

Fact Group (Combination of Network and Table)
Network: Share Ownership Plans (
Table: Share Ownership Plan [Table] (pattern:ShareOwnershipPlanTable)


Slicers (applies to each fact value in each table cell)
brm:ReportingEntityAxis SAMP (
frm:LegalEntityAxis frm:ConsolidatedEntityMember
pattern:ShareOwnershipPlanIdentifierAxis pattern:ShareOwnershipPlan1Member


* * *
brm:ConceptAxis brm:PeriodAxis Fact Value
Share Ownership Plan [Hierarchy] * *
Share Ownership Plan, Description, General Terms and Conditions 2010-01-01/2010-12-31 These are the description, general conditions, and terms of share ownership plan 1. Nam rhoncus mi. Nunc eu dui non mauris interdum tincidunt. Sed magna felis, accumsan a, fermentum quis, varius sed, ipsum. Nullam leo. Donec eros. Maecenas interdum, lectus eget aliquet tincidunt, tellus dolor ultrices tellus, nec hendrerit nunc lectus eget eros. Duis feugiat velit in eros. Curabitur tincidunt aliquet neque. Nulla ac est quis urna luctus elementum. Aliquam erat volutpat. In tincidunt nunc vehicula risus. Praesent dictum arcu sit amet wisi. Praesent ac odio. Donec vestibulum, sem vel facilisis consectetuer, justo arcu tempor sem, vel ultrices turpis leo quis augue.
Share Ownership Plan, Share Options Outstanding [Roll Forward] * *
Share Ownership Plan, Share Options Outstanding, Beginning Balance 2009-12-31 0
Share Ownership Plan, Share Options Granted 2010-01-01/2010-12-31 4,000
Share Ownership Plan, Share Options Forfeited 2010-01-01/2010-12-31 (1,000)
Share Ownership Plan, Share Options Exercised 2010-01-01/2010-12-31 (1,000)
Share Ownership Plan, Share Options Expired 2010-01-01/2010-12-31 (1,000)
Share Ownership Plan, Share Options Outstanding, Ending Balance 2010-12-31 1,000