* |
Network: (Annual Survey of State Government Finances) |
1 |
financial: Annual Survey of State Government Finances [Schedule]
xbrli:stringItemType |
duration |
financial:AnnualSurveyStateGovernmentFinancesSchedule |
2 |
financial: Entity [Axis]
xbrli:stringItemType |
duration |
financial:EntityAxis |
3 |
financial: Entities, All [Domain]
xbrli:stringItemType |
duration |
financial:EntitiesAllDomain |
4 |
financial: Sample Company [Member]
xbrli:stringItemType |
duration |
financial:SampleCompanyMember |
5 |
financial: Business Segment [Axis]
xbrli:stringItemType |
duration |
financial:BusinessSegmentAxis |
6 |
financial: Consolidated Group [Domain]
xbrli:stringItemType |
duration |
financial:ConsolidatedGroupDomain |
7 |
financial: Company Business Segment A [Member]
xbrli:stringItemType |
duration |
financial:CompanyBusinessSegmentAMember |
8 |
financial: Company Business Segment B [Member]
xbrli:stringItemType |
duration |
financial:CompanyBusinessSegmentBMember |
9 |
financial: Annual Survey of State Government Finances [Line Items]
xbrli:stringItemType |
duration |
financial:AnnualSurveyStateGovernmentFinancesLineItems |
10 |
financial: Net Revenue over Expenditures (Expenditures over Revenues) [Roll Up]
xbrli:stringItemType |
duration |
financial:NetRevenueOverExpendituresExpendituresOverRevenuesRollUp |
11 |
financial: Revenues [Roll Up]
xbrli:stringItemType |
duration |
financial:RevenuesRollUp |
12 |
financial: General Revenues [Roll Up]
xbrli:stringItemType |
duration |
financial:GeneralRevenuesRollUp |
13 |
financial: Intergovernmental Revenue
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
credit |
financial:IntergovernmentalRevenue |
14 |
financial: Taxes [Roll Up]
xbrli:stringItemType |
duration |
financial:TaxesRollUp |
15 |
financial: General Sales Taxes
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
credit |
financial:GeneralSalesTaxes |
16 |
financial: Selective Taxes
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
credit |
financial:SelectiveTaxes |
17 |
financial: License Taxes
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
credit |
financial:LicenseTaxes |
18 |
financial: Individual Income Taxes
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
credit |
financial:IndividualIncomeTaxes |
19 |
financial: Corporate Income Taxes
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
credit |
financial:CorporateIncomeTaxes |
20 |
financial: Other Taxes
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
credit |
financial:OtherTaxes |
21 |
financial: Taxes
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
credit |
financial:Taxes |
22 |
financial: Current Charges
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
credit |
financial:CurrentCharges |
23 |
financial: Miscellaneous General Revenue
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
credit |
financial:MiscellaneousGeneralRevenue |
24 |
financial: General Revenue
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
credit |
financial:GeneralRevenue |
25 |
financial: Utility Revenue
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
credit |
financial:UtilityRevenue |
26 |
financial: Liquor Store Revenue
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
credit |
financial:LiquorStoreRevenue |
27 |
financial: Insurance Trust Revenue
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
credit |
financial:InsuranceTrustRevenue |
28 |
financial: Revenues
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
credit |
financial:Revenues |
29 |
financial: Expenditures, Breakdown by Direct and Indirect [Roll Up]
xbrli:stringItemType |
duration |
financial:ExpendituresBreakdownByDirectIndirectRollUp |
30 |
financial: Intergovernmental Expenditures
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
debit |
financial:IntergovernmentalExpenditures |
31 |
financial: Direct Expenditures [Roll Up]
xbrli:stringItemType |
duration |
financial:DirectExpendituresRollUp |
32 |
financial: Current Operations
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
debit |
financial:CurrentOperations |
33 |
financial: Capital Outlay
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
debit |
financial:CapitalOutlay |
34 |
financial: Insurance Benefits and Repayments
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
debit |
financial:InsuranceBenefitsRepayments |
35 |
financial: Assistance and Subsidies
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
debit |
financial:AssistanceSubsidies |
36 |
financial: Interest on Debt
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
debit |
financial:InterestOnDebt |
37 |
financial: Direct Expenditures
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
debit |
financial:DirectExpenditures |
38 |
financial: Expenditures
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
debit |
financial:Expenditures |
39 |
financial: Net Revenue over Expenditures (Expenditures over Revenues)
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
credit |
financial:NetRevenueOverExpendituresExpendituresOverRevenues |
* |
Network: (Annual Survey of State Government Finances (Supplemental)) |
40 |
financial: Supplemental Information [Line Items]
xbrli:stringItemType |
duration |
financial:SupplementalInformationLineItems |
41 |
financial: Expenditures, Breakdown by Function [Roll Up]
xbrli:stringItemType |
duration |
financial:ExpendituresBreakdownByFunctionRollUp |
42 |
financial: General Expenditures, Breakdown by Function [Roll Up]
xbrli:stringItemType |
duration |
financial:GeneralExpendituresBreakdownByFunctionRollUp |
43 |
financial: Education
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
debit |
financial:Education |
44 |
financial: Public Welfare
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
debit |
financial:PublicWelfare |
45 |
financial: Hospitals
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
debit |
financial:Hospitals |
46 |
financial: Health
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
debit |
financial:Health |
47 |
financial: Highways
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
debit |
financial:Highways |
48 |
financial: Police Protection
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
debit |
financial:PoliceProtection |
49 |
financial: Correction
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
debit |
financial:Correction |
50 |
financial: Natural Resources
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
debit |
financial:NaturalResources |
51 |
financial: Parks and Recreation
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
debit |
financial:ParksRecreation |
52 |
financial: Government Administration
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
debit |
financial:GovernmentAdministration |
53 |
financial: Interest on General Debt
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
debit |
financial:InterestOnGeneralDebt |
54 |
financial: Other and Unallocable Expenditures
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
debit |
financial:OtherUnallocableExpenditures |
55 |
financial: General Expenditures
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
debit |
financial:GeneralExpenditures |
56 |
financial: Utility Expenditure
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
debit |
financial:UtilityExpenditure |
57 |
financial: Liquor Store Expenditure
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
debit |
financial:LiquorStoreExpenditure |
58 |
financial: Insurance Trust Expenditure
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
debit |
financial:InsuranceTrustExpenditure |
59 |
financial: Expenditures
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
debit |
financial:Expenditures |
60 |
financial: Selected Items of Detail and Exhibits [Hierarchy]
xbrli:stringItemType |
duration |
financial:SelectedItemsDetailExhibitsHierarchy |
61 |
financial: Salaries and Wages
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
debit |
financial:SalariesWages |
62 |
financial: Debt
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
instant |
credit |
financial:Debt |
63 |
financial: Cash and Securities
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
instant |
debit |
financial:CashSecurities |
64 |
financial: Net Utility Revenue (Expenditures)
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
credit |
financial:NetUtilityRevenueExpenditures |
65 |
financial: Net Liquor Store Revenue (Expenditures)
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
credit |
financial:NetLiquorStoreRevenueExpenditures |
66 |
financial: Net Insurance Trust Revenue (Expenditures)
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
duration |
credit |
financial:NetInsuranceTrustRevenueExpenditures |