Changes in Level 3 Investments for the Year Ended December 31, 2013
        Purchases, Transfers  
         issuances in and/or  
 January 1, Net realized Net unrealized and out of December 31,
(In millions)2013 gains (losses) gains (losses) settlements Level 3(a)2013
Debt securities                 
   Fixed income and cash                  
      investment funds$ 50 $ (7) $ - $ (43) $ - $ -
   Residential mortgage-backed  3   -   -   -   (3)   -
   Other debt securities  22   -   -   (22)   -   -
Private equities  6,878   525   588   (1,675)   (47)   6,269
Real estate  3,356   23   330   (355)   -   3,354
Other investments 1,694  (1)  200  (77)  (194)  1,622
 $12,003 $540 $1,118 $(2,172) $(244) $11,245

(a)       Transfers in and out of Level 3 are considered to occur at the beginning of the period.

Changes in Level 3 Investments for the Year Ended December 31, 2012
        Purchases, Transfers  
         issuances in and/or  
 January 1, Net realized Net unrealized and out of December 31,
(In millions)2012 gains (losses) gains (losses) settlements Level 3(a)2012
Debt securities                 
   Fixed income and cash                  
      investment funds$ 62 $ - $ 9 $ (21) $ - $ 50
   U.S. corporate  3   (1)   -   (2)   -   -
   Residential mortgage-backed  5   (2)   -   -   -   3
   Other debt securities  146   (2)   -   (122)   -   22
Private equities  6,786   133   438   (479)   -   6,878
Real estate  3,274   20   279   (217)   -   3,356
Other investments  1,709   32   72   (71)   (48)   1,694
 $ 11,985 $ 180 $ 798 $ (912) $ (48) $ 12,003

(a)       Transfers in and out of Level 3 are considered to occur at the beginning of the period.

