UBmatrix Calculation Trace Report

Line Concept Weight Balance Decimals Precision Reported Calculated Source Message
1 Extended Link [ http://www.xbrlsite.com/sfac8/role/ComprehensiveIncome ]
2 Context D-2020 [ 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 ]
3 Unit U-Monetary-USD
Comprehensive Income credit INF INF 3000 3,000 Instance OK
Revenues 1.0 credit INF 7000 7,000 Instance
Expenses -1.0 debit INF 3000 3,000 Instance
Gains 1.0 credit INF 1000 1,000 Instance
Losses -1.0 debit INF 2000 2,000 Instance

1 Extended Link [ http://www.xbrlsite.com/sfac8/role/ComprehensiveIncome2 ]
2 Context D-2020 [ 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 ]
3 Unit U-Monetary-USD
Comprehensive Income credit INF INF 3000 3,000 Instance OK
Income from Normal Activities of Entity 1.0 credit INF 2000 2,000 Instance
Income from Peripheral or Incidental Transactions of Entity 1.0 credit INF 1000 1,000 Instance

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