Summary of All Filings (Google)

The screen shot below shows a summary of the validation results for Google XBRL-based financial reports submitted to the SEC. (Provided by XBRL Cloud.)

Balance Sheet Summary Information (Google)

Below is summary information from the balance sheet, note that every balance sheet balances and that all balance sheets roll up correctly:

Net Income (Loss) Summary Information (Google)

Below is a summary of the net income (loss) breakdown between the amounts attributable to the parent and noncontrolling interest:

Comprehensive Income (Loss) Summary Information (Google)

Below is summary information for comprehensive income (loss):

Cash Flow Statement Summary Information (Google)

The accounting equation is a business rule. Business rules are a key to the meaningful exchange of business information from one system to another system. A business rule is simply an expression of some business requirement. If you represent a business rule in terms that a machine such as a computer can make use of, the machine can help you make sure that business rule is satisfied. Remember the issue with the Virgin Airlines relation between assets, current assets, and noncurrent assets that I mentioned. The relation does not foot. Consider how well a machine such as a computer do with making use of that information?

General Information (Google)

Below is general information reported:

Key Ratios (Google)

Below is a summary of several key financial ratios computed from reported information: