3M CO | 2013 | FY | 3

The fair values of the assets held by the U.S. pension plans by asset class are as follows:
    Fair Value Measurements Using Inputs Considered as Fair Value at
(Millions) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Dec. 31,
Asset Class 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012
 U.S. equities $ 1,595 $ 1,662 $ 3 $ 11 $ 3 $ 5 $ 1,601 $ 1,678
 Non-U.S. equities   1,324   1,332   1         1,325   1,332
 Derivatives         5         5
 EAFE index funds         250         250
 Index funds       151   156   1   1   152   157
 Long/short equity           460   477   460   477
Total Equities $ 2,919 $ 2,994 $ 155 $ 422 $ 464 $ 483 $ 3,538 $ 3,899
Fixed Income                        
 U.S. government securities $ 908 $ 844 $ 601 $ 796 $ $ $ 1,509 $ 1,640
 Non-U.S. government                        
  securities   20     316   378       336   378
 Preferred and convertible                        
  securities     4   4         4   4
 U.S. corporate bonds   14   196   2,046   1,249       2,060   1,445
 Non-U.S. corporate bonds      412  286       412   286
 Asset-backed securities      26  21       26   21
 Collateralized mortgage                        
  obligations       28   43       28   43
 Private placements      251  164  2  2   253   166
 Derivative instruments   (1)     6   76       5   76
 Other       37   29       37   29
Total Fixed Income $ 941 $ 1,044 $ 3,727 $ 3,042 $ 2 $ 2 $ 4,670 $ 4,088
Private Equity                        
 Buyouts $ $ $ $ $ 737 $ 662 $ 737 $ 662
 Derivative instruments           (97)   (51)   (97)   (51)
 Direct investments           467   129   467   129
 Distressed debt           211   301   211   301
 Growth equity   21   7       170   84   191   91
 Mezzanine           83   82   83   82
 Real estate           156   136   156   136
 Secondary           152   166   152   166
 Venture capital           548   627   548   627
Total Private Equity $ 21 $ 7 $ $ $ 2,427 $ 2,136 $ 2,448 $ 2,143
Absolute Return                        
 Hedge funds and hedge fund of                        
  funds $ $ $ 176 $ 833 $ 21 $ 664 $ 197 $ 1,497
 Bank loan and other fixed                        
  income funds       899     737   201   1,636   201
Total Absolute Return $ $ $ 1,075 $ 833 $ 758 $ 865 $ 1,833 $ 1,698
Commodities $ $ $ 88 $ 102 $ $ 107 $ 88 $ 209
Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 301 $ 429 $ 1,017 $ 1,547 $ $ $ 1,318 $ 1,976
Total $ 4,182 $ 4,474 $ 6,062 $ 5,946 $ 3,651 $ 3,593 $ 13,895 $ 14,013
Other items to reconcile to fair                        
 value of plan assets                   $ (6) $ (232)
Fair value of plan assets                   $ 13,889 $ 13,781


The fair values of the assets held by the international pension plans by asset class are as follows:
    Fair Value Measurements Using Inputs Considered as Fair Value at
(Millions) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Dec. 31,
Asset Class 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012
 Growth equities $ 733 $ 628 $ 190 $ 133 $ $ $ 923 $ 761
 Value equities   653   468   14   23       667   491
 Core equities   19   88   668   376   5   5   692   469
Total Equities $ 1,405 $ 1,184 $ 872 $ 532 $ 5 $ 5 $ 2,282 $ 1,721
Fixed Income                        
 Domestic government debt $ 199 $ 297 $ 539 $ 694 $ 3 $ $ 741 $ 991
 Foreign government debt   28   170   657   445   1   2   686   617
 Corporate debt securities   1     638   630   20   18   659   648
 Mortgage backed debt       75   31       75   31
 Other debt obligations       391   268   13   16   404   284
Total Fixed Income $ 228 $ 467 $ 2,300 $ 2,068 $ 37 $ 36 $ 2,565 $ 2,571
Private Equity                        
 Private equity funds $ $ $ $ $ 22 $ 22 $ 22 $ 22
 Real estate   3   3   87   42   53   49   143   94
Total Private Equity $ 3 $ 3 $ 87 $ 42 $ 75 $ 71 $ 165 $ 116
Absolute Return                        
 Hedge funds $ $ $ 62 $ 75 $ 56 $ 50 $ 118 $ 125
 Insurance           492   433   492   433
 Derivatives   2     3   20       5   20
 Other       2   24   2   2   4   26
Total Absolute Return $ 2 $ $ 67 $ 119 $ 550 $ 485 $ 619 $ 604
Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 112 $ 211 $ 14 $ 21 $ $ $ 126 $ 232
Total $ 1,750 $ 1,865 $ 3,340 $ 2,782 $ 667 $ 597 $ 5,757 $ 5,244
Other items to reconcile to fair                        
 value of plan assets                   $ 1 $ (22)
Fair value of plan assets                   $ 5,758 $ 5,222


The fair values of the assets held by the postretirement benefit plans by asset class are as follows:
    Fair Value Measurements Using Inputs Considered as Fair Value at
(Millions) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Dec. 31,
Asset Class 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012
 U.S. equities $ 552 $ 466 $ $ $ $ $ 552 $ 466
 Non-U.S. equities   58   54           58   54
 EAFE index funds         8         8
 Index funds       44   42       44   42
 Long/short equity           16   16   16   16
Total Equities $ 610 $ 520 $ 44 $ 50 $ 16 $ 16 $ 670 $ 586
Fixed Income                        
 U.S. government securities $ 62 $ 63 $ 202 $ 217 $ $ $ 264 $ 280
 Non-U.S. government                        
  securities   1     14   16       15   16
 U.S. corporate bonds     6   96   68       96   74
 Non-U.S. corporate bonds       21   16       21   16
 Asset-backed securities       9   6       9   6
 Collateralized mortgage                        
  obligations       5   4       5   4
 Private placements       16   11       16   11
 Derivative instruments         2         2
 Other       1   1       1   1
Total Fixed Income $ 63 $ 69 $ 364 $ 341 $ $ $ 427 $ 410
Private Equity                        
 Buyouts $ $ $ $ $ 58 $ 51 $ 58 $ 51
 Derivative instruments           (3)   (2)   (3)   (2)
 Direct investments           16   4   16   4
 Distressed debt           7   11   7   11
 Growth equity   1         6   3   7   3
 Mezzanine           3   3   3   3
 Real estate           5   4   5   4
 Secondary           5   5   5   5
 Venture capital           64   91   64   91
Total Private Equity $ 1 $ $ $ $ 161 $ 170 $ 162 $ 170
Absolute Return                        
 Hedge funds and hedge fund of                        
  funds $ $ $ 6 $ 27 $ 1 $ 21 $ 7 $ 48
 Bank loan and other fixed                        
  income funds       31     25   7   56   7
Total Absolute Return $ $ $ 37 $ 27 $ 26 $ 28 $ 63 $ 55
Commodities $ $ $ 3 $ 3 $ $ 4 $ 3 $ 7
Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 35 $ 51 $ 34 $ 50 $ $ $ 69 $ 101
Total $ 709 $ 640 $ 482 $ 471 $ 203 $ 218 $ 1,394 $ 1,329
Other items to reconcile to fair                        
 value of plan assets                   $ 11 $ (8)
Fair value of plan assets                   $ 1,405 $ 1,321


   Fair Value Measurement Using Significant Unobservable Inputs (Level 3)
   Equities Fixed Income Private Equity Absolute Return Commodities Total
Beginning balance at Jan. 1, 2012 $ 442 $ 74 $ 2,062 $ 520 $ 105 $ 3,203
Net transfers into / (out of) level 3     (5)     472     467
Purchases, sales, issuances, and                  
 settlements, net   (1)   (73)   (108)   (225)     (407)
Realized gain / (loss)     25   120   76     221
Change in unrealized gains / (losses)                  
 relating to instruments sold during                  
 the period   (1)   (19)   (3)   (49)   (1)   (73)
Change in unrealized gains / (losses)                  
 relating to instruments still held at                  
 the reporting date   43     65   71   3   182
Ending balance at Dec. 31, 2012   483   2   2,136   865   107   3,593
Net transfers into / (out of) level 3            
Purchases, sales, issuances, and                  
 settlements, net   (92)     54   (104)   (96)   (238)
Realized gain / (loss)   10     126   45   (1)   180
Change in unrealized gains / (losses)                  
 relating to instruments sold during                  
 the period   (5)     3   (30)   (10)   (42)
Change in unrealized gains / (losses)                  
 relating to instruments still held at                  
 the reporting date   68     108   (18)     158
Ending balance at Dec. 31, 2013 $ 464 $ 2 $ 2,427 $ 758 $ $ 3,651


   Fair Value Measurement Using Significant Unobservable Inputs (Level 3)
   Equities Fixed Income Private Equity Absolute Return Total
Beginning balance at Jan. 1, 2012 $ 5 $ 39 $ 67 $ 370 $ 481
Net transfers into / (out of) level 3          
Foreign currency exchange     2   (4)   2  
Purchases, sales, issuances, and               
 settlements, net     (2)   11   92   101
Realized gain / (loss)          
Change in unrealized gains / (losses)               
 relating to instruments sold during               
 the period          
Change in unrealized gains / (losses)               
 relating to instruments still held at               
 the reporting date     (3)   (3)   21   15
Ending balance at Dec. 31, 2012   5   36   71   485   597
Net transfers into / (out of) level 3          
Foreign currency exchange     (2)   (1)   9   6
Purchases, sales, issuances, and               
 settlements, net     (2)   1   50   49
Realized gain / (loss)       2     2
Change in unrealized gains / (losses)               
 relating to instruments sold during               
 the period         1   1
Change in unrealized gains / (losses)               
 relating to instruments still held at               
 the reporting date     5   2   5   12
Ending balance at Dec. 31, 2013 $ 5 $ 37 $ 75 $ 550 $ 667


   Fair Value Measurement Using Significant Unobservable Inputs (Level 3)
   Equities Fixed Income Private Equity Absolute Return Commodities Total
Beginning balance at Jan. 1, 2012 $ 14 $ 2 $ 187 $ 17 $ 4 $ 224
Net transfers into / (out of) level 3         15     15
Purchases, sales, issuances, and                  
 settlements, net     (2)   (27)   (7)     (36)
Realized gain / (loss)     1   11   2     14
Change in unrealized gains / (losses)                  
 relating to instruments sold during                  
 the period     (1)   (4)   (1)     (6)
Change in unrealized gains / (losses)                  
 relating to instruments still held at                  
 the reporting date   2     3   2     7
Ending balance at Dec. 31, 2012   16     170   28   4   218
Net transfers into / (out of) level 3            
Purchases, sales, issuances, and                  
 settlements, net   (3)     (27)   (4)   (4)   (38)
Realized gain / (loss)       10   2     12
Change in unrealized gains / (losses)                  
 relating to instruments sold during                  
 the period       (3)   (1)     (4)
Change in unrealized gains / (losses)                  
 relating to instruments still held at                  
 the reporting date   3     11   1     15
Ending balance at Dec. 31, 2013 $ 16 $ $ 161 $ 26 $ $ 203
