum] quantities required to be furnished, cancellation rights, and termination provisions. |
us-gaap:SupplyCommitmentTable |
Targeted or Tracking Stock, Stock [Table] |
This element encompasses the classes of target or tracking stock issued along with the different information to be disclosed about each issuance. |
us-gaap:TargetedOrTrackingStockStockTable |
Tax Credit Carryforward [Table] |
A listing of tax credit carryforwards available to reduce future taxable income including descriptions, amounts, expiration dates, limitations on use and the related deferred tax assets and valuation allowances. |
us-gaap:TaxCreditCarryforwardTable |
Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Current Period [Table] |
A table or schedule providing information pertaining to troubled debt restructurings, in the period that the debt was restructured. It may include: (1) for each restructuring, the principal changes in terms, the major features of settlement, or both; (2) the aggregate gain (loss) on restructuring of payables; (3) the income tax effect on the gain recognized on the restructuring of payables for troubled debt restructurings; and (4) the aggregate net gain (loss) on the restructuring of payables; and (5) the aggregate net gain (loss) on transfers of assets recognized during the period. |
us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorCurrentPeriodTable |
Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Subsequent Periods [Table] |
A table or schedule providing information pertaining to troubled debt restructurings in the periods following the restructuring, including: (1) a description of the portion of the recorded [restructured] debt which is contingently payable based on the occurrence of future events or circumstances; (2) the dollar amount of the portion of the recorded [restructured] debt which is contingently payable based on the occurrence of future events or circumstances; and (3) a description of the circumstance, events, or conditions that would cause payments to occur or the creditor to forgive the contingent portion of recorded debt. |
us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorSubsequentPeriodsTable |
Uncertainties [Table] |
Information about Uncertainties |
added:UncertaintiesTable |
Unrecorded Unconditional Purchase Obligation [Table] |
Describes each unrecorded unconditional purchase obligation arrangement to purchase goods and services that extend over multiple periods, any assets pledged to secure payment, and the fixed or determinable amount of payments due in each of the next five years and thereafter. |
us-gaap:UnrecordedUnconditionalPurchaseObligationTable |
Unusual or Infrequent Item [Table] |
Description of the nature and financial statement effects of each material event or transaction (that would not reasonably be expected to recur in the foreseeable future) that possesses a high degree of abnormality and are incidentally related to, the ordinary and typical activities of the entity. |
us-gaap:UnusualOrInfrequentItemTable |
Unusual Risk or Uncertainty [Table] |
Describes the unusual risk or uncertainty and its financial impact or potential financial impact. |
us-gaap:UnusualRiskOrUncertaintyTable |
Valuation Allowance [Table] |
A listing of an entity's valuation allowances to reduce deferred tax assets to amounts which it is more likely than not will not be realized, including a description of the deferred tax assets for which the valuation allowance has been recorded and the amount of the valuation allowance. |
us-gaap:ValuationAllowanceTable |