Report Elements Summary |
Run date/time: 7/5/2011 8:54:20 AM |
Summary Information: |
Networks: | 1 |
Tables: | 1 |
Axis: | 1 |
Members: | 1 |
Line Items: | 1 |
Concepts (Abstract): | 1 |
Concepts (Concrete): | 6 |
Networks: |
# | Network Definition | Network Identifier | Count |
1 | 30000 - Property, Plant, and Equipment, by Component | | 11 |
Tables: |
# | Label | Documentation | Name (Click name to navigate to details) | Count |
1 | Property, Plant and Equipment, by Component [Table] | Nam rhoncus mi. Nunc eu dui non mauris interdum tincidunt. Sed magna felis, accumsan a, fermentum quis, varius sed, ipsum. | pattern:PropertyPlantEquipmentByComponentTable | 1 |
Axis: |
# | Label | Documentation | Name (Click name to navigate to details) | Count |
1 | Legal Entity [Axis] | None provided | frm:LegalEntityAxis | 1 |
Members: |
# | Label | Documentation | Name (Click name to navigate to details) |
1 | Consolidated Entity [Member] | None provided | frm:ConsolidatedEntityMember |
Line Items: |
# | Label | Documentation | Name (Click name to navigate to details) |
1 | Property, Plant and Equipment, by Component [Line Items] | Proin elit sem, ornare non, ullamcorper vel, sollicitudin a, lacus. Mauris tincidunt cursus est. | pattern:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentByComponentLineItems |
Concepts (Abstract): |
# | Label | Documentation | Name (Click name to navigate to details) |
1 | Property, Plant and Equipment, Net [Roll Up] | Praesent fringilla feugiat magna. Suspendisse et lorem eu risus convallis placerat. | pattern:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentNetRollUp |
Concepts (Concrete): |
# | Label | Data Type | Period Type | Balance Type | Prefix | Documentation | Name (Click name to navigate to details) | Count |
1 | Buildings, Net | Monetary | As of (instant) | Debit | pattern | Etiam ipsum orci, gravida nec, feugiat ut, malesuada quis, mauris. Etiam porttitor. Ut venenatis, velit a accumsan interdum, odio metus mollis mauris, non pharetra augue arcu eu felis. | pattern:BuildingsNet | 1 |
2 | Computer Equipment, Net | Monetary | As of (instant) | Debit | pattern | Suspendisse vestibulum augue eu justo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. | pattern:ComputerEquipmentNet | 1 |
3 | Furniture and Fixtures, Net | Monetary | As of (instant) | Debit | pattern | Praesent eleifend dignissim eros. Proin feugiat lobortis mi. Nunc congue. Fusce venenatis. | pattern:FurnitureAndFixturesNet | 1 |
4 | Land | Monetary | As of (instant) | Debit | pattern | Sed eu nibh. Fusce vitae mi. Sed dapibus venenatis ipsum. Sed in purus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. | pattern:Land | 1 |
5 | Other Property, Plant and Equipment, Net | Monetary | As of (instant) | Debit | pattern | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent id mauris. Sed dapibus dui quis lectus. Donec id sem. | pattern:OtherPropertyPlantAndEquipmentNet | 1 |
6 | Property, Plant and Equipment, Net | Monetary | As of (instant) | Debit | pattern | Duis fermentum. Nullam dui orci, scelerisque porttitor, volutpat a, porttitor a, enim. Sed lobortis. | pattern:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentNet | 1 |